Most of us have a general idea of how we learn best. Some might retain information better by listening or taking notes, while others may prefer being hands-on with the topic or looking at tables and diagrams. When it comes down to it, there’s no one size fits all.
Today, visual learners are in luck because we’re looking at a subreddit called “Infographics,” a collection of data visualizations in various forms, like bar charts and heat maps. Full of colors and creative imagery, they’re both educational and fun. Scroll down to find the best ones that might change the way you see the world.
#1 Evolution Of The Alphabet

Image credits: Heath-Relecovo
#2 The Average Cost Of Insulin By Country

Image credits: jpc4stro
#3 Measure System In The United States And In The Rest Of The World

Image credits: rdfporcazzo
Infographics are a creative way to display data that breaks up complex information into bite-sized pieces. For this reason, it can be a great learning tool in education.
For one, such visualization can hold a person’s attention for longer. As people are exposed to more and more information every day, it’s hard to keep them focused and prevent them from quickly moving on to the next shiny piece of statistics.
Just for us to imagine how distracting it can get, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data were created daily in 2021, according to The Next Tech. Therefore, infographics can help by taking an overwhelming amount of facts and presenting them with engaging images and colors.
Besides, most people process visual material much faster and tend to recall it better.
#4 The Deadliest Hunters On Land (Based On Successful Kill Percentage)

Image credits: jpc4stro
#5 Best Kind Of Street Lamps

Image credits: FluxCrave
#6 The Current Us Healthcare System vs. A Single Payer System

Image credits: Dre_wj
Neuroscientists from MIT found that the brain analyzes an image in 13 milliseconds, making these visuals a great learning aid. Our mind also tends to attach emotion to pictures, which explains why the average person remembers 65% of visual information ten days later, while they can recall only 10% of something they heard ten days ago.
Furthermore, they often prove effective in education because they use images to highlight, explain, or enhance text-based information, which also encourages data retention for many learners.
#7 We Live In A World Of

Image credits: robustfireweed
#8 15 Famous Cats In The History Of Mankind

Image credits: Murmeo
#9 Life From Single Cell To Naked Ape

Image credits:
In addition, these visuals can be applied for a variety of uses. They are ideal for foregrounding important events in a historical period. They help us understand how certain occurrences interconnect and influence each other and how they have affected the world.
By using infographics, number-heavy statistics can be made more interesting, and adding diagrams and short text makes them easier to process and remember.
#10 Everything Owned By Nestle

Image credits: wrestlebuffet
#11 Guide To Different Types Of Forks

Image credits: _Mr_Serious
#12 The Best Company Name Changes

Image credits: giuliomagnifico
Teachers can also use them as assignments for homework. Giving them a long text and letting them transform it into something more appealing provides them with the opportunity to be more creative and shakes up the ordinary routine.
While doing it, they also conduct research and try different applications of information. As a result, learners demonstrate critical thinking by filtering data, identifying patterns, and presenting carefully curated projects.
#13 Highest Ocean Plastic Waste Polluters

Image credits: giuliomagnifico
#14 Batmobile, From 1966 To 2016

Image credits: giuliomagnifico
#15 The Most Popular Car Colors In The Us

Image credits: jpc4stro
If children are only taught through lectures or text, teachers are neglecting 65% of visual learners, and they miss the opportunity to increase retention rates, which are essential in the assessment strategies of schools.
#16 Something To Consider Before Enrolling

Image credits: ExNihiloAdInfinitum
#17 Top 20 Major Companies In The Us With Worst Employee Retention

Image credits: redeggplant01
#18 The Highest-Grossing Biopics Of All Time

Image credits: giuliomagnifico
Even though infographics might seem intimidating, there are plenty of tools online that can be helpful, such as Infogram, Canva, Easelly, and Edraw. Their designers advise having an outline before starting the creative process. Try to decide which points are essential. Then, you can move on to ensuring that the readers are guided through the visuals and that the story you’re telling is coherent and has a gradual ending.
#19 History Of Rising Temperature

Image credits: nkj94
#20 Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi Revenue [oc]

Image credits: carbon_finance
#21 The Highest-Paid Dead Celebrities Of 2023

Image credits: jpc4stro
As for the aesthetic part, a step in the right direction would be choosing the right fonts. Two are more than enough – one for the title and one for the body text. A more fun and decorative one can be used for the header, while the remaining information can be formatted with a simpler one so it’s easily readable. The typeface should also reflect the topic. Storytelling that’s more youthful and entertaining deserves a font that portrays this.
#22 World Economy

Image credits: Client-Klutzy
#23 The World’s Top 10 Electronics Exporters

Image credits: jpc4stro
#24 Popular Names That Died Off On The Us

Image credits: jpc4stro
#25 Evolution Of Helmet Design

Image credits: GeneticVariant
The same goes for colors – try to keep them visually appealing and stick with three or four that work well together. Finally, the goal with these visual aids is to portray data in a simple way, so don’t overcrowd it. Leave plenty of space between images and statistics, and use as little text as possible.
#26 The World’s 15 Most Popular Cocktails

Image credits: jpc4stro
#27 The Busiest Airports In 2023

Image credits: jpc4stro
#28 Spotify Still Can't Make Money

Image credits: carbon_finance
#29 The Best-Selling Mobile Phones Of All Time

Image credits: giuliomagnifico
#30 Cities With The Most Millionaires In The World

Image credits: giuliomagnifico