Symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) can be embarrassing and frustrating, but ignoring them will only exacerbate the problem.
IBS is a common, long-term condition which affects the digestive system. It can cause symptoms that will come and go, but the disorder is often lifelong.
According to a new study from Bay's Kitchen, the UK's leading low FODMAP specialist food brand, has revealed as many as 65% of Brits experience IBS symptoms regularly – but 82% are yet to seek medical advice.
However, IBS and Gut Health Dietitian Kirsten Jackson has warned: "Ignoring digestive symptoms is a scary concept because your symptoms could be caused by many different conditions, including cancer. You must get checked by the doctor."

When asked what symptoms of IBS people should be on the lookout for, Kirsten told The Mirror: "The symptoms of IBS include abdominal pain, loose stools, constipation, bloating and excess gas."
However, this doesn't mean you have IBS just because you have experienced these symptoms.
She explained: "For a person's symptoms to be IBS related they need to be chronic in nature so they need to have started six months or more prior to being able to be diagnosed and be occurring at least one day a week for the past three months."
Further describing the symptoms, Kirsten said: "Someone with IBS will experience abdominal pain which is related to them opening their bowels, so their pain will get worse or better when they go for a poo.
"It can also be related to an increase or decrease in the them needing to open the bowels and also a change in how their poo looks i.e. more runny or like rabbit droppings."

In order to ease IBS symptoms, Kirsten suggests there are long term and short term ways to prevent them.
If someone experiences a sudden flare of up symptoms, the gut health expert recommends "gentle movement like yoga or walking", which can "help release trapped gas causing bloating, help bowels move for constipation issues and also help reduce stress which may be triggering symptoms".
Kirsten also recommends fibre supplements for both constipation and loose stools, such as Psyllium husk. She also says over-the-counter medications such as loperamide (for loose stools) and Buscopan (for stomach cramps) may also be useful, but they should always speak to their doctor or pharmacist before starting.
For long term prevention of IBS pain, Kirsten recommends starting the low FODMAP diet process. This is where someone reduces their intake of "fermentable carbohydrates".

Examples of foods which can cause symptoms in IBS sufferers are some dairy products and fructans in onion and garlic.
Further explaining the process, Kirsten said: "The individual reduces their intake down for a period of four to six weeks to reduce symptoms before following a structured reintroduction to identify their personal intolerances.
"Some people find this quite challenging, but there are products out there to help like Bay's Kitchen - a range of certified Low FODMAP foods that are easy to use and taste great.
"Longer-term the individual then only needs to avoid their known intolerances rather than being on an overly restrictive diet."
Another thing that can help is probiotics, which have been shown to improve symptoms in some cases – but they need to be taken for at least four weeks.
The gut health expert also recommends mindfulness-based relaxation techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises, as these can help impact the "fight or flight pathway", which is known to trigger IBS symptoms.
CBT, or cognitive behavioural therapy, can also help target the "gut-brain axis to reduce symptoms", however, Kirsten warns "this must be carried out with a therapist who is trained in IBS specifically".
Lastly, according to Kirsten, "sleep optimisation" is an often overlooked, "yet critical" method of controlling IBS. She added: "Poor sleep quality (which means both quantity and quality) has been shown in the research to worse IBS symptoms.
"When you have a lack of sleep your body is more sensitive to stress which we know can trigger IBS symptoms. Simple changes like going to bed at the same time each night so that your body can set its internal clock system is useful.
"With my clients I like to have a one hour buffer zone before their sleep time where they have a screen time ban and are in bed 30 minutes before sleeping to read a book."
If you've experienced IBS symptoms over a longer period, you should seek medical advice.
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