There are plenty of things money can buy, but self-awareness, unfortunately, isn’t one of them.
As life often shows, some very wealthy individuals who’ve never had to worry about making ends meet can grow entitled and out of touch with the struggles of others.
This entitlement often leads to unforgettable encounters that others can’t help but share online. We’ve gathered some of these stories for you below—scroll down to read them and let us know what you think!
More info: Reddit
Worked with this kid who was a good kid, but completely disconnected from financial reality for most people. He’d just moved out west from another state and was trying to get on like a “normal” adult.
He went to buy a new car and was shocked that they couldn’t just bill his dad for it, since they didn’t know him.
He ordered a bottle of wine at a restaurant and the sommelier said “certainly, sir.” Then the sommelier whispered “just for your knowledge, sir, the bottle is $700.”
He looked straight at him and asked “is that a lot?”
The sommelier honestly didn’t know how to answer.
Good kid, and he got a lot better, but he just didn’t know. Once he casually told his mom he needed some help with bills and she deposited $20,000 into his account.

Image credits: gaqua
I worked at a Starbucks and we hired a new guy, who I was training. At one point, I had to show him how to clean the restrooms. I grab the bleach, and hand him a pair of gloves and he looks at me in disgust and says, "we don't have a *maid* to clean the bathrooms??"
He quit the next day lol.

Image credits: sholbyy
One of my friend's friend ended up paying for a night out food and entertainment. He’d go up before we got the bill and just pay. No matter how much we argued with him and tried to pay him back wouldn’t take it nice dude mad baller rich.

Image credits: kharghulkaka
One of my college classmates wrecked his Range Rover over winter break and came back in an Aston Martin.

Image credits: vobvobvob99
Rich kid I know brought $1000 to the book fair in elementary school yea $1000 that’s not a typo

Image credits: LukesGotSwagger
Probably too late to the party here but I ended up at one of those fancy private universities. Coming from a small Ohio town, it resulted in a lot of “culture shock”. One of the most memorable moments was when I was eating breakfast at one of the campus restaurants super early before I opened the store I worked at and there was a girl at a table with her friend just completely broken down sobbing. She was basically incomprehensible and I immediately thought she must have lost a family member and my heart broke for her...until, through rolling tears. She managed to croak out “it’s just not f..f..faiiiir!! I asked for a Mercedes and he got me a ..a...BMWwwwww.” Then just breaks into guttural sobs.
Meanwhile, I’m hoping my paycheck can cover an overdue oil change on my 1998 Plymouth neon ?.

Image credits: DougJudyBK99
I've seen this Aussie guy in a Thai pub on Koh Samui, he wanted to show bar girls that he's rich and lit up his cigarette using a burning 1,000 baht bill. He probably did not know how Thais love their King, and that the King just recently died, and his face is on the bill. The rich kid got his but kicked so hard. Sorry for my English, but hopefully you can understand what I mean.

Image credits: oyloff
Went to school with a crazy rich kid, his parents divorced and each decided to buy his love. Mommy owned a real estate agency, so she got him a license and spoon fed him enough sales for a 6 figure income. The dad then BOUGHT HIM A MAGAZINE. Yes, the dad bought a magazine for his 24 year old son to "run". Worked about as well as you'd imagine.

Image credits: Nouseriously
When I was a kid I got bullied a lot by this one kid named Miguel growing up. His family was a lot better off and spoiled him, buying him the latest shoes, Starter jackets, video games, etc. He was always showing it off and especially liked to rub it into my face.
My parents both worked two jobs to try and provide a decent life for me growing up, but money was tight. Most of my clothes I either got from the thrift store or they were hand-me-downs from my older cousins. I remember one day my parents decided to treat me and take me to the Nike outlet and get a pair a brand new sneakers. This was the first pair of shoes I had in a long time that were *all mine* and never worn by anyone else.
I remember being so excited to wear them to school and walked into the classroom with a big smile that day. Miguel takes one look at my shoes and says, "Nice new, old shoes. I had a pair of those last year when they were cool." With a few words he completely crushed the happiness high I was riding and brought me down instantly.
I come from a low-middle income family. I was friends with someone who received a red envelope (Chinese tradition) with easily over a thousand dollars inside, and he still complained about not being able to afford x and y. I'd be lucky to even have a proper meal everyday consistently..

