A hero 4-year-old hero used an Amazon Alexa to get help after her mom had an epileptic fit.
Quick-thinking, Lyla Leathem ran upstairs and asked the device to call her great-gran after she was unable to unlock Mom Leah Biggs’ phone.
The 24-year-old had fallen unwell at her home in Bridgwater, Somerset, on Aug. 25.
Family members had previously shown Lyla how to use Alexa for phone calls as her mom often suffers from seizures at night – which can be “life-threatening.”
But they had no idea the youngster had listened – until she was called into action.
Lyla’s great-gran, who does not want to be named, then rushed over from her home in Taunton and helped stay-at-home mom Leah.
She was treated at her home and is now recovering.
The 56-year-old great-gran said: “I had had a call from Leah in the morning. She said she had had a big fit in the night and bitten her tongue.
“Then we texted a few hours later, and she said she didn’t need me to come over and that she was just resting.
“It wasn’t long after that I had a call come through from Leah’s number – not a video call as usual – and when I answered it, it was Lyla saying: ‘Nana, Mommy’s having a fit.’
“I said: ‘It’s okay, I’m on my way.’
She knows I live in Taunton and how far the distance is. I told her: ‘Go to Mommy and stroke her hair and tell her it’s all going to be ok. I’m on my way.'”
She added: “I was so proud because we’ve got the Alexa in Leah’s bedroom because she has a lot of nocturnal seizures.
“But Leah was downstairs on Sunday, so Lyla must have been weighing it up. In that situation, she would have wanted to stay with her mom but she thought, ‘right I have to leave my mom and go and get help’.
“I’m so proud of her. That must have been such a difficult decision for a four-year-old”.
Lyla’s great-gran was so proud of her that she posted on a local Facebook group for help finding a ‘well done’ certificate.
Her request was met with dozens of offers of help – as well as messages praising her for her “incredible bravery”.
With the help of locals, the great-gran was able to give a certificate to little Lyla – who she described as “confident, loud, really cheeky, and a bundle of energy.”
Mom Leah added, “I’ve been carrying around the newspaper from the County Gazette, showing everyone I bump into about how amazing my little Lyla is”.
Produced in association with SWNS Talker