If you're into all things Feng Shui, you're probably well aware by now of the fact that bedrooms happen to be a key space to embrace harmonious energy. Since this room is meant to be a zen zone, there are some particular rules that can make or break the energy of the space.
In the latest on our journey into learning more about the principles of Feng Shui, we discovered that what you put above your bed matters beyond just aesthetics. In fact, housing the wrong items above your bed can cause a major energy blocks.
So, what exactly should you avoid housing above your bed? Well, let's find out.
1. Books

First on the list is something any of us with overhead shelving has been guilty of at some point — books. Feng Shui expert Dee Oujiri explains that books contain immense energy, which makes them a terrible overbed companion.
"Imagine your head spinning with words floating all around, you would not be able to relax," she explains. "So if you happen to have a library over your bed, the only edit to enhance your bedroom Feng Shui is to relocate your books."
Now that doesn't mean that you have to get them out of your bedroom at all costs. You can still have your literary collection on display in your room, just be sure to keep them in a corner and away from your headboard.
2. Shoes

"Yes, we want to keep those lovely red soles close to us and red does symbolize good luck in Feng Shui," says Dee. "But shoes essentially represent people walking all over you."
Even if you're practicing small apartment Feng Shui, we'd recommend taking a note from Dee and storing your shoes in a dedicated space that's nowhere over, near, or under your bed.
"My advice is to create a lovely shrine in your closet for your alphabet of shoes," she adds. And lucky for you, we've got a guide on the best shoe organizers that boasts solutions galore.
3. Photo Albums

According to Dee, photographic prints and curated albums hosted above beds are one of those Feng Shui mistakes experts always notice. So if you have one of those nostalgic pin boards collaged with memories, this is your sign to take it down.
"Emotionally charged items can keep you awake, not to mention they will keep you stuck in the past," she explains. "The best solution is to scan the photos and eliminate some clutter in your home."
But if you're a sentimentalist who prefers the feel of a glossy print, save your albums. Just find them a new home in a storage closet and open up the passage for positive energy, all in one go.
4. Work Out Gear

As Dee points out, there's no denying that working out is incredibly good for both your mind and body. However, stowing work out gear above and around your bed is a major Feng Shui red flag.
"You'll want to keep your workout gear far away from your bedroom, especially over your bed," she notes. "Your yoga mat may bring you zen during your session, but under your bed, it will bring you active energy, keeping your mind busy while you sleep."
If you're interested in decluttering for better Feng Shui and ridding your bedroom of stagnant energy, the best solution is to ensure that your work out gear is strictly prohibited from any and all overbed storage space.
5. Electronics

Now, this should come as no surprise but storing electronics above your bed is not a Feng Shui-approved move. Whether it be your phone, computer, or any electronic item, Dee warns to make this change now.
"Plain and simple, EMFs are proven to be unhealthy," she says. "So my advice is to make the edit and move them out of the bedroom entirely."
Out of all of these Feng Shui tips, if there's one that you should definitely take into active consideration, let it be the act of placing all of your electronic items as far away from your bed as possible.
Price: £14.03
Format: Hardcover
The Practical Guide To Feng Shui by Gill Hale is a brilliant read for amateur Feng Shui enthusiasts looking to learn more about the ins and outs of this ancient philosophy.
Price: £11.55
Format: Hardcover
Feng Shui Modern by Cliff Tan is a gold mine of tips about how to open up your space and welcome energy that will help you be more focussed and productive.
Price: £11.99
Format: Hardcover
If you're short on time but are committed to improving your home with the power of Feng Shui, 10-Minute Feng Shui by Skye Alexander should definitely be your next read.
What Should I Hang Above My Bed for Good Feng Shui?
"In the most simple Feng Shui terms, the answer is to have absolutely nothing above your head while you sleep, with the exception of a tall, fabulous headboard," says Feng Shui expert Suzanne Roynon.
"Why is this? Well energetically speaking, everything that hangs above a bed is exerting downward pressure on the sleeper below. Effectively the body is carrying the weight of whatever is above it."
So if you can help it, it's best to avoid having anything over your bed at all costs.
And if you can't help it, Dee tells us to reserve this space for our wildest desires. "Dreaming of buying a home in the Mediterranean or traveling to Europe?" she asks. "Simply add a beautiful painting or photograph of a home or your favorite spot in Europe. Each night before you go to bed, visualize yourself there and watch how quickly you manifest your desire."
Now that you're well-versed in the genre of things you should never put above your head, you can truly create a bedroom that's Feng Shui-d from wall to wall.
Start with Feng Shui bedroom colors, sort your bedroom layout, steer clear of the death position and you'll basically be a hop, skip and a jump away from the perfect sleeping space.