I cannot imagine there being a better way for Mia Goth to make her comic book movie debut and become a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe then by joining the Blade cast. The British actor is one of the top Scream Queens of her time, having starred in two of the best horror movies of 2022 alone — namely X and its prequel, Pearl, in which she played the title role. Thus, starring in Marvel Studios’ reboot of one of the top horror characters in comic book history is a pretty perfect fit.
The question is, when she does appear in Blade alongside Academy Award winner Mahershala Ali as the titular vampire hunter, who will she play? There are many really cool horror-centric Marvel characters who still have yet to have their moment in the MCU spotlight, and some of which Goth may be the right choice to portray. We figured we would speculate over who from the pages of Marvel Comics she may be bringing to life in one of the most long-anticipated upcoming Marvel movies.

Morgan Le Fay
Technically — as director Chloé Zhao confirmed to Fandom — Mahershala Ali has already made his MCU debut with a vocal, offscreen cameo as Blade in the last of the Eternals’ post-credits scenes, in which he warns Kit Harrington’s Dane Whitman about touching the Ebony Blade. However, the vampire hunter is not the only character whose involvement in the universe is teased in the clip, as the aforementioned mystical sword has canonical ties to Morgan Le Fay.
Referred to as the “Queen of Evil,” this sorcerer has existed in mythological texts that date back centuries before the comic book medium was even created, but has since become known as one of Marvel most powerful and fearsome villains. Mia Goth would be a perfect choice to bring out her ruthlessness, considering her Oscar-worthy performance in Pearl and unhinged turn in Brandon Cronenberg’s twisted 2023 thriller, Infinity Pool, prove she is really good at playing bad. This would, of course, make Elizabeth Hurley’s portrayal on Runaways officially non-MCU-canon, but I am sure that would not upset too many people.

While Goth absolutely has what it takes to play a sophisticated supernatural villain like Morgan Le Fay, I am actually even more interested in the potential of seeing her crank things up to 11 with a character who would allow the actor to channel her more brutal and animalistic side. In fact, I have a perfect character of this description in mind that would be an especially appropriate addition for Blade, considering the role has an interesting connection to the title character.
Co-created by comedian and comic book writer Brian Posehn, Shiklah is a succubus who has been married to several interesting characters in the Marvel Universe — among them Deadpool, Dracula, and also Blade. Would it not be amazing to get a reference to both the Merc with the Mouth and the lord of all vampires in one fell swoop in Blade? Of course, the mere chance to see Goth in the role is, currently, my top reason to see this character brought to life in the film.

Lilith Drake
On second thought, while it would be amazing to see Goth bring her talents for onscreen villainy to the MCU, a part of me also would be interested in seeing her branch out and take on a more heroic role that would allow her to fight side-by-side with Ali’s Blade. However, I think it also goes without saying that we would not want to see her veer too far away from the side of darkness. For that, I have yet another pitch perfect idea in the form of a character who also has some close ties to Dracula.
The daughter of the Prince of Darkness, Lilith Drake, has such a deep-seated, lifelong hatred of her own father that she would choose to use her vampiric abilities for good instead of evil (for the most part). Of course, this is another example of a character who was previously portrayed on a Marvel TV show (by Saraya Jade-Bevis on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), but since that is not officially canon anymore, I think casting Goth would be fine.

Rachel Van Helsing
On second thought, while seeing Goth play Dracula’s daughter would be an absolute dream, what if Kevin Feige and co. would rather not introduce another iteration of Lilith Drake into the mix so soon? If that turns out to be the case, I have a great character in mind, who also happens to be another descendent of a legendary figure of folklore and possesses certain vampiric abilities.
As you might be able to guess from her last name, Rachel Van Helsing is a descendant of the iconic vampire hunter Mortdecai Van Helsing. After Dracula murdered her mother and father and bestowed upon her powers similar to his own with a scar on her forehead, she would follow in her ancestor’s footsteps and hunt monsters of all kinds. She seems like the exact kind of person whom Blade might like to have around while on the prowl.

Glory Anah
Having other people around while on the prowl is certainly not an uncommon occurrence for Blade, who has actually been affiliated with a number of different teams, such as the Avengers, the Howling Commandos (a S.H.I.E.L.D. unit consisting of supernatural entities), Silvereye, and Bloodshadows. If that last crew I named — a Depression-era street gang that became a group of occult hunters once Blade assumed leadership — were to make their official screen debut in the upcoming superhero movie, I have the perfect role for Goth.
Her name is Glory Anah — a member of the Bloodshadows whose vampiric attributes make her a worthy comrade while on the hunt for bloodsuckers. Even if this ends up not being the role that Goth is cast as for Blade, to see this team show up in the movie would be a treat, in my opinion.
These are only the top five most suitable characters I could come up with for Mia Goth to play in Blade. There are so many others whom she would do wonders as in the movie. As far as I am concerned, it does not matter who she ends being cast as, because I have no doubt that — like any other time — she will knock it right out of the park.