I am 39, going on 40, and I absolutely cannot wait for Trolls Band Together in November. In fact, when my family and I first saw a trailer for the movie back when we saw Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, I leaned forward in my seat, and said, "Ooh, we're seeing THAT."
And, do you know what my seven-year-old daughter said? She said -- get this -- "Uh. If you want to, Papa." That's because while my kids enjoy the Trolls movies, like Trolls World Tour, I absolutely ADORE them.
Yes, I know they're technically (okay, not technically. Definitely) for children, but I still love them with my full heart and soul, and here's why.

They Totally Expand The World Of The Troll Dolls That I Used To Have As A Kid
Growing up, I never had to be ashamed of being a fan of the Power Rangers or the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I used to watch all of the Ninja Turtles shows, and went to see all of the Ninja Turtles movies. Because you know what? The Power Rangers and the Ninja Turtles were cool growing up.
Know what wasn't cool, though, even back then? Trolls. They were a curiosity, sure, and almost every '90s kid I knew had at least one of them back in the day. But, it wasn't the kind of toy that you banged against your Optimus Prime truck, or your old He-Man action figurine. Trolls were the kind of doll where you combed their hair, and grabbed them by the feet, and went, "Me me me me me" in a high-pitched voice (or was that just me?).
So, when I learned that they were actually going to be making movies about the Trolls, I thought, really? Those old things? But then, Justin Timberlake's hit single, "Can't Stop the Feeling" came out, and it took the whole world by storm.
And, the thing is, the pop song became associated with the movie. In these films, the Trolls identify with pop music, which never in my wildest dreams did I associate with the green-haired Troll doll that I used to keep on the edge of my desk (for good luck on tests, mind you).
All of a sudden, with these movies, the trolls were actually distinguishable from one another. We had Branch (voiced by Justin Timberlake), the survivalist, Troll royalty in Princess Poppy (voiced by Anna Kendrick), and a species of Troll-eaters called The Bergens, who, for some reason, wore outdated clothes from the '70s.
This was a whole new version of The Trolls that I'd never seen before, and I was hooked from the very start. Since that original movie, I've watched Trolls Holiday, and Trolls World Tour, and now I can't wait to see Trolls Band Together. Each new movie expands the world in bold new ways.

I Love How The Movies Lean So Hard Into The Musical Aspect
As mentioned earlier, the musical aspect really defines the Troll series at this point, and I really love this. Usually, I can't stand popular music in these sorts of movies. I find it grating when these animated characters are singing and dancing to the newest pop song, or doing the floss (God, remember when everybody was doing the floss in movies?).
But, Trolls is somehow different. Like, yes, we'll get our modern pop songs, but we'll also get '80s gems like Lionel Richie's "Hello," or having some P-Funk in Trolls World Tour.
Speaking of Trolls World Tour, can I just gush about how George Clinton, Mary J. Blige, Chance the Rapper, and Ozzy Osbourne ALL had roles in the movie? Our very own Mike Reyes didn't look favorably upon the movie in his review, but I'm glad he reviewed it instead of me, because I would have sapped all credibility from this website by giving it a 5 out of 5 star review (which is just another reason why I do opinion pieces here rather than reviews, since I would have also totally screwed up the Rotten Tomatoes metric by giving The Super Mario Bros. Movie a perfect score as well, since I don't care what the critics said. I loved that movie!)
But, back to Trolls World Tour. The sequel went even further into the idea that the Trolls are a musical species, as in this film, there were actually different Troll communities who represented different kinds of music. This let the people at DreamWorks have a lot of fun (and by extension, the audience) by having Rock Trolls, Funk Trolls, K-Pop Trolls, and even Smooth Jazz Trolls.
And, its sequel, Trolls Band Together, looks to push the musical aspect even further, this time focusing on boy bands as it concerns Branch's past. Honestly, I'm such a huge fan that November can't come here soon enough. I love these Trolls movies! (In case you couldn't tell).

The Art Design Is So Unique And Fun
I want to talk again about the Trolls that I grew up with. I mean, no offense to fans of the dolls, but… they’re kind of creepy looking. No, they’re not as creepy as the trolls in, say, the movie Trolls 2, but I definitely didn’t find them cute. But, I find the characters in the Trolls movies adorable. Yes, even the Bergens with their potbellies and crooked teeth.
The art style in these Trolls movies aren’t out of this world. Like, nobody is going to confuse them for the artistry found in all of the Laika movies, but they are pretty unique. Especially the overall world of the Trolls, which almost looks like it was made out of felt when you watch it on the big screen.
Plus, some of the characters are just really strange, visually speaking, like Cloud Guy (who apparently vomits rainbows), and Guy Diamond, who literally sparkles. Honestly, I’m as jazzed for this new movie to see what the art department can do with it visually, as I am to hear all of the new renditions of songs that they're bound to have. Can’t wait!

I Genuinely Find The Movies Funny, Even As An Adult
Lastly, I don’t think I’d like these Trolls movies as much as I do if I didn’t find them really funny. And, that’s the thing. I don’t exactly know why I find these movies so funny, because a lot of the humor is really low hanging fruit. Like, if you were to ask me to name a single joke in any of these Trolls movies, I’d be hard pressed to come up with one.
But, have you ever been to a comedy club? I only ask that question because things (usually) just seem funnier when you’re actually there. And, if you were asked to name what was so funny when you went and saw a comedian, you might be hard pressed to recapture just what it was that made you laugh so hard because you really had to be there in the moment. That’s how I feel with these Trolls movies. While I’m watching them, I’m laughing, but if I think back to just what I’m laughing at, I’m really at a loss for words because they’re not knee-slappingly funny. That said, the humor still gets the job done, and that's why I enjoy it… while I’m watching it, at least.
And, that’s the list. Are you getting up there in years and still love these Trolls movies? For more news on all things animation, be sure to swing by here often.