Psychologists say six types of phrases are heard in the most successful relationships, and they can help avoid conflict when discussions become heated.
The movies might make it look easy, but relationships are hard to maintain and, if you've got children, you might find you don't have as much time to spend on connecting with your partner as you'd like. It's natural for your relationship to change after having a baby - you might feel like you've gone off sex, while others may start to feel more easily irritated by your partner. However this change manifests, it's likely that you're looking for ways to spice up your relationship.
And you don't have to be spending time between the sheets to do that. Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman are psychologists and relationship experts, and they've been married for 35 years - so they know a thing or two about staying together. In a recent article for CNBC, they outlined six categories of phrases that happy couples use when conflict arises - and added that it's something "anyone can learn to do".
We've outlined the Gottmans' tried-and-true phrases below - all of which have come from years of observation of over 30,000 couples...
6 phrases for de-escalating conflict
1. I feel
Use 'I feel' phrases when you need help expressing your emotions in the moment.
- “I feel blamed. Can you rephrase that?”
- “I feel like you don’t understand me right now.”
- “That hurt my feelings.”
2. I need to calm down
Use 'I need to calm down' phrases when you start feeling flooded and/or need a moment of repair.
- “Can I take that back?”
- “Can I have a hug?”
- “I need your support right now.”
3. I'm sorry
Use the words 'I'm sorry' when you need help phrasing an apology.
- “How can I make things better?”
- “I want to be gentler to you right now and I don’t know how.”
- “My reactions were too extreme. I’m sorry.”

4. Stop action
Use 'stop action' phrase when you are flooded and need a break.
- “Give me a moment. I’ll be back.”
- “Let’s agree to disagree here.”
- “I’m feeling flooded. Can we take a break and talk about something else for a bit?”
5. Getting to yes
Use 'getting to yes' phrases when you want to validate your partner or meet them halfway.
- “I agree with part of what you’re saying.”
- “Let’s compromise here.”
- “I never thought of things that way.”
6. I appreciate
Use 'I appreciate' phrases when you want to make a repair and add positivity.
- “I love you.”
- “One thing I admire about you is...”
- “I understand.”
Just like it's important to have a list of questions to ask your partner for a relationship check in, having a list of ways to de-escalate conflict can help you to build a healthier relationship and tackle the early signs of divorce.
By using these six types of phrases, you and your partner can repair with each other when it all gets a bit much, and get your relationship back on track.
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