PEDESTRIAN.TV has teamed up with Griffith University to help you make the right changes for your career.
If you’re starting uni, odds are you’re coming into it with a bunch of different expectations. Maybe you’re planning on joining every social club, or you’ve made the commitment to dress for every class. It’s nice to have goals. But perhaps you’re also wondering how uni is going to impact your life.
Your time at uni is more than just making sure you’re getting ace grades to graduate (although that is really important). Uni will teach you more than just how to write a full essay the night before it’s due and how to wrangle a group project together. It’ll teach you a ton about your personal limits, challenge your habits and how you engage with your peers. It’s why the people you meet in uni will become your friends for life; you’ll come out of it knowing so much more about yourself and what you want.
But don’t just take it from me. I bugged our very own staff at Pedestrian to share with me the life lessons they learned at uni so that you, dear reader, can get an idea of what to expect.
Here’s what the Pedestrian staff had to say.
Simran – News Writer

One of the biggest lessons I learned at Griffith University? Never be afraid to ask questions — seriously! In one of my workshops, our professor insisted we kick things off by asking a question, no matter how silly it seemed. At first, I was terrified — I grew up in an academic world where asking questions felt like admitting defeat (also, I partly blame Rory Gilmore for this). But you know what? That little rule made all the difference. It created this safe space where we could admit we didn’t have all the answers. Everyone was in the same boat, and suddenly, asking questions became a way to connect and dive deeper into discussions.
In fact, asking questions helped me realise that even after graduating, I still had a lot to learn about what my passions were. Griffith gave me the opportunity to explore my different options through electives. I dived into an ‘Intro To Journalism’ class (which I loved) and even took a life drawing class during my ‘artist phase’. Spoiler alert: I sucked! But stepping outside my comfort zone taught me so much about myself. And knowing Griffith would be there to catch me if I stumbled? That was a comforting thought.
What mattered to me most during my time at Griffith was that I was working towards a chance to make a real difference in the world. As cheesy as that sounds (seriously, the lactose intolerance is playing up after that line), my purpose is to change the world for the better, for my community. I graduated with those degrees because I thought if I knew how the world worked, I could figure out how to make some part of it better. And I’d like to believe that I’m on my way to that goal.
Even after I graduated I was still able to ask the support team at uni for help and guidance to figure out my career. We went through multiple pro-con lists, strategy seshes and chats with journalism profs (where I asked all the silly questions) and, in the end, I found my way to be the journalist I am today.
It was definitely tough being thrown into a world that I was not familiar with at all, but Griffith taught me that curiosity isn’t a weakness; it’s a strength. Now, I carry this lesson with me everywhere, it seems obvious, but it just clicked in uni.
Having moved around a lot — India, Malaysia and Australia — I was raised to see the importance of community. My parents always say that the things you do should always try to be for the greater good. Luckily, Griffith embraced that ethos, too. I was able to join the uni’s Red Cross Society and even got to go to Fiji with the Griffith Business School to learn about different industries and cultures firsthand. Truly, that trip was a game-changer for me, and I made lifelong memories and friends.
Mateus – Creative Strategy

Every lecturer will tell you this, but putting in the effort does actually make you stand out — not just in university but also outside of it. In uni, I’d always chat with the teachers about the subject and readings where I could, and made it known that I was keen on what we were learning. It helped teachers understand how they could also take me to the next level and proved to them that I was taking things seriously.
This doesn’t just have to be specific to uni either. Whether that’s making the extra effort to show up for friends, helping people out around work, or even taking the time to dress nice when going out. Enthusiasm is contagious, and if you give people energy, they’ll give it back to you.
Jack – Advertising and Partnerships Manager

The friends you make during high school will be very different from the friends you meet at uni. Be open-minded, and be ready to meet a different range of people you wouldn’t normally be friends with. For example, I was never a part of the ski society, but did I go on the ski trip and get lit? Yes.
My other pro tip is to make friends with people on the events management course. They will work for event companies and, if you’re good with them, can help you jump some queues and get VIP passes and free drinks on entry. Of course, you shouldn’t be making friends with people just to use them, but it’s good to keep an open mind about making friends in different areas and how you can all help each other later in life.
Adam – Video Producer

Saying it for the people at the back, but BUILD A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR TUTORS.
Have an actual friendship with them, and tell them you’re passionate about the subject. Showing them your enthusiasm makes you stand out, but also, it’s so much easier for them to understand and empathise whenever life decides to go to shit.
I had a situation where I needed an extended extension on an assignment. If I hadn’t attended classes or built that relationship with my lecturer, they wouldn’t have been so generous, and I might have failed that subject.
The same goes for work. Treat your managers and colleagues like people, and they’ll be more understanding when life comes up and you need time off.
Jasmine – Senior Native Content Manager

Get involved in everything! From extracurricular events to social and academic clubs, you’ll never regret putting yourself out there and making the most of every moment.
It goes by so quickly, and you never know how that one conversation with a peer at lunch could turn into an opportunity months or years down the line.
Emily – Native Writer

I low-key hated high school and expected I wouldn’t gel with people in university either, but I was proven wrong fairly quickly. You’d be surprised at how much you enjoy it because you’re learning about the things you’re actually interested in and able to find people who’ll match your energy.
So, that’s my life tip for uni. Find things that match your interests, and you’ll find cool people who’ll become your friends for life.
Want a career with impact? Whatever it is that gets you out of bed in the morning, make it matter at Griffith University.
The post 6 Lessons From Uni That Shaped The PTV Staff’s Lives And I’m Not Crying, You Are appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .