There’s no denying that our world is an overwhelming place. Some might even say that we, as a species, have reached our peak. For instance, innovation-wise – is there something that hasn’t been invented yet?
Well, some people might say there is. In fact, there are quite a lot of them – we managed to compile a full-blown list of such examples. It’s quite an interesting list with items ranging from fully explainable to kind of weird. But, hey, sometimes embracing the weirdness pays off, doesn’t it? So, let’s jump in to check out these suggestions and maybe you’ll be inspired to become the next great innovator!
More info: Reddit
So many people here with great and new ideas. I just want a ziplock on my potato chip bag please.

Image credits: SWtoNWmom
A way to go about my day without having to be subjected to a single advertisement.

Image credits: octopusnodes
A button on your TV that makes your remote control sound an alarm so you can find it. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve lost the remote.

Image credits: randomredditor0042
Since the beginning of our history, humans have been inventing stuff. That’s how, from the sticks and stones we had way back in the day, we now have Wi-Fi. Well, for that to happen, humans had to overcome quite a few obstacles and come up with quite a few inventions.
According to this “10 Inventions That Changed Your World” article, it all started with the invention of stone tools, which is dubbed “humanity’s earliest technology.” It was something rather basic, but it ended up leading humanity to far greater inventions.
A way to perform a mammogram without that stupid squishing machine!

Image credits: SonataNo16
Sun protection that isn't a topical application that needs to be reapplied every couple of hours.
As an Australian I'd pay good money to have an injection or something that gives my skin UV protection for like a month.

Image credits: -Midnight_Marauder-
Opposite of a microwave. Cool/freeze things in seconds.

Image credits: ChillinCheeseFries
Then, such inventions (in no particular order) as the Bessemer process (the first inexpensive industrial process for the mass production of steel), the daguerreotype (the first successful form of photography), the light bulb, and phonograph cylinders (the earliest commercial medium for recording and reproducing sound) to name a few, followed.
Of course, not mentioning such important inventions to today's world as the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell, the integrated circuit (or simply a microchip), and the Apple II personal computer would be a crime. Without them, the world definitely wouldn’t be the same.
A toothpaste or tooth treatment that can reverse and completely halt tooth decay.

Image credits: crowlieb
A TV that recognizes and mutes commercials.

Image credits: TheFishBanjo
Glasses with facial recognition that puts peoples names over there heads that I’ve met so my forgetful a*s can remember. Don’t need them to do anything else.

Image credits: NOGOODGASHOLE
Granted, a similar thing could be said about any of the inventions. Have you heard of the butterfly effect? Basically, it’s a theory that even the smallest change can cause large differences later. So, applying this to the topic of inventions essentially means that even if something that seems relatively meaningless gets invented, it actually might lead to the creation of way bigger things.
Yet, in today’s world, it might seem that everything that could have been invented already has been. At this point, we are only inventing stuff that is extremely weird and somewhat meaningless. For instance, Tomatan – a robot that feeds you tomatoes.
Night-vision windshields for cars. I'm genuinely kind of amazed they're not a thing.

Image credits: JayEllGii
Biodegradable plastic. Stable liquid hydrogen fuel, a cost effective way to desalinate ocean water, converting it to potable drinking water, and some kind of birth control pill for men.

Image credits: Ok-Education3487
A banana bunch, but the bananas are perfectly ripe on a different day of the week.

Image credits: tbone912
Well, people in this online thread would probably argue with you about that – in their opinion, there are still things that haven’t been created. From improving the process of finding a remote control to sunscreen not being topical, or medical procedures such as making mammograms less uncomfortable – these folks had plenty of ideas.
Naturally, when talking about innovations, we can’t forget the elephant in the room – artificial intelligence. In recent years, it has become clear that AI is infiltrating basically every single aspect of life, and some more than others – from healthcare to schools to everywhere else.
QR codes on for sale signs that take you to the listing for the house.

Image credits: Kaurblimey
A bathroom mirror that can show you the back of your head. so people can more easily trim their hair.

Image credits: dysfunctionalpress
A road surface that doesn't need constant repairs and maintenance.

Image credits: RetroactiveRecursion
So, we shouldn’t be surprised that from now on, most of the innovations we’re going to have in the future likely will have something to do with AI. Whether it's generating an idea, helping with design, organization, or realization – AI is capable of all of these tasks.
Since artificial intelligence is guaranteed to uproot the world of innovation as we know it (for better or for worse), maybe it will at least be able to come up with a way to bring the ideas on this list to life. But who knows? We’ll have to wait and see.
A gun that shoots expanding sticky foam to immobilize a fleeