When you’re depressed, there are days when even getting out of bed can seem impossible. Meanwhile, tidying up and doing even the most basic chores can seem like insurmountable tasks.
It’s overwhelming. However, when some people do manage to make some progress on that front, they’re happy to share the results on the internet, hoping to inspire others. Bored Panda has collected some of the most motivating before-and-after pics of ‘depression rooms’ getting cleaned. Scroll down to take a peek.
Bored Panda wanted to learn more about the relationship between messy environments and our mental health, as well as how someone with depression might get started with cleaning, so we reached out to the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). Andrew Kidd, a BACP member and therapist, was kind enough to shed some light on this. You'll find his insights below.
If you or someone you care about may be depressed, we urge you to reach out to your doctor or mental health specialist. Meanwhile, ask your loved ones for support. You’re never alone.
#1 I Just Want To Share The Before And After Of Cleaning My Depression Room. I Tried To Show My Mum But She Just Said That I Shouldn’t Have Let It Get To This Stage And That She Isn’t Going To Praise Me For Something That I Should Be Doing Anyway

Image credits: yourmumssidechic
Therapist and BACP member Kidd explained to us how our mental health relates to cluttered environments. "People who don't have enough order in their life can become overwhelmed. A person's messy, cluttered environment could be a representation of their mental health. A messy environment can mean a messy mind!" he told Bored Panda.
He explained that satisfaction (the belief that we did well) and hope (the belief that things will improve) are vital. "It might be harmful to our mental health when we don't live in an environment that fosters satisfaction and hope. But instead judgment and despair. Someone could feel guilty, ashamed, like a 'messy person,' or like a failure. Their surroundings might start to resemble an extension of them," the therapist said.
"While we can hide aspects of our mental health sometimes, the environment is harder to hide. It's crucial to understand that if someone is having difficulties, you could notice changes in their surroundings before you see changes in them."
#2 I Finally Cleaned My Kitchen After Months Of Depression. I’m So Proud Of Myself

Image credits: practicalsoup
#3 I'm Finally Taking Some Action Against My Depression. I Spoke To My Doctor, They Gave Me Some Recommendations, I Listened, And I'm Feeling Good. I'm Proud Of This! I Cleaned Out The Garage! This Project Is A Huge Win For Me And Its Just The Beginning!

Image credits: StormyStormz
Bored Panda was interested in the advice that someone suffering from depression could get if they want to clean up at home but can't find the energy to do so. "First, cleaning doesn't have to be done all at once. Understand that the environment means you HAVE a problem, but you are not THE problem. Remember that you're attempting to change! Overcoming depression is incredibly challenging, but each time you connect to the problems, they're showing you deeper inside yourself instead of abandoning yourself," Kidd noted.
"Ask yourself the question, 'What one thing could I do today, even if small, that would make tomorrow better?' And create a routine where you ask yourself this each morning." The therapist said that even though change can be frightening, not changing can evoke similar emotions.
"Behavior modification, or behavioral activation, is so important. If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got. But fortunately, the 'positive' emotions often follow the changes in behavior. Remember that you cannot move in two different directions at once; we cannot go ahead and backward. Choose one item in your surroundings that you feel you could clean up. Something that will push you, but not overwhelm you," the BACP member said.
#4 After Months Of Letting My Room (Aka The Depression Nest) Get Absolutely Filthy, I Finally Finished Cleaning It Today. May Seem Like A Small Accomplishment But I Feel So Much Better

Image credits: drugstore-diet
#5 POV: You Finally Cleaned Your Depression Room After 4 Months

Image credits: Saltcolander
#6 Update On My Depression Room!

