For the summer holidays, many people will be heading off on a camping trip to enjoy the great outdoors and spend time with family and friends. But one thing that can take a huge hit when you’re camping in one of the best tents is your sleep.
Sadly, you can’t take the best mattress with you on a camping trip, so you won’t get the quality or quantity of sleep that you’re used to. There are many factors that contribute to this, like external noise, bright lights and an uncomfortable blow-up mattress and tent set-up. But, there are a few tricks you can try to get good quality sleep while camping this summer.
To find out more, I spoke to Rebecca Swain, mattress expert at Winston Beds, who commented that “sleeping somewhere new can be tricky so it’s important to make the experience as comfortable as possible.” She went on to give us her five expert-approved tips on how to get a good night’s sleep while on a camping trip.
1. Be mindful where you pitch your tent
The first and most important tip is to consider where you pitch your tent, as it can make a huge difference to your sleep. Aim to pitch your tent on flat and even ground, and position it so the entrance is facing away from the wind. Swain explains that “this will help prevent the cold air from blowing into your tent making it too cold to sleep in at night.”
2. Check the temperature before you go
Unfortunately, we can’t control the weather so while you may have planned for a sunny camping trip, you might be plagued by rain instead – we are in the UK, after all! But to help ensure you sleep better at night and that you’re prepared for the worst, Swain suggests to “check the temperature before you head off on your journey so you can pack accordingly. If you’re expected to have a warm summer night, you’ll want to pack a lightweight sleeping bag. At other times of the year, the temperature can drop dramatically at night so you’ll want to opt for a thicker sleeping bag and extra blankets.”

3. Block out unwanted noise and light
Tents aren’t soundproof, so you’re likely to hear rain, wind and animal noises throughout the night which can disturb your sleep, especially if you’re a light sleeper. To combat this, try to block out as much unwanted noise and light as possible. Swain suggests bringing ear plugs or to “play quiet white noise through a Bluetooth speaker to help you drift off”. At this time of year, sunrise can be incredibly early, so you might also want to take an eye mask with you.
4. Change your clothes just before getting into bed
If it’s been raining throughout the day or you’ve been taking part in activities, you might be tempted to change into your pyjamas right away. However, Swain recommends “waiting until the very last minute to change into your night clothes when camping. This way, you can ensure you’re going to sleep in clean and dry clothes.” Tents also tend to be a lot hotter to sleep in, so make sure you have light and comfortable clothes on, like these 5 cooling fabrics to wear during summer.
5. Set time aside to unwind before sleep
Camping is a lot of fun, but it can be extremely hectic. Setting time aside to “unwind, have dinner, read a book or enjoy the sunset” can help you feel more relaxed and ready for sleep. It’s also one of the key rules for good sleep hygiene, as it can help you destress from the day and prepare your mind and body for sleep.
For more camping tips, check out the 11 best to worst items to take camping with you.