There’s no arguing about taste when it comes to most things, including art, food, and even attraction. You tend to know what you like instinctively, and there’s nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about. Some people feel so comfortable having embraced these truths about themselves that they don’t mind sharing their thoughts with others online.
The members of the CasualConversation group opened up about the conventionally unattractive features of the human body that they personally find particularly attractive. Scroll down to see what their niche romantic preferences are like. Crows feet and gap teeth are just the tip of the iceberg.
Bored Panda reached out to artist AxelPogg, who sparked the online discussion, to hear his thoughts on attractive personality traits, not just physical ones. You'll find the thoughts he shared with us below.
Going grey gracefully, I always find people of a certain age who still dye their hair look way older than those who don’t (Jonathan Ross, Paul McCartney)
I love that Matt LeBlanc chose the natural look, he looks bomb!
ETA: I realised I’ve only used men in this example but it absolutely extends to women!!
Growing old is a privilege not everybody has, live well, laugh often and love always ❤️.

Image credits: Ok-Apple-1878
Making a good first impression is obviously something that many of you hope to do, whether you're dating or not. However, how you look and how utterly amazing your job is might not be what you should exclusively focus on.
The BBC reports that appearance and sexiness rank near the middle in surveys of people’s preferred characteristics. Meanwhile, things like financial prowess and having a super nice house rank among the least important attractive qualities. Instead, it’s certain personality traits that leave a much more powerful impact!
“Traits like agreeableness, extraversion, and intelligence score consistently higher than physical attraction as things that men and women in same-sex and different-sex couples look for in a partner,” the BBC explains.
I. Adore. Crows feet. Why would anyone hate them or get rid of them???
Anything that suggests you spend lots of time smiling and laughing or looking around at a world bathed in sunlight has always been so attractive to me.

Image credits: backtoyouesmerelda
Freckles and/or sunspots. Every long-term partner I've had had them all over. No idea why, but I just love them!

Image credits: MNcatfan
However, psychology professor Greg Webster from the University of Florida notes that people tend to give answers that they think make them look good in the eyes of others. This is social-desirability bias. And, as such, this might skew the results a bit. That being said, people still typically say they prefer intelligence over looks.
Agreeableness is a strong predictor of current and future relationship satisfaction. When combined with physical attractiveness, agreeableness can also predict desire for a serious relationship. Webster notes that being nice is “indispensable for harmonious long-term relationships” and that “agreeableness is kind of a necessity.”
Crooked noses, when you see people getting surgery for that turned up button nose it’s so boring and strips the person of personality in their face.

Image credits: Purple_Budgie29
I worry about my own aging skin... some wrinkles, chin not as tight, etc. But when I see other people with various stages of older skin I realize I don't see it in a negative way, I think they look nice. It's normal and natural to age that way, and I think it looks fine.

Image credits: MCC61
Thick eyebrows. I don’t know why but I think girls with natural eyebrows are very pretty lol.

Image credits: -PM_ME_UR_SECRETS-
Furthermore, when you combine agreeableness with social, physical, and financial dominance, you get attraction.
“We can think about dominance as being turned inward towards a relationship or dominance being focused outward away from the relationship. What people want are partners who are socially, physically or financially dominant, but not necessarily towards their partner,” Webster noted.
“It's one thing if you're able to dominate other people, but are you willing to share those resources with your romantic partner?”
Thin lips in women. I've noticed that every single western female celebrity did a lip surgery or does lip fillers, even if their lips are not that thin at all. You barely can find thin lips in western actress, singers, bloggers, politicians. Even every middle class women does lip fillers. And average lips started being considered thin nowadays and estheticians recommend fillers for them.

Image credits: veturoldurnar
Very dark brown eyes. Almost black. Not saying this is considered unattractive, but they’re common. Everyone is always oohing and ahhing over people with light blue or green eyes and I think having dark eyes is more attractive and comforting/reassuring for some reason.

Image credits: anon
Im autistic and an artist, and i find that my veiw on people in art influences how i see people, I find people with unique faces really attractive. and I don't just mean 'hot unique', because honestly, most conventionally 'hot' people look the same to me. and people who have the same, perfect proportions are always less fun to study and draw. I mean big/ crooked noses, noticably long/ short/ round faces, negative canthal tilt, crooked teeth, cleft lip, chubby people, muscular women, acne, freckles, moles, etc. I love all these features, I find these things appealing to look at apposed to the 'Hollywood standard' of prettiness.
We were curious to hear about the inspiration behind the online thread. "I think I just made that post because I was thinking about how cool stretch marks are and how much I like them; that was about it," artist AxelPogg told Bored Panda.
However, he was quite surprised by just how much attention his question got online. "I did not expect the post to blow up the way it did. But posts with more general questions like that tend to get thousands of comments from what I've seen on the subreddit since. People like giving their own take on stuff like that, which is why I think it got so much attention."
A guy having a tummy ❤️ You guys don’t have to be rock solid bodybuilders for people to be attracted to you.

Image credits: Anxious_Mango_1953
I love short men ❤️ always have, always will
There's something irresistible about a short guy with confidence.

Image credits: Mioune
Scars. They always have a story behind them. For example, I have bite marks on my face from when my dog bit my head when I was little and my left eye is closed because of a brain surgery to remove a tumor. A cut across the body or a missing limb is pretty attractive to me.

Image credits: _satantha_
Bored Panda also wanted to get the author's thoughts on non-physical personality traits that he personally thinks might be universally attractive.
"I think a universally attractive trait is just being kind and considerate," he shared his perspective.
"That might sound sad since it's the bare minimum, but it's becoming more rare by the day, I feel, so we should appreciate it when we come across it and try to be more considerate to everyone around us." If you'd like to learn more about the artist, you can visit his Carrd profile.
Women with strong backs and or broad shoulders.