Image credits: Former_Risk_2_self
"The messy surroundings are not only a challenge but also a chance for you to take back some control in your life. Depression wants to tell you the environment is a problem, but it can also be an opportunity," Kidd told Bored Panda.
"When you're cleaning up (or not cleaning up), this can connect to your mental health. Even small, intentional acts of organization can create a sense of control and peace. So you're not just cleaning the environment, you're helping your mind and body heal by taking action. Sometimes, starting with one task—no matter how small—can help shift your mindset and create space for clarity and growth. Don't let perfection get in the way of progress—believe in you!"
If you live in the United Kingdom and you'd like to find a therapist, you can do so on the BACP's online therapist directory.
#7 Cleaned My Depression Nest

Image credits: Ijnan
#8 I Cleaned My Year-Long Depression Room

Image credits: dumba**b***h
#9 Between Work And Struggling With Depression, I Finally Found The Motivation To Finish Cleaning My Room From Nye To Nyd

Image credits: paarkrosis
There is a two-way relationship between messy rooms and depression. On the one hand, feeling depressed can mean that you don’t have the motivation or energy to tidy up your room. On the other hand, our environments directly affect us. PsychCentral points out that according to some research conducted at UCLA, household clutter is linked to high levels of cortisol—a stress hormone linked to depression and anxiety.
“If mess occurs exclusively with your depression, taking steps to clean can feel hopeful. It can remind you that you are capable of doing hard things and promote feelings of accomplishment and capability, which in turn, begin to improve your mood,” Gaby Teresa, an associate marriage and family therapist at Kindman & Co., said.
Therapist Teresa added: “Chances are if you do feel depressed but are used to mess, then trying to tackle it may not have the same positive impact. Instead, it might be better to prioritize caring for yourself in a way that does feel good.”
However, mental health counselor Maggie Holland, from Choosing Therapy, told PsychCentral that cleaning up can improve your mood. “The finished product can give you some much-needed serotonin and endorphin hits (happy, reward brain chemicals).”
#10 Cleaned My Depression Room After Months ?

Image credits: BeesEverywhere1
#11 Kick Depressions A**e And Cleaned My Nest This Has Been The Worst Few Months Of My Life And I Have Never Felt Better

Image credits: thecerebralassassinn
#12 Cleaned My Room Thoroughly For The 1st Time In 2 Years. Feels Like A Physical Sign My Depression Is Getting Better

Image credits: ammesedam
Depression, aka depressive disorder, is widely prevalent around the world. It’s a very common mental disorder, with around 3.8% of the global population and 5% of all adults suffering from it.
The World Health Organization explains that this disorder involves a depressed mood or loss of pleasure or interest in activities for long periods of time. Depression can affect all aspects of your life, from work and school to your relationships.
Though depression can affect anyone, people who have experienced severe losses, stressful events, or abuse are more likely to develop it.
Meanwhile, the World Health Organization notes that women are around 50% more likely to have depression than men. Over three-fourths of people in low- and middle-income countries receive no treatment for mental disorders due to poor investments in mental health care, social stigma, and a lack of trained healthcare providers.
#13 Depression Is A Hell Of A Beast. My Entire Apartment Is Such A Disaster. Today, I Cleaned My Kitchen. It Feels Good To Have It Done. I Have Made A Goal To Try And Get One Room A Day Done And Do One Load Of Laundry A Day

Image credits: Cheermom2009
#14 Depression Room Before & After

Image credits: AssociateFluffy6950
#15 I Cleaned My Depression Room

Image credits: Cydonia23
When depressed, you might feel sad, empty, or irritable. Furthermore, you might find that your ability to focus suffers, and you may feel hopeless about the future. Depression can also lead to thoughts of low self-worth, poor sleep, changes in appetite, and generally feeling as though you’re exhausted and have very little energy.
#16 Embarrassing But My Bi-Polar Depression Has Prevented Me From Cleaning My Room For Close To A Year! I Would Get Some Motivation To Clean And Make A Little Dent But Then It Would Get Worse! I Spent 9 Hours On This! One More Day Of Work And It Will Be Perfect!

Image credits: UnicornandtheWasp
#17 Cleaned My Room For The First Time In 6 Months. Not A Neck Beard, Just A Depressed Teenage Girl. Just As Nasty Though!

