The AI boom is causing a stir in workspaces and markets. Unsurprisingly, the conversation thus far has been dominated by panic, mostly over lost jobs. But AI also promises to make everyone's lives easier in a variety of ways. Don't let the gloomy narrative keep you from taking advantage of these useful life hacks.
Medical Advice
A trip to the hospital is rarely fun. The AI-powered app Vital aims to make the experience a little less painful. Used by more than 100 hospitals, the program predicts wait times and explains medical results to patients without technical jargon that can be difficult to understand. Vital provides four main options: ERAdvisor for the emergency department, CareAdvisor for inpatient stay, AccessAdvisor for follow-up, and CareAssist for staff coordination. On top of making the experience less anxiety-laden for patients, Vital can also ease doctors' burdens and help them redirect their time in more productive ways.
Healthy Living
Staying fit can be a hassle, but AI can help. Schedule-generating apps such as FitnessAI, Aaptiv, and Fitbod optimize workouts by personalizing them for each user. Besides helping you prepare for and log workouts, FitnessAI can be a sort of computerized personal trainer with its built-in messaging function, while Aaptiv provides virtual trainers through video and audio. All three apps cost under $100 annually—far cheaper than a traditional personal trainer.
Personal Finance
Young people thrust into the work force after college graduation may feel clueless trying to navigate their personal finances. If that's you, then you might like Cleo. From planning budgets to building credit, the app coaches users on their spending habits, income, and credit history. In addition, Cleo's AI-powered chat option has a "roast me" and "hype me" mode that calls users out for bad spending decisions and commends responsible spending.
Daily Planning
AI technology can also help you organize and better execute your daily routines beyond physical workouts. Enter Motion, which uses automated scheduling to help users prioritize important tasks with meetable deadlines—eliminating, in theory, the time expended on planning. Motion claims its users experienced a 137 percent increase in productivity.
Trip Planning
Organizing a vacation can be a challenge. Getaways are supposed to be about relaxation, a goal undermined by endless debates about location, itinerary, time, and money. It's enough to make sitting on a couch look like a better option. Luckily, AI search engines can act as your virtual tour guides. Layla, for example, not only generates an automatic itinerary in seconds; it has an AI-powered travel agent to help you purchase your flights and lodging. Curioso can rapidly and precisely map out an entire trip while calculating the expected costs, stopping points, and transportation needs—so there's no excuse to stay home on the sofa.
Writing Assistance
When OpenAI's ChatGPT took off, some students unfortunately used it to produce allegedly original class essays. But writing isn't AI's newest skill, relatively speaking. By now, Google users are acclimated to the company's machine learning, which has suggested how to finish sentences for years. Since 2009, the cloud-based assistant Grammarly has corrected users' spelling and grammatical errors as well as other textual blunders. Everybody needs someone to look over their writing, and AI developers are happy to help.
The post 6 AI Life Hacks You Can Use Right Now appeared first on Reason.com.