Magical as the run-up to Christmas can be, there are times when it can all get a bit much – especially if you’re the ‘Santa’s little helper’ behind the scenes making all that magic happen. The gifts, the food, the get-togethers, the decorating… your Christmas ‘to do’ list can become a joy-sapping burden unless you break out some stress-busting tricks to boost your resilience.
Using smell is a powerful one. Smells are processed by the olfactory bulb at the front of the brain that is a direct line to all its key ‘command centres’ – including the amygdala and the hippocampus, which are linked to emotion and memory. So, if you need a quick anti-stress fix, use your nose.
When it comes to choosing the best Christmas scents, memory is key. Neuroscientist Dr Rachel Herz, a world-renowned expert on the psychological science of smell, wrote in her 2016 study, The Role of Odor-Evoked Memory in Psychological and Physiological Health, ‘Odours that evoke positive autobiographical memories have the potential to increase positive emotions, decrease negative mood states, disrupt cravings, and reduce physiological indices of stress.’
There are myriad Christmas scents out there – shops’ shelves are heaving with all manner of candles, diffusers and sprays. Experts use all kinds of tricks to make their houses smell great at Christmas, but what about the scents they use to create calm? Yes, you can have the benefits of both with these ideas for scents, how to layer them and where to use them.
1. Cinnamon
Warm but upbeat, cinnamon is one of the best fragrances to scent your hallway, where holistic aromatherapist Jo Kellett recommends using an essential oil with a diffuser.
‘For a welcoming atmosphere combine woody, spicy and citrus essential oils. They will provide a gently uplifting, yet calming aroma. You could try Cinnamon and or Nutmeg, as these are perfect Christmas aromas.’
If you like to layer your scents, she suggests, ‘Combine with Frankincense, and then finish off with your favourite citrus essential oil.
This beautiful candle includes citrus notes of mandarin and the warmth of clove and cinnamon.
2. Vetiver
Woody, earthy and complex, vetiver is the ideal way to fragrance your living room when you need to relax and take time out from the festive frantic-ness.
Jo Kellett suggests, ‘Reach for some calming, soothing essential oils like vetiver, Roman chamomile or lavender, Roman chamomile or vetiver. Add these to your diffuser, adding your favourite citrus essential oil if you feel like brightening the blend.’
For a spin on the classic Christmas candle consider this smoky, stylish number.
3. Citrus
‘Use oils such as lemon to refresh and invigorate,’ advises Kim Lahiri, a fragrance formulation expert. To layer them, she suggests, ‘Bergamot, which is a known mood enhancer, exotic Ylang Ylang, known for its stress-busting therapeutic properties, with sandalwood and cedarwood to ground and centre.’
Such a refreshing but soothing blend would be perfect in the kitchen when it gets hectic. Kim explains, ‘Mixing a blend of citrus, floral and wood oils like this makes a perfect synergy to support busy, fraught people, allowing an air of calm. In a chaotic kitchen, a fresh, supportive yet calming and grounding scent is vital to maintaining a level of focus and clarity for the tasks in hand.’
‘Be adventurous and make up your own “Kitchen on Christmas Day” blend for a diffuser, mixing 5-10 drops of essential oils in the water reservoir.
Find a blend you love and it’ll do double-duty after Christmas cooking as an odour-neutralising scent for your kitchen.
This bergamot, lime and neroli scented candle will give you an uplifting boost,
4. Vanilla
Go for this in the living room if you’re not keen on traditional Christmas aromas. Kim Lahiri explains, ‘The usual yuletide fragrances are cinnamon, cloves and pine, which can create a cosy environment but can also overpower with their spiciness.
‘Alternatively, the aroma of vanilla can create a warm and inviting environment, perfect for family gatherings. Look for candles that have a gentle, inviting aroma without being overpowering, ensuring they enhance rather than overwhelm the space. Natural soy or beeswax are excellent choices as they burn cleanly and have a very subtle scent.’
This candle includes notes of tonka bean which has a similar warming scent as vanilla, and comes in a stunning jar.
5. Sweet marjoram
Sweet marjoram has a warm and spicy aroma with a woody undertone that’s delicious for Christmas. It’s also one of the best essential oils for sleep. Kim Lahiri says, ‘Sweet marjoram, bergamot and clary sage all help to reduce anxiety and foster a peaceful environment conducive to sleep.
‘To promote relaxation and sleepiness after a long day of Christmas preparation, consider using fragrances like high-altitude lavender, Roman chamomile or ‘the oil of tranquillity, vetiver.’
‘Safety is key in the bedroom, so use a diffuser or put a few drops of essential oils on a tissue and tuck it in your pillowcase so the scents gently diffuse into the air around your head.’

What are the best scents for Christmas candles?
Roberta Ion, bespoke perfumer at Floris, says, ‘Scent and emotion are deeply connected, this is why sometimes, the most calming scents are the ones which bring up happy memories. Cinnamon and tangerine beautifully combine the warmth of spice and the sparkle of citrus, very reminiscent of Christmas. I also believe woody scents can evoke a cosy, snowy night in a warm wooden cabin, so I always light a patchouli and sandalwood candle in the festive season for a deep, smooth and creamy scent.
‘Rather than layering, I suggest playing with scent and having every room smell different. This creates a very dynamic olfactory environment, reflecting the individuality of each space.’
How big a diffuser do you need for a Christmas scent that will only last through December?
Roberta Ion advises, ‘A 200ml bottle reed diffuser should be more than enough to scent a room for the whole month of December.’
Which scent will be keeping you calm through December?