Image credits: anon
I work at a country club and on the 4th of July (while I was working) a little girl asked why we were closing at 7 instead of staying open all night. I told her I wanted to get to do sparklers and fireworks with my family too!
She thought about it, looked back at me and said “but... but y’all aren’t real people?”
I just had to laugh and inform her I was indeed real and all my coworkers weren’t just the slaves of the country club. Wild man.
My fiance's cousin. He managed to crash 4 cars while still in high school because his father would replace them. When he moved onto college, he got kicked out of several apartments for owning a dog when they weren't permitted. He told me he didn't care though, since his father also funded his continuous stream of new housing.

Image credits: LovelyPorcelain
This girl would always brag about how she’s been to every continent except Antarctica and that she’s visited so many countries
Then she wondered why people called her the rich kid and insisted she wasn’t rich.

Image credits: anon
This case isn't too bad, and its a bit funny. I became friends with a kid who's family was really well off. He was a really nice bloke, but a bit sheltered and University was the first time he really had any independence, but he had very little sense of what the value of a dollar really was since his folks got him what he usually wanted, compared to what normal people would spend.
There was one particular time he wanted us to eat at a resturant, and he assured us "its really good!", so we all rocked up to this place and the price for main courses started at $40 to $60, which as poor Uni students we couldnt afford, but when he realised this he was so embarrassed he got his folks to pay for it. He's finally wised up a few years later once he got more independence away from his family and made his own money, and remains one of the best blokes I know.
In middle school we were asked to draw our homes for some assignment and hand it in at the end of class. A popular, extremely wealthy kid that sat behind me raised his hand and smugly asked the teacher for another sheet of paper because he couldn’t draw it all on one page. His friends just snickered but I was cringing.
Even at 12 I remember thinking it was such a snobby thing to say.

Image credits: dominus83
I wouldn’t say rich kid but definitely spoiled brat who thought he was rich. Befriended him in 5th grade over our interest in the Yugioh trading card game. First time I hung out at his place I noticed just how littered with stuff his room was. Some even unopened.
I showed him some rare card that I had recently pulled from a pack. He got super jealous and angry that I wouldn’t trade or sell it to him. He immediately got up and walked over to the family computer and booted up a site where you could buy cards and various other toys and such.
Completely ignoring having me over he’s now on an online shopping spree adding stuff to the cart. After adding a few things he yells “where’s the credit card?” and immediately his older sister comes running up the stairs to yell “Kyle, mom said no more buying stuff online!” And closes the website and shuts off the computer. Kyle then proceeds to have a crying tantrum on the floor and I’m just standing there over him in shock at what’s happening and how he’s acting. I slowly stopped hanging out with him until completely avoiding him as his temperament got worse.
Kid wasn’t even rich either if I remember correctly both of his parents were cops.

Image credits: Moonlight150
Dunno if it qualifies as rich kid syndrome but when I got out of the Navy I decided to use my GI bill at one of the Penn State satellites. I was sitting in the cafeteria drinking coffee and typing up a paper when a girl sits down across from me and opens her backpack. She pulls out a sandwich bag and looks at it in disgust then looks me dead in the eye and says "I don't even know why I bother my mother never cuts off the crust". I let out one of those high pitched short laughs like is this girl for real? Oblivious to the tone of it she says "I know right" then asks me if I want it . I looked around thinking I was getting pranked or something cause this s**t is too stereotypical to be real and I just assumed I was being filmed. She shook it at me and gave me a "well?" look. So I said f**k it and took the sandwich, she then pulled out her student ID card and bought a c**p ton of french fries. That sandwich was awesome, I think the bread was homemade and it was stacked like a Dagwood. It had all kinds of expensive looking meats and Dijon mustard, serious gourmet s**t. I know this girls mother will never see this but I just wanna say someone appreciated that sandwich.
Someone’s sister got $600 shoes so the parents got the other kid shoes of the same price to stop their complaining
Edit: it was a birthday present for the first kid i should’ve said that.

