A Newcastle-based Veterans' and Families' Hub is branching out to Maitland to better support the Hunter Region's veterans and their families.
RSL LifeCare, working with RSL NSW and a number of ex-service organisations, will receive a Federal Government grant of $5.445 million to expand their services to Maitland and across the Hunter Region.
As part of this new "hub and spoke" network, outreach programs will be set up in Port Stephens, Singleton and Muswellbrook.
The expansion is part of the government's $46.7-million commitment to deliver 10 new Veterans' and Families' Hubs across the country.
RSL LifeCare has been supporting the local veteran community from a Newcastle Hub since March 2023.
Maitland was identified as the most suitable location to develop the Hub, being central to the Singleton Military Area, Bullecourt Barracks and RAAF Base Williamtown.
"For more than 22,000 veterans and families across the Hunter Region, today is a very exciting day; soon they won't need to travel long distances to access the services and supports they need and deserve," Minister for Veterans' Affairs and Defence Personnel Matt Keogh said while in Maitland today.
"I'm so glad to see the consultation that's been undertaken with the local veteran community to make sure we get this right; we want to make sure this Hub is tailored to the unique needs of local veterans and families.
"Close to a number of Defence establishments, this Hub will support local veterans and families at every step of their journey, whilst in the Australian Defence Force, through transition and then provide ongoing support in civilian life."
Member for Paterson Meryl Swanson said her electorate was home to "more than 7200 veterans" and she was "excited" to see this project going ahead.
"The local veteran community and their families will benefit from a range of services available close to home to support their health and wellbeing, all delivered according to their unique needs," she said.
"Any current serving Australian Defence Force members, veterans and families in the Paterson electorate and surrounding regions including Port Stephens, Maitland and Kurri Kurri will be able to access support from the Hub."