I'll admit – I sometimes fall victim to the spending bug. Online shopping makes it especially easy to buy things on a whim, which, if you don't have a lot of self-control, can become a pretty bad habit over time.
The rate at which Americans are saving up for the future has been decreasing lately. The personal savings rate jumped incredibly high during the pandemic, with people staying at home and not spending money and all. So we might still be seeing consequences today.
Still, advice from frugal people never hurt anybody. That's why we're bringing you some money-saving tips from two threads online. In one, people shared the frugal choices that were absolutely worth their time. In another, they revealed which ones are actually a huge waste of time.
Not having children.

Image credits: karlito1613
ALWAYS paying off the credit card bills in full every month. Knowing the cc company is floating me money and not making a dime off me in interest is extremely satisfying.
Making dinner at home every night - I get food prepared exactly the way I want it, it’s less expensive and healthier.

Image credits: JustAnotherUser8432
Buying thick curtains. One time purchase for long term savings energy bill wise. AC/Heat is very expensive these days.

Image credits: kavalejava
Buying Christmas/Birthday gifts year round. I shop clearance everywhere I go and have a covered bin in the attic for all things gift.
Edit: this has also helped for last minute invites to birthday parties or special occasions.

Image credits: momofmanydragons
Packing my lunch every day. My colleagues spend $10-15/day purchasing lunch. I bring leftovers in a microwave dish with some snacks like Greek yogurt, hummus & crackers, and fruit. It's insanely cheaper.

Image credits: usernamehere12345678
Allways buy the cheap storebrand grocery products if they exist for the product. Can often save between 20-60% on these items.

Image credits: PhatAssGamer86
Trying to save money on moving. Hiring professional movers is always the right choice for me. The stress of family, tempers, fatigue is too much.

Image credits: Mammoth_Resist8269
It isn't particular to money but being friendly with neighbors and seeking out the advice of my older coworkers has saved me so much money.
Having engine trouble?
I describe it to Dave and he'll tell me it's the throttle body gasket causing the misfire. He's been right 17 out of 17 times. He used to have the same car, he might even have some spark plugs and ignition coils for it at home. He's saved me so much time and money.
Need a tool but can't afford to buy or rent it right now?
Well, my neighbor heard me cursing about it and is really grateful that I shoveled their sidewalk all winter so he left it at the door along with some of their homegrown tomatoes for me to borrow without even asking.
My boss heard me whining about not having any counter space and gave me a cabinet we built for a product line that never left R&D.
There are countless examples of this.
Cheap toilet paper. I can use the good Charmin I love that does the job with much less, or I can use 2-3x as much cheap toilet paper.

Image credits: AnUnexpectedUnicorn
Unplugging my electric dryer during this heatwave from hell. Putting up a rotary clothesline I had in storage. My clothes dry outside anywhere from 40 minutes to one hour and 20 minutes. Should have started this midwinter (it never really got cold). I’m not heating up my house with the dryer, thus making the air conditioner work harder. My electric bill is lower. I get a bit of exercise.

Image credits: Prudent_Valuable603
I’ve gotten quite good at sewing and crafts, and have learned to do so quite cheaply. Everyone gets handmade gifts from me and they love them.

Image credits: dog_momof3
Meal planning/making a shopping list full of cheap ingredients that are flexible and last for a while like potatoes and celery.

Image credits: rotatingruhnama
I learned to start plants from seed instead of buying plant starts. Bonus - you get a wider variety of plants to choose from also.
Small one, making bread. We have a bread machine and our bread tastes better, is astronomically less expensive, doesn't have questionable ingredients, and is easy with the machine. Absolute win.

Image credits: SarahDezelin
Buying a house that cost about half as much as I could “afford.”.
Buying meat in bulk and breaking it down into smaller packages at home
The cost difference is staggering.
Most small packages of meat are only a small amount list than the cost of the larger uncut meat. Like hamburger. I can buy 12lbs for the same cost as $5lbs in shall packages.

Image credits: FlashyImprovement5
So many food choices. Even fast food is outrageously expensive.
Prepare food at home. I probably paid for my instant pot in a week or two by simply using it to prepare meals ahead of time.
Eating less in general, and now what I eat is whole foods I cook myself. I had weight to lose anyway. Seems silly to eat calories that I then have to spend extra time exercising hard to burn off.
Also, I stopped drinking alcohol. That saves so much money, and I didn't really drink much.
Switching out cat litter. Went from a good brand but also came with a higher price tag to the one at Costco. Deep cleaning the litterboxes became a weekly chore because of how much that cheap litter got stuck everywhere. Went back to the original litter and never again will I switch.

Image credits: sidbuttmo
Coupon clipping
I spend less money when not shopping the coupons. Lol
The thing was even if I had the coupon there was always a cheaper option so I didn't use them anyway. I stopped bothering with coupons a long time ago.

Image credits: Quirky-Spirit-5498
Minimalism. I only purchase items that bring long-term value to my life, food, and consumables. "Value" is subjective and will be specific to you.
For example, I do own guitars and a drum kit, but not a television. If I think I want something, I add it to a wish list for at least 2 weeks so I can evaluate it. How often will I use it? Do I just think it's cool or do I actually need it? Will having this new thing make me happier? Why? I don't purchase immediately unless there's a need to do that.
I'm able to save a lot more. Ordering takeout less often helps, too. I cook most of my meals now.
Working out. Best thing for my mental and physical health and investment in my future.
Reusable menstruation products. It’s kind of a pain and time suck to hand wash my pads BUT I’m saving at least $10 every period. My reusable products have paid for themselves many times over.