Image credits: CaptainBloodEye1
I heard some things about about women being insecure about their hip dips. At the time I had no idea what they were so I looked it up.
Turns out I'm very attracted to hip dips.

Image credits: scotterson34
For me, it’s pores or like skin that looks human. Idk if you get it, but these days when I see that glass skin trend in movies or social media, I’m like “where is the texture?”. So I’m a straight female, I prefer seeing a male with real skin and pores, just make them more manly haha.

Image credits: rui_ruii
What physical traits do you find the most attractive, dear Pandas? Are any of them something that society might find a bit peculiar? Physicality aside, what personality traits and behaviors do you personally find to be the most desirable in romantic partners? Let us know in the comments!
I loveee wide-set eyes. ill see certain actresses refered to as fish or rango characters because their eyes are so far apart but genuinely i think that is such an ethereally beautiful feature to have.

Image credits: Embarrassed-Street60
I love it when women's ears stick out, like if they have straight hair and their ears poke through it. I think it's hella cute.

Image credits: th0t__police
Bald could be a good hairstyle for many women. For some reason it's almost universally hated.

Image credits: RRautamaa
A girl having a bit of tummy. A small pouch.
Crooked teeth are very endearing on girls & guys.

Image credits: hevu
Frizzy hair, not controlled curls, but just an absolute mess of weird. Love it. Give up the frizz ease!

Image credits: RetractableLanding
Small butts for me. I never understand the ridicule they get.

Image credits: n*pplequeefs
The guy I like have natural “vampire teeth” and I think it’s so freaking cute!!
I also like freckles (the more the merrier), big nose, gummy smile, scars.
I've heard that this wasn't normal so i'll add it here
Something about them makes me go f*cking bananas.

Image credits: Tydeeeee
My boyfriend has a mole on his face and I adore it. He said he was teased as a kid about it and im like hah jokes on them, you're literally the most handsome man on this planet soooooo lol
Honestly, I love body hair lol like maybe not a full blown body suit of hair, but a thick hairy chest and neck and stomach are the absolute best.

Image credits: bunniesgonebad
I love this thread! Love a big nose and gap teeth.

Image credits: Vegemiteandeggs
Small chin / weak chin. Small boobs. Not sure if necessarily a preference but I don't mind them.
I would say bunny teeth, they look so cute to me.

Image credits: Adventurous_Program6
A bit of acne and a bit of rosacea is kinda cute bc it brings some colour to the face depending on skin tone. I think a 100% even skin tone is not as cute as the natural slight redness some ppl have. And people call it "blotchiness" and try to get rid of it but i think it looks nice.

Image credits: Mondai_May
Tall gums. Makes the person smile like a kid, it looks so innocent and happy.
Never realized people dislike them until I read too many comments here on Reddit.

Image credits: orchidloom
A Roman nose 👃 ufff.
A little bit of an overbite is super cute in a male or female.
Does a lisp count? Just a slight lisp that manifests now and then.
Idk what it is but snaggletooth smiles are very endearing to me.
Thick, strong thighs. On a man or a woman. I just want to nibble them. Or wrap them around me. lol.

Image credits: RunShorty
When young men have forehead wrinkles... so handsome. Older men too, but there's something about the anachronism of being young with deep forehead lines that does it for me. Also women who gray young, and/or who have chunks of gray in their hair in their 20s. Beautiful.

Image credits: anon
Vitiligo, freckles, scars. ppl say it's ugly but hell, I love it. Anything that's odd tbh. It makes them unique and somehow so beautiful.
Armpit hair on women 😵.
Women’s arms. I dunno why but I’ve always loved them. Don’t like skinny ones.
Balding, very hairy men. And I mean *hairy*. The fluffier the better. My guy is pretty hairy, but I secretly hope he's going to grow more as time goes on.

Image credits: NeedsaTinfoilHat
I love a soft man. Sure the 6 pack may be nice to look at but I want to snuggle with a softie. Belly, chest, soft arms all of it!
And long, bushy armpit hair.
Braces, probably a bit more common. My first girlfriend and I had braces at the same time so I think I kinda associated them with that honeymoon phase of my life.
My daughter has a friend who has psoriasis. She's been made fun of all her life but we just met her. She came swimming at our house and when she got out of the pool, her legs were basically polka dotted. I just thought it looked so cool and I had never seen anything like it. I voiced my opinion and she went from self-conscious to amazed by my reaction. I think I did a good deed that day in helping someone feel good about themselves.
I wouldn't say it's an attractive feature as she's just a kid but definitely something that she shouldn't be ashamed of and learn to love about herself because it looks super rad!
Ears ! People don’t necessarily hate it or love it but I am fascinated by people’s ears! I notice their ears before anything.
Like completely hairless. I promise this isn't a kink, but I've met people with alopecia or people who have very vigorous ongoing chemo treatments and I just find like, most if not all of them look sort of ethereal and beautiful to me.
If they have a mole inside their eyes. Not that “attractive” but I think it is so cool.
I personally love women’s bodies postpartum. All the tight pre-pregnancy bodies are fine but the real ideal body type is post pregnancy. Ladies, I swear to you all that is when you entry a whole new arena of being sexy confident and jaw dropping. Cheers to you all!
The creases in the back of a big lad’s big head 🥵.
When girls are a little bit cross-eyed. Idk what it is, but it's f*****g adorable.
Not really a default feature but when a girl has fake tan on and it looks really unblended and patchy I find that more attractive. Weird I know haha.
Dark circles. I hate them on myself but i LOVE them on other women and men it looks so hot.

Image credits: Distinct-Ninja-4727
Pox marks on the jaw line! A la David boreanaz as Angel in Buffy.