Half of India's business leaders are unsure about the future of work. Five in 10 leaders in India believe that there is a need to plan for multiple possible futures around the workplace and workforce, but cost pressure and the fear of setting a precedent holds them back from taking action, according to the findings of a survey by PwC India.
The one big difference the PWC report found among India and other global leaders was this: While global leaders would rather focus on identifying the skills workers will need in the future due to rapid technological advancements, India
leaders are faced with the challenge of providing infrastructure and proper physical working environments and technology to enable workers to perform their best.
Global leaders highlight the lack of leadership capability as an inhibitor to progress, while for their Indian counterparts lack of systems and data takes precedence as an impediment. change and move the needle in business.
India's leaders increasingly agree that the workplace – which in the past was for the people – has now evolved into a workspace of the people and that the future will entail further reimagining of the workforce and work model.
"Despite this realisation, cost pressures, competing investments or priorities, lack of systems and data, and organisational culture are the biggest inhibitors faced by India leaders in creating a more fit for future workplace," said PwC India’s People and culture first: Transformation journey in the future of work report. In contrast, for their global counterparts, lack of leadership capability is a larger impediment.
Indian leaders also hilighlighted that the main blockers to building the ability to rapidly access and deploy talent were issues with systems and data, cost pressures, lack of business capability to deliver, and lack of senior leadership.
Required skillsets: For technology investments to yield returns, it is important for the workforce to be equipped with the requisite skill sets to utilise technology to the optimum. "India leaders, therefore, may need to acknowledge and prioritise skill identification with the understanding that it demands the full measure of their attention," noted the report.
The report revealed that the future of work involves tapping into talent virtually in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities on the one hand, and leveraging the gig economy on the other.
About 48 percent feel it is important to identify the potential risks that come along with replacing human work with technology. However, the survey found that they are reluctant to create a culture of transparency.
Fifty four percent of leaders realise the importance of identifying the skills but they are reluctant to take action due to competing priorities.
Nearly 4,000 business and HR leaders across 26 territories and from organisations across diverse sectors participated in the global survey, of which 210 leaders were from India.
The report also highlights the six no-regrets moves identified by India leaders to prepare for the future of work and also presents the six imperatives identified by PwC India to eliminate the blockers to workforce challenges and to future-proof organisations.
These no-regret moves, and imperatives are:
Anticipate and plan for the future: Recognise ‘prioritising and sense making’ as an organisational capability that is critical to drive investment decisions.
Build trust in the organisation: Democratise the workplace concept to focus on a ‘workplace of the people’ as against a ‘workplace for the people.’
Optimise workforce productivity and performance: Use technology to enable productivity and performance, while management enables culture.
Enable the skills of the future: Prioritise culture as a competitive advantage.
Prepare for and deploy technology with humans in mind: Focus on human-led, tech-enabled ways of working.
Build ability to rapidly access and deploy talent: View the organisation in the ‘skills and capability age.’
Chaitali Mukherjee, Partner and Leader, PwC India said, “Earlier workforce challenges centred around broader areas of organisational design and capabilities woven in with organisational culture. But with the changing nature of the workplace, the challenges seem to be more employee driven, both globally and locally. At this juncture, it is important for all organisations across the world to prioritise leadership capabilities in order to orchestrate changes and move the needle in business.”