Summer is almost here, so gyms are packed with people. (Maybe not as many as in January after all the New Year's resolutionists flock in, but still.) Everyone is getting their beach body.
However, pumping iron isn't just about building muscles; it's also a test of patience when you have to wait for a dumbbell hoarder to finish their set before you can use the weight you need or when you hit the showers only to discover there's no hot water.
As the subreddit 'Mildly Infuriating' shows, there are plenty of moments that can make gym-goers rethink their memberships.
#1 Apparently This Gym Has A Sauna-Pisser Problem

Image credits: Jose_Canseco_Jr
#2 "24 Hour Gym"

Image credits: Di0n1001
Hopefully, these situations didn't discourage people from getting and staying in shape.
A 2019 study conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Isopure examined the fitness habits and trends of 2,000 Americans and found that 37 percent of those who have never worked out think they are too unhealthy to even start exercising.
But when it comes to the intimidation factor (or the so-called "gymtimidation"), as many as 50 percent feel the idea of working out among other people in a gym environment is a daunting prospect.
#3 The Gym I Use Threw Out A Ton Of Good Tennis Balls. There Is A Dog Shelter Next Door

Image credits: superspider7
#4 Some Scrag Left Her Fake Nails In The Gym Treadmill. Colour Is Trash Too Btw

Image credits: -_-stranger
#5 Lady At The Gym Who Moved And Pointed All Three Fans At Herself

Image credits: dv5230us
A further 31 percent admit to feeling anxious even when thinking about trying to get into shape overall.
Furthermore, 48 percent of Americans feel intimidated by the number of fitness workouts and classes out there.
#6 The Dumbell Rack At My Local Gym

Image credits: KOL_Endless
#7 New Couple At My Gym Thinks It's Perfectly Fine To Set Up Multiple Phones On Tripods Throughout The Gym To Film Themselves
I understand wanting to record a set or two to check your form but this is just going a bit too far

Image credits: landosgriffin
#8 These Two Guys At My Gym Who Hoard All The Dumbells

Image credits: heyjude_20
#9 Parents Don’t Leave Your Kids Unattended At A Gym

Image credits: tomperfect12
It turns out that 32 percent of those who experience intimidation at the gym do so when they are exercising next to someone who is extremely fit.
Another 17 percent experience intimidation when exercising in front of the opposite sex, while a further 15 percent experience intimidation during their actual exercise routine.
#10 To Cancel My Gym Membership I Have To Know The "Staff Name" First
And I also MUST wait 30 days for the request to be accepted...meaning I am getting charged just for wanting to cancel my membership. Yay!

Image credits: YakOrnery
#11 At The Gym During The Busiest Time Of Day

Image credits: 4ArgumentsSake
#12 My Local Gym Is Selling Free Samples Of Protein For 2$ Each

Image credits: TFD777
#13 Spent My Whole Gym Session Looking For The 25 Lb Dumbbells. Turns Out Someone Left Them In The Locker Room

Image credits: PeterIsSterling
All of this makes sense; nobody likes feeling uncomfortable or inadequate. Luckily there are things you can do to set yourself up for success (and minimize the chances of infuriating others).
A study by found that 32 percent of men and 23 percent of women say the biggest boost to their confidence is basic equipment knowledge.
An additional 30 percent of men and 22 percent of women reported it was music — building a playlist that motivates and inspires you is one of the easiest ways to beat the dread of going to the gym.
#14 Walk Into The Gym And Find This S**t In The Power Rack

Image credits: muneeeeeb
#15 Psa - Please Don't Bring Your Boat To The Gym And Take Up 7 Stalls!

Image credits: Meeseeks_box_probs
#16 "Busy Gym? Naw, I Need A Hole For Every Particle Of Clothing I Own"

Image credits: bootleg-hero
#17 The Gym I Go To Put A Piece Of Paper Over The Water Filter Status

Image credits: moonlight814
You can make the new gym experience more manageable by learning one thing at a time rather than trying everything at the same time.
"It’s like renting a car and having to learn where every button is all at once — it’s overwhelming,” said Pam Moore, a personal trainer in Boulder, Colorado. "The same thing applies to the gym. Come up with one small marker for success, like mastering one machine or move."
#18 A Woman Has Just Left 3 Young Kids To Run Around An Adult Gym Like Its A Play Area. It's Been 20 Minutes

Image credits: colonelvermhat
#19 My Apartment Has A Free Gym For Residents, Complete With Treadmills!

Image credits: Has_No_Gimmick
#20 My School’s Decision To Put Office Tiles In A Gym

Image credits: henry1679
#21 Message I Received When Attempting To Cancel My Gym Membership

Image credits: TheGeekThatStoleTech
Some gyms offer trial memberships, in which potential members can also get several one-on-one sessions to familiarize themselves not just with exercise movements, but also with equipment and the overall vibe of the place.
But before you even begin the trial period or pay a visit, carefully read reviews of local establishments. This can help you learn which gyms roll out the welcome mat to new members and which might be less tolerable.
#22 I'm Gonna Be At The Gym After 8:30 Pm So It's Empty. So I Thought

Image credits: olliigan
#23 This Is A Gym Trash Can, Not Your Personal Shelf

Image credits: Soup_du-Jour
#24 Told My Gym Trainer I Wanted To Finish With Him

Image credits: omgitsmint
#25 Someone Left Dumbells In The Sauna At My Gym

Image credits: joscope
As you work up the courage to try a new gym, remind yourself that getting comfortable in an unfamiliar setting may take more than just a few visits. Doing so will help you better ease into the routine. According to Moor, "If you’re staying away because you're afraid take the time to get comfortable and observe — maybe walk on the treadmill for a few days, to people-watch and learn."
Maybe they're not so infuriating after all!
#26 Gym Douche Hogs 15 Dumbbells For Over An Hour

Image credits: burnout8118
#27 Our Gym Has Been Promising Us A New Gym With A Running Track. After An 8 Month Delay, We Finally Got The “Track”

Image credits: 2013nattychampa
#28 When You’re At The Gym, This Guy Is Talking On His Phone On Speaker

Image credits: rxrunner
#29 My Gym Won’t Let You Cancel A Membership Over Phone Or In Person And Won’t Respond To Their Email Forms. 3 Months - Ongoing Issue

Image credits: Daydream_Meanderer
#30 All The TV's In The Gym On This Channel Were Stuck Like This My Entire Workout

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