Time goes by very quickly and sometimes in the blink of an eye, things that were an everyday occurrence to you are now only a distant memory. From certain fashion choices to forms of entertainment and technology pieces – everything can (and most likely will) become a memory at some point.
Today’s list is full of such echoes from the past – these pictures were dubbed "retro" by a Reddit community that is dedicated to sharing them. So, let’s take a trip down this memory lane, shall we? Just be warned that some intense nostalgic feelings might be on the way.
More info: Reddit

Image credits: u/itscricket

Image credits: u/DarkHawk347

Image credits: u/quixoticalerotical
Time goes by fast, it’s no secret. The older you get, the more apparent this fact becomes.
One of the theories why it happens is that when we’re kids, we experience new things nearly every day, which makes the time seem slower than it is. Then, as we get older, the number of new things decreases, and things start to appear more similar to each other, blending the days, weeks, and months, which makes time seem faster.

Image credits: anonymous

Image credits: u/RetroBitTechnology

Image credits: u/psancez47
With time passing, sometimes we’re forced to leave people, places, and things behind, keeping them only in memory. Today's list is an example of this.
All these various images were collected from the r/Retro community, where people are welcome to post anything that could be considered retro – things that are consciously derivative of lifestyles from the past.
As you can see, netizens don’t shy away from posting whatever they can think of here and love what others post – ever since the community’s creation, 24K have joined as members, putting it in the top 5% rank by size on all of Reddit.

Image credits: anonymous

Image credits: anonymous

Image credits: u/Hello_how_is_you_
One of the reasons why people love to indulge in the memories of the past so much is nostalgia. In a nutshell, nostalgia is a sentimental yearning for the past that evokes feelings of both pleasure and sadness.
The feeling can be brought about by visiting a certain place, seeing an old photo, smelling something, or hearing a song. Here, when Bad Bunny released his song “DtMF” (which translates to “I Should've Taken More Photos”) in January of this year, many people preached it for being able to evoke feelings of nostalgia in them, despite it being completely new song, not the one from their past.

Image credits: u/Warlock1202

Image credits: anonymous

Image credits: u/bradderalll
The song is the rapper's tribute to his home in Puerto Rico, an acknowledgment of the place's customs, spirit, history, and people. Yet, while the intended meaning was place-specific, the song still feels borderless.
The lyrics (you can read an English translation here), chord progression, and melody brought many people to tears, making them relate it to their experiences of what it is like to yearn for a place (or a period of time, a thing, a person) that is no longer in your life, and what it is like to exist between cultures, languages, and even identities.
As this ingenious tweet says, “Nostalgia is proof that you are living a life worth living, it is a privilege to yearn for your own memories.”

Image credits: u/DeerParkDist

Image credits: u/itscricket

Image credits: u/ComprehensiveHome983
Even though nostalgia might make a person sad, it doesn’t mean it’s a detrimental feeling. In fact, studies show that it can be beneficial. It increases people's emotional intelligence, helps to build self-esteem, and allows them to focus more on being themselves and building a better future.
For instance, individuals may yearn for the time they spent with their loved ones who might no longer be with them, and so they promise themselves to spend more time with the people who are still here. In a way, it’s looking at the past so you know how to build your future.
What makes you feel nostalgic? Do any pictures in this list do the job? Share with us in the comments!

Image credits: u/Spl00

Image credits: u/midierror

Image credits: u/Complex_Rule9470

Image credits: u/itscricket

Image credits: u/ENgLiSh-illiTeRAtE

Image credits: u/Nespower

Image credits: u/Stock-Education-880

Image credits: u/Deniz2284

Image credits: anonymous

Image credits: u/jsalerno209

Image credits: u/Ki*le3r_shark

Image credits: u/saraaaxax

Image credits: u/siro300104

Image credits: u/Historyguy1918

Image credits: u/cascade40

Image credits: anonymous

Image credits: u/itscricket

Image credits: u/slowwaver

Image credits: anonymous

Image credits: anonymous

Image credits: u/theportalkeeper

Image credits: u/tsbuty

Image credits: u/TheTurningWorm

Image credits: u/Mass_inater

Image credits: u/CrotchWolf

Image credits: u/1997PRO

Image credits: anonymous

Image credits: u/Significant_Post9125

Image credits: u/malagic99

Image credits: u/misterpolk

Image credits: SpamLeSam2003