Image credits: Aggravated_Pineapple
My wife and I drove two states over to pickup a brand new stove and microwave (that we found on FB marketplace) for what seemed like a good deal.
Of course, neither one of us had a truck big enough, so we had to rent a u-haul. And pay for the gas. And lose a day.
When we arrived, it wasn't quite the model we were expecting from the listing, but we had come too far at this point. Literally. So we took it.
Later, I found that exact model on eBay. It would've cost about the same to have it delivered.

Image credits: nick_storm
Driving ten hours each way instead of flying. It'd make sense if it were more than one person, but I only saved like $100 and it was stressful

Image credits: EnoughLawfulness3163
i heated my house with a wood burning stove for 2 years.
spent a ton of time making firewood,
managed to tear my shoulder up chopping wood, now i have an injury i have to do special exercises to keep my shoulder normal.
my roof got dirty as hell with all the soot combining with water or fog and landing on the roof.
ended up buying a hydrolic splitter after the injury, so waste of money there.
it was cool having $80 electric bills in winter, and i didnt mind the exercise or getting as much heat as i wanted. it was nice converting the random wood from around my property into something useful.
it was just all in all a waste of time, money, and compounded problems/injuries.
i did keep the stove, if shit ever hits the fan, its nice knowing i wont freeze to death without electricity. the damn lifetime shoulder injury is the real drawback from the experience.
DIY projects usually end up costing more than if I bought the dang thing.
Creating an amazon wishlist. Before amazon discontinued their browser plugin to bookmark from any site I saved so much money adding things to a list that I thought I needed or wanted to buy.
I would eventually go through the list and a huge amount of things weren’t even available anymore because I had forgotten about them for so long. I’ve since created a google doc with the same purpose. Its been so helpful in saving money and realizing I truly don’t need a lot. Impulse spending has been drastically cut.

Image credits: InstantMedication
Meal planning, including “treat nights.” I know I never want to cook on Tuesdays, so that’s my DoorDash night. Once a week is fine with my budget. The rest of the time, eat what’s on the list.
Learning to fix my own car.

Image credits: anon
I got a bidet. Feel way cleaner and TP use is reduced by 90%!

Image credits: 1ksassa
Making homemade laundry detergent. I saved a dollar, I spent 15 minutes handgrating a Fels Naptha bar into tiny pieces, my laundry felt slimy and smelled funny.

Image credits: anon
Canning. Many of my jars are free or dirt cheap, I look for lids with end of season discounts, and buy veggies from farmers markets. One garden lost with divorce, second with boss's marriage, but I'll find another one someday.
Thrifted clothes whenever possible. I mend them myself with a reconditioned school machine. Not good at making clothes but I do good curtains if I can get discount fabric.
Giving up fancy hair for DIY. One too many stylists butchered my hair and I decided that if it was going to be ruined, I could do that myself for free. Chose a simple style, bought some inexpensive shears off eBay, and eliminated an expense and a stressor.
Getting a nicer vacuum sealer and a chest freezer were very helpful choices. We got the sealer as a Christmas gift and the freezer was left by my BIL when he moved. Both have gotten us through a couple months of little-no income when they were fully stocked with couponed or discount foods.
Also checking weekly grocery deals and sales. I split shopping between Safeway and Fred meyers. they’re across the street from each other so I don’t care about wasting gas. Freddie’s has fuel points that helps a ton and free points for taking weekly surveys. Safeway consistently has coupon savings and member savings, so I usually add $100 worth in the cart and check out for $40-50.

Image credits: Puzzled-Cranberry-12
Driving to a gas station that is far away just to save 15c a gallon

Image credits: memphisjones
I absolutely hated grinding my own coffee beans. I hated cleaning the grinder. So I went back to ground beans for my cold brew and noticed only positive improvements.

Image credits: TerrTheSilent
Man o man did I spend money on rainwater barrels that I never set up and became a home for mosquitos.

Image credits: chibialoha
I tried to groom my dog myself, cut her and ended up at the vet getting stitches. Tried to save 60$ and ended up spending 150..
Buying whole fruit (watermelon, grapefruit, cantaloupe, pineapple, oranges, etc), cutting them up, and refrigerating them. I can’t believe how much prepared fruit costs and it never tastes as good.
Bought a used Chevy Volt in 2016 for around 8K still going plus just got a free battery replacement, so like a new vehicle now. Charge on 110V and never worry about range unlike Tesla. I use about $20 in electricity in a month and fill gas about 2-3x a year.
Kicker is worth 8-10K today.
Moved close to my job.
1 liter bottles of high end shampoo and conditioner at TJMaxx -$20 but they last over a year.
Making homemade butter from heavy cream in my mixer. I found I still needed to use store bought butter in my baking and some main dish recipes. It tasted great but it didn't save any on the grocery bill.

Image credits: Bethsmom05
Cord cutting I spend more on subscriptions now.
Taking public transportation to and from work.

Image credits: Guava_Cheese