City of Newcastle will spend more than $50 million to reduce flood risks and improve transport links in Wallsend.
The five year infrastructure investment program will provide benefits including improved traffic flow through road upgrades and widening Minmi Road, flood mitigation, new footpaths and improved public amenity.

The first stage of the Minmi Road Western Corridor widening project starts this week with the installation of a single-lane roundabout at the intersection of Newcastle Road and Cowper Street.
This will improve traffic flow during peak periods and ease congestion, reduce bottlenecks, and increase safety for road users.
Newcastle's western suburbs have experienced strong population increases during the past decade, with Maryland, Fletcher and Minmi area growing by around 46 per cent and Wallsend and Shortland rising by more than 20 per cent since the 2011 Census.
"We are committed to delivering projects that not only benefit the community now but also pave the way for future progress as our city continues to grow," Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said.

"Our long-term plans for Wallsend recognise the needs of this booming population centre and reinforce our commitment to maintaining and enhancing its essential community infrastructure."
The dual-lane road upgrades at Minmi Road and Longworth Avenue are currently in the detailed design phase with works planned to commence next year.
To improve traffic flow both ahead of and during construction of these major upgrades, a series of associated traffic changes are also planned, with councillors to vote on the outcomes of the recent public exhibition at Tuesday's Council meeting.
Other highlights of the five-year program include bridge renewal projects at Boscawen, Cowper and Nelson streets to help reduce the risk of flooding in the Wallsend CBD.
This will be complemented by the ongoing rehabilitation of Ironbark Creek to ensure the waterway and floodplain behave in more predictable ways during major flood and rain events.
To find out more about completed or planned projects in Wallsend visit newcastle.nsw.gov.au/delivering-wallsend