Image credits: anon
This kid back in high school was whining (I mean literally whimpering) that he had to wait something like 6 weeks for his custom built BMW to come over from Germany.

Image credits: spartanburt
So my best friend's wife teaches at a ritzy 40k per year private school. As in, $40,000 a year for elementary and middle school (I think the HS is like 50k+). Well, she teaches 7th or 8th grade, I can't remember, and she said she always goes around the class after the summer break and ask them what they did over the summer and she particularly remembers one kid complaining about how much his summer sucked because he was stuck on his parent's yacht all summer and they didn't even take it to anywhere cool, just Italy.

Image credits: GeneticsGuy
Knew this one guy at my college who didn't understand why everybody is so worked up about student loans. I remember him saying something along the lines of "why don't people just pay the tuition upfront." He was also quite sheltered.

Image credits: anon
My friend literally throws away his change because he hates holding coins. Doesn't matter if its 99 cents he'll throw it away. That s**t adds up.

Image credits: Lemuria_666
My mom's friend used to buy new clothes each season and throw out the old ones. She had to be taught by her husband to save them for the next year.
Edit: This happened way back in the '50's. Her family was very rich, and he was just a normal guy.

Image credits: AuthorizedVehicle
A guy looked at my $2,000 beater car in college and commented that it must've been really cheap and guessed $15,000.
**edit:** For anyone curious it was a Kia Rio 2005 with 120k miles on it.

Image credits: anon
I've posted this before, and I need to say first off the bat that this is about my best friend and she is the best person I know; ie not normally "rich kid" or anything.
I was complaining about how I was short on money one month (just couldn't go out to eat) because I had to pay rent and pay for tag renewal all in the same paycheck. She looked at me, super seriously, and was like "don't worry they send you those in the mail for free!"
After a long discussion she learned that in fact, her mom had been paying for her new tags every year.
I work for a dentist and her son is a spoiled brat. He was at the office one day because she had to bring him to an appointment later that day. He got bored and went out wandering around some of the local shops. He came back a little while later and without any preamble walked up to her and said "give me $80". She asked him what it was for and he just repeated himself and she gave it to him.
Edit: Did not expect this to blow up. I'll answer a few questions if I can. So the kid is 19 years old, he was 17 at the time of this incident. The father is in the picture but my boss (the dentist) is the main breadwinner and disciplinarian of the family. The husband is more like another child and just works here and there and lives off her money. She tries to act tough and instill certain morals and values in her kids but then turns around and caves to all of their demands. For example, her twin daughters are going to university next year and instead of staying in a dorm they demanded a two bedroom two bathroom apartment. They refused to share a bedroom or even a bathroom. At first she told them absolutely not but they whined and complained and she caved. This will be a 2 bed 2 bath apartment in Toronto by the way where rent prices are through the roof. My boss is very much about appearances and from a young age got her kids accustomed to a privileged lifestyle. She created monsters.
Edit 2: Yes, they are totally like Jean Ralphio and Mona Lisa Sapperstein.

Image credits: anon
I knew a girl whose allowance was $90 a day. She got into trouble so they cut it to $90 a week.

Image credits: Wright4000
Went to a destination wedding in Mexico resort. Rich kids rented a golf cart, tore through the streets and flipped the cart (injuring people and causing a huge commotion and traffic jam).
A Mexican lady comes out and begins to scold them for their behavior. "You wouldn't act this way at home!"
Rich kid responds, "I promise you we do."
It was the earnestness of his reply that got me.
Edit: he really believed he was placating her with that response. There's gotta be a German word for something being funny because the other party is aloof to their own behavior.
Apparently there was this 15 year old girl who was going on an exotic vacation to some pacific island or something. But her favorite show was on tv the day of their flight, and she really wanted to see it. Her parents delayed the flight so that she could watch an episode of her favorite show.

