There are many ways to show gentle care for your loved ones, and one of the simplest, but also most enjoyable, is to simply tuck them in when they sleep. Our spouses, our children, our parents, our cats... Wait, cats?
Yes, that's absolutely right. After all, they are full-fledged members of our families, and they need care no less than humans. At least on the internet, there is a dedicated community with over 437K devoted members, where you can see plenty of photos of cats lovingly tucked in by their happy owners. Or even doing it themselves.
More info: Reddit
#1 My Little Baby Before He Got So Big

Image credits: TimeWarper2012
#2 Good Night Reddit

Image credits: icant-chooseone
#3 My 18 Year Old Girl And Having A Well Deserved Rest

Image credits: MayNotBeMyTale
Bored Panda already reviewed this community more than three years ago, and little has changed since then. The only difference is that there are more members - almost a third more, and significantly more of these incredibly adorable and cozy tucked-in kitties.
So let's quickly glance at these photos, because just looking at them definitely raises the temperature of the surrounding area by a couple of degrees! Incredibly relevant in winter, isn't it?
#4 Meet Oliver. He Lives For When The Bed Is Made

Image credits: anonymous
#5 My Wife Is In The Nursing Home. I Pulled Her Ragged Blanket Off Her Bed. Ticat Misses Her. Me Too, Ti. Me Too

Image credits: Mulatto-Butts
#6 Our Baby Mischief Sleeps With Her Bunny Feet Sticking Out

Image credits: enl1ghtened1
If you have ever dealt with any cats, you know for sure that they do love warmth. The thing is that they have special temperature receptors that are activated immediately after birth - so that the still blind tiny kitten can quickly and accurately find its mom, the main source of food, cleanliness and safety at this tender age.
Over time, however, as the cat grows up, these receptors become even more sensitive - so that the cats can easily track any change in the temperature around them. And even if a loving mother cat is a thing of the distant past - why not warm up in a cozy blanket here and now?
#7 The Ultimate Tucked In Kitty

Image credits: JasterMereel42
#8 I Accidentally Untucked Him And Was Given This Face! (Don’t Worry, He Was Briskly Tucked Back In And Given A Treat For Compensation)

Image credits: ShelingtonBelington
#9 Meet Fuzzynuckets. He's 6 Today. Found Him Abandoned In A Hole In My Yard Just A Few Hours Old 6 Years Ago

Image credits: ecofarian
In addition, if the average body temperature of cats is higher than, for example, that of humans, then at rest it invariably decreases. And since cats love both warmth and lying down - they willingly look for a warm place where they can relax, without losing any of the temperature around them. And we, loving cat owners, help them with this in every possible way, right?
#10 Her First Day Home 6 Months Ago :)

Image credits: yhrenaj
#11 She's Happy Because I'm Letting Her Help Me Make The Bed

Image credits: RoxyDoodleBug
#12 Don’t Normally Post Here But My Orange Boi Has A Kitty Cold

Image credits: u/2muchparty
However, the blanket can also pose a certain threat to your pet - after all, while healthy and physically strong kitties are unlikely to face any danger climbing under the blanket, then in the case of older cats, sick ones or little kittens, there is some risk. For example, the cat can get lost in the folds of the fabric, or simply get stuck under the weight of the blanket, if it's actually heavy enough for them.
So in this case, it's better to take a photo of your pet and after posting the image online for everyone to admire, simply check if there is any risk to their health. And if not - well, let them sleep like that, to their undoubted pleasure.
#13 I Don’t Have A BF So This Is What I Wake Up To

Image credits: kianario1996
#14 My Sweet Boy Mufasa Passed Away Monday, Here He Is Tucked In. Gone Too Soon

Image credits: anonymous
#15 I Went To Tuck In My Daughter Only To Find This Kittycatcat Had Already Taken Her Place And Gone To Bed

Image credits: ilencalot
By the way, regarding the publication of photos in the community, there are several simple rules: the image must be of a cat, it must be tucked in, and community members should definitely be civil and strongly refrain from posting any gruesome content.
Well, quite reasonable rules - so if you want to share a photo of your tucked-in kitty in the comments under this post as well, please make sure to follow these simple rules too. Or just scroll this incredibly warm and cozy list to the end - because all the kitties here definitely deserve purre admiration!
#16 Triple Take!

Image credits: tubbybubbies
#17 My Hooman Kept Me Warm

Image credits: sophie_iRobot
#18 Found This Little One In A Pvc Pipe In My Backyard. Now She Is Helping Me Win Vidya Games!

Image credits: AllieLikesReddit
#19 What My Students Can't See While I'm Online Teaching

Image credits: crunchytigerloaf
#20 Our New Quarantine Foster Kitty Has Made Himself Comfortable

Image credits: mareastra
#21 When I First Found This Guy He Refused To Sleep On Soft Surfaces. Took Years To Get To This Point

Image credits: anonymous
#22 Dreaming Of All The Ankles She's Going To Attack When She Wakes Up

Image credits: aryapoopybutthole
#23 Seth Attempted To Tuck Himself In. A+ For Effort, Seth

Image credits: carnal_biped
#24 Catto Is Ready For Bed. Night Night

Image credits: anonymous
#25 Came Home And My Grandparents Said To Me, "You Need To See Rocky Right Now"

Image credits: DarthMatrixx
#26 My Sheets Are Permanently Covered In Fur, But He’s So Worth It

Image credits: Freudian_Trips
#27 Thought I Had Lost My Kitten! I Looked Everywhere. Turns Out, She Just Went And Tucked Herself Into My Blanket For A Little Cat Nap!

Image credits: newkittenmama
#28 Forgot To Turn The Heating On In The Morning, Came Home To This

Image credits: Pascirex
#29 After A Bath Because She Knocked Over The Maple Syrup And Rolled Around In It

Image credits: Legion_of_mary
#30 My Special Little Girl Havin A Lil Nap With Me

Image credits: GuyOnZeCouch92
#31 I Told My Friend About How Me And My Cat Spoon Each Other Every Night And She Said I Would Fit In Here

Image credits: yothatslaps
#32 Found My Boy All Tucked In On His Own, Fast Asleep. I Guess I Won’t Be Making My Bed Right Now

Image credits: jodellemicahferland
#33 My Husband Tucks Our Cat In Every Morning Before Leaving For Work. This Is My Favourite Photo

Image credits: pvrplesloth
#34 Woke Up To Him Pushing His Way Under The Covers, Then He Turned Around And Stuck His Little Head Out!

Image credits: Smelly_Banana
#35 I Got A Kitten, He Came Home Ate Some Food Then Passed Out :d

Image credits: W366
#36 It’s Tuna’s Day Off. Please Do Not Disturb

Image credits: RezraRoze
#37 He Does This Every Time I Make The Bed

Image credits: anonymous
#38 When We Were Looking For New Roommates, I Put This Photo In The Ad. Safe To Say It Didn’t Take Long To Find Roommates

Image credits: privatevixen
#39 This Is Princess. She's So Tolerant Of My Daughter Tucking Her In. Princess Is 14

#40 Every Morning I Wake Up To Cuddles From My Pineapple.. He Waits Until I Unravel The Covers For Him And He Nestles Into My Neck

Image credits: erlac89
#41 You Don't Even Know How Comfy I Am Right Now

Image credits: happylife01
#42 Cozy On The Way Home After A Teeth Cleaning!

Image credits: x_Teferi_x
#43 My Friends New Kitten Is Loving Blankets

Image credits: AdrianaVargas2025
#44 New Addition To The Family. Meet, Goose

Image credits: zzzachsquatch