Amsterdam-based sound studio 4DSOUND are bringing what they're calling the 'world's most advanced' spatial audio sound system to London next month.
The 4DSOUND team will be installing an immersive speaker array at the Stone Nest venue in London's West End, before a series of artists are invited to perform live experiential shows during a month of programming that will run from 21 April to 20 May.
Musicians and composers will be performing works written and produced specifically for the 4DSOUND system. Artists invited to perform include Kali Malone, Max Cooper Oren Ambarchi, Grand River, Andrea Belfi and NikNak.
A grid of 4DSOUND speakers will be distributed throughout Stone Nest's chapel space, enveloping the audience to create a fully omnidirectional and immersive sound environment. The studio describes the music performed as “sonic sculptures” that can be explored by the audience from a number of unique angles in a spatial environment.
"For a decade we have been developing what we like to call spatial sound instruments; site-specific sound systems which are able to project sound holograms in a listening area, enabling artists to actually play the space as an instrument," 4DSOUND Director Poul Holleman says.
"Our intention is to provide captivating listening experiences where sounds can range from realistic environments, to incredibly surreal electronic manipulations, and everything in-between. It’s not easy to describe in words the full potential of 4DSOUND’s technology, so we’d like to invite everyone with an interest or curiosity in spatial sound to join us at Stone Nest."
4DSOUND and 33-33 have also planned an event series, Diffusion, showcasing exclusive compositions written and produced for the sound system by a number of artists that includes synth pioneer Suzanne Ciani and saxophonist Bendik Giske. The programming will conclude with a workshop inviting UK-based composers and producers to use the 4DSOUND system.
Pictured are two previous 4DSOUND installations from Berlin's Funkhaus in 2016 and STRP Festival Eindhoven in 2019.
Tickets for the 4DSOUND performances at Stone Nest are available now.
Find out more about 4DSOUND on their website.
Revisit our explainer on Dolby Atmos and Spatial Audio.