Image credits: 733094
One girl from my high school got breast implants for her 18th birthday. Her mom joined her as a mother/daughter bonding activity, followed by the daughter getting a brand new $90,000 Mercedes as a high school graduation gift.

Image credits: Bammerice
Guy buys $500 headphones from a VENDING MACHINE cause he lost his old pair...
Like who buys from a f*****g tech vending machine impulsively
EDIT: It was in a university campus (not airport) and the dude bought beats. So not audiophile or noise canceling.

Image credits: Ricky_RZ
This is pretty tame, but it's what I got.
I used to work as an after-school babysitter for a LOADED doctor couple with two kids. My job was mainly to pick up the younger kid from school and hang out till his parents got home. He was a good kid, but coddled and immature. He was in 5th or 6th grade at this point. Oftentimes he would not be at his classroom when I came to get him, and the school campus was huge. Different buildings, courtyards, playgrounds, the works. If he wasn't at his classroom I had to comb the whole campus, and he was rarely in the same place twice. He had a cell phone, but usually ignored its existence except for playing games on it in the car.
The school was in the city and I had to park on the street. A couple of times I wound up with parking tickets because, despite having stuffed the meter with enough quarters to presumably result in ample time, the search for my charge would take much longer than anticipated. After a point, I mentioned this to him, calmly asking that he respect my time and stay in a set location so that I don't end up with a $25 ticket again. He looked at me with a good-natured shrug and said "Well, that's not much. You can afford that."
Sonny, your parents paid me $140 a week and I was in college. I know you live in a $1.4 million house and your dad buys you an expensive new toy every Sunday, but with the money they're forking over for your education someone ought to have taught you the value of a dollar by now.
But honestly, he was a nice kid. They moved away and I hope he's doing well.

Image credits: HitlerNorthDakota
My friend’s parents had a dilemma because they both bought each other new Mercedes for Valentines Day.
My fraternity brother's monthly allowance of $2000 was canceled from his parents because he made a Few F's. He then called his aunt for a separate allowance.
Edit: The dude was a massive douche. His dad is a very successful stockbroker in the Memphis/Germantown area. The kid only went to college so he could earn a degree to work at that company. The kid already had it made from day 1. I could write paragraphs on how big of a douche canoe this dude was. But honestly every single person who's replied here is a better person than he was.
Edit 2: he blew the money on Xanax and Weed.
Edit 3: the kicker of this story was not really the amount, but the fact that the kid called up his wealthy aunt for more money.
Didn't know that foodstamps were a thing. Like, they didn't know the existence of such a system.
Edit: it's a U.S. thing.
In high school a kid was bragging that he got in his third fender bender in his "old" car (3 years old) that his parents gave him but he hated, so his parents were buying him an entirely new (current year) car to incentivize him to drive better.

Image credits: captain_screwup
A Friend of mine inherited a lot of Money, enough to buy a House and he spend it on 2 Cars.
A Subaru completely modded to Ken Blocks Version of it and some BMW, both extremely expensive. We asked him a few months alter why he didn’t buy a House with it because he still lived with his Parents. So he told us that he already owned a Penthouse, he just didn’t want to move yet...

Image credits: Arukaone
A 12 year old family friend. Got an iPhone XS for his birthday, then deliberately shattered his iPhone 8.

Image credits: anon
In High School a kid made fun of my Mother so I squared up ready to fight him and he said “If you lay a finger on me I’ll get my fathers lawyer to sue your family for everything they’ve got.” Which made me laugh call him a coward and I went on with my life.
When I was in boarding school, one of my co-boarders handed me some mail saying "do you notice anything special about this envelope". When I checked it out I realised his face was on the stamp... He was royalty...
I will add another two. Kid from Taiwan also attending same boarding school. My advent calendar had little chocolates, his had a remote control car, Sega Game Gear, etc etc...
Another teenager (16) arguing on the phone to his grandfather he didn't want a porsche, he wanted the ferrari....
Friends GF asked him to ask everyone he knew to rate one of her dads restaurants 5 stars.
It was because it was the specific one where she is working and that place has plenty of bad reviews (generally their restaurants have great reviews) and all the bad ones mention their b****y waitresses.
Guess what she works as :).
One girl at my school complained that she couldn't go to her mansion in Hawai'i for spring break so she had to go through the torture of stay at one of her other 5.
Have a teenage cousin who made fun of me because I can’t/won’t drop 1K on yeezys.

