1. First off, it's really ugly

2. It's just vile

3. It gets even worse in winter

4. Seriously, don't ever come here in winter

5. There's no history

6. Oh, apart from those castles they're always banging on about - but they're nothing special

7. If you want culture, you'll have to go to London

8. The towns are all depressing

9. They all look the same

10. With boring streets

11. And horrible houses

12. The cities are even worse

13. They're just full of hideous 1960s office blocks

14. It's hard to say anything good about them at all

15. The Valleys are famous for being depressing

16. And the rest of the country is just fields and sheep, isn't it?

17. There's no other wildlife at all
18. Maybe the odd fish

19. It's really hard to drive around

20. And going by train is a nightmare

21. There's nothing unique about Wales at all

22. Welsh people mainly just eat seaweed

23. So you'll never find anywhere nice to eat

24. Just the same chain restaurants as everywhere else

25. The pubs are crap too

26. They're just bland chain pubs serving lager and warm bitter

27. If you like beaches, you'll need to go to Cornwall

28. There are no nice beaches in Wales

29. The whole coastline is drab actually

30. There's nothing to see

31. Nothing to do

32. And nowhere to go

33. No one talented has ever come from Wales

34. And just struggling through their miserable lives

35. And no one important has ever visited

36. Come to think of it, nothing important has ever happened in Wales

37. There's nowhere nice to stay

38. And we never get any good festivals

39. Wales is really small so there are no unspoilt open spaces

40. It's just a polluted, concrete jungle
41. So you'll never be able to gaze at the night sky

42. Or catch a morning sunrise

43. Or watch the sun go down

44. It rains all the time in Wales

45. Which is why Welsh people mostly stay indoors
46. The Welsh are constantly claiming it's a beautiful country

47. But they're just so obviously wrong