Image credits: hamsters-
#18 Cleaning My Depression Flat After Months Of Being In A Bad Place

Image credits: Consistent-Ad-1099
Your physical health is very closely linked to depression. For example, if you’re physically inactive or drink too much alcohol, you may experience depression, while also increasing your risk of cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
Self-care can help mitigate some of the effects of depression. In some cases, patients require psychological treatment, medication, or a mix of both.
#19 Cleaned My Depressed Twin Sisters Room While She Was At Work

Image credits: MohabbatChaya
#20 Cleaned My Depression Room After Living Like This For About A Year

Image credits: send-me-pics-of-cats
#21 It Made Me Smile Coming Home To A Clean Room Today. Depression Won’t Win

Image credits: reddit.com
However, antidepressants should not be used in cases of mild depression or be given to children or teenagers as the first line of treatment. Having a healthy diet, getting lots of rest, limiting your harmful habits, being physically active, meditating, spending time in nature, and socializing with others can also manage your symptoms.
Even doing something as simple as meeting up with some friends, going for a walk, or doing the things you used to love can help. Small things like this quickly add up to a healthier lifestyle and a happier you.
#22 Finally Finished Cleaning My Depression Room!

Image credits: Cultural_Challenge70
#23 Finally Cleaned My Depression Nest

Image credits: nikkyjayne
#24 Cleaned My Room After 3 Years Of Depression

Image credits: ilovegreeksalad
The National Institute of Mental Health notes that 21 million adults in the United States had at least one major depressive episode. These episodes are defined as periods of at least two weeks of a depressed mood.
The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance states that these episodes were the most common (18.6%) among young adults aged 18 to 25. A quarter of cancer patients experience depression, while a third of heart attack survivors experience the same.
#25 Depressed And Stressed, I Finally Felt Like It Was Time To Attempt To Clean My Room Again. It’s Gonna Stay This Way Hopefully-

Image credits: lookiatwhoisdepressi
#26 Cleaned My Depression Den - Swipe For Satisfaction

Image credits: bkrby8036
#27 After Almost 3 Years Of Letting Trash Litter My Room I Sucked It Up And Cleaned It (Oc)

Image credits: Upset_Criticism_7085
Have you ever fought against depression, dear Pandas? What advice would you give anyone who’s either depressed at the moment or knows someone who suffers from this disorder?
Did you have trouble keeping your room tidy? What did it feel like when you finally cleaned up your home? There’s no pressure at all, but if you want to share your experiences, you might end up helping some of your fellow readers.
#28 Cleaned My Depression Room

Image credits: rabbitrat_eli
#29 Cleaned My Depression Nest!! (And Wanted To Show Off My Cute Room)

Image credits: Tumbleweed_Evening
#30 I Cleaned My Depression Room

Image credits: Corn_Bois_be_vibeing
#31 Finally Cleaned My Depression Room

Image credits: Silver_Reality7487
#32 I Finally Mustered Up The Strength To Fight Through My Depression And Clean My Room [oc]

Image credits: protagonistsyndrome
#33 16 Hours And 9 33gal Garbage Bags Later My Depression Room Is Clean

Image credits: justpassingbysorry
#34 I Cleaned My Junk / Adhd / Depression Room (Which Got Worse Since My Divorce During My Masters) And Turned It Into A Playroom For The Kids

Image credits: Eliza_V_
#35 Cleaned My Depression Room!

Image credits: reddit.com
#36 Hey Mom, I Finally Overcame My Depression And Cleaned My Room! It Isn't Much, But It Certainly Is A Start!

Image credits: Arichelo
#37 My First Own Apartment And I’ve Been In Such A Bad Depressive Episode I Haven’t Been Taking Care Of It, But I Finally Cleaned My Room Today!

Image credits: crimsoncIover
#38 Cleaned Depression Room

Image credits: e_k______
#39 [oc] Finally Cleaned My Depression Room Today :)

Image credits: reddit.com
#40 Cleaned My Tiny Depression Room

Image credits: tormentedoatmeal