Image credits: ieffinghatemayo
I once heard a guy say "my dad gave me a small loan of a million dollars"
F****n rich a******s man.
An ex of mine who was also a coworker ... Well, I filled in her shift one day, and she thought that she should still be the one to get paid for it, since it was "her shift". I still don't understand how that made the slightest bit of sense...
Went to HS with this insufferably spoiled kid. Family had a couch in their home's elevator. And classical European sculpture (this was in the U.S.). Kid talked down to/about the less fortunate on a regular basis. Once made fun of me for picking a coin up off the ground.

Image credits: anon
Baby sat some rich kids. A couple gems where when we were watching a movie and she said someone was ugly because they were poor. Another was that they left their stove at the side of the road for hobos.
Kid was about 11
Edit because people are commenting about the stove. I have no issues with things being set out at the side of the road and wouldn't hesitate to grab something and leave things out myself. It was the hobo thing that irked me.
"Why don't you just get a pass to Disney and universal?"
The people at my school tbh cannot fathom having multiple spiders in their house in a week.

Image credits: Ya-boi-Joey-T
This rich b***h in high school got a BMW for her 17th birthday. About a week later she totaled it and me and a few of my friends wondered what happened considering there considered pretty safe and reliable. Apparently she wanted a brand new 2000 BMW 3. Series and she got a 1997.
In high school this one girl was talking to her friend and complaining about getting a PS4 for Christmas instead of an Xbox One. The entire time I was thinking "I'll take it!".
The rich guy I worked for homeschooled the little brats. I worked at his home office so would frequently do work in the residence portion. I walked into the schoolroom to do some kind of repair one day. The 6 year old kid looked at me, turned away and said in disgust “I’m tired of all these workers coming in and disturbing me”. Kind of funny but also a little alarming at the same time.
*Young celebrity posts a pic of a house they just bought
"That house isn't that nice, my cousin's house is way nicer".
She got a new, super expensive phone for Christmas, then got a new even more expensive phone for valentines day. Gave the old one to one of her friends. Constantly has super expensive items and her dad drives her to school every day in his Lamborghini and is picked up in a limo. Super bratty and can't stand it when something doesn't go her way or when she isn't put in charge.
I was tossing the football in my friends place and we almost hit his expensive tv.His response was don’t worry my dad will just buy me another one.
A friend of mine who has never worked a day in his life who was given everything through his parents. Including 3 cars he crashed. After he graduated college he got a job handed to him through his dad. Makes 6 figures. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy he has a good life but he never struggled a day in his life. He’s never sat through a job interview or ever even made a resume’.
This girl I went to school with always brought up how her dad was the inventor of toaster strudel.
I understand that to a certain extent it was exaggerated for the cameras - but I was 12-14 when 'My Sweet 16' was huge so I was an avid viewer, and it always blew my mind when the kids threw rage fits about getting a f*****g expensive car, instead of the super f*****g expensive car they wanted.
This one kid in high school got a 1967 Jaguar as his first car.
And proceeded to ruin this classic car by driving it at high speed over speed bumps, scraping the sides with tight turns/side swipes, backing into parking spaces until the rear hit the curb and killing the clutch twice.
Bragging is one of my pet-peeves. There's a coworker that constantly brags of how her mom buys her purses, nails, and hair done. The coworker makes decent money, why can't she buy her own and stop mooching/bragging? Or just enjoy it, without bragging?
Casually referencing an African safari trip she went on as a child, while stealing a stranger's umbrella in a bar.
I hate to say this, but possibly my brother. My dad bought him a Mercedes Benz as his first car. Within two years owning it, my brother had had it broken into once, had the key snapped in half in the ignition and flooded the engine at least once. He had no idea how to take care of it. My dad said it was probably the stupidest thing he'd ever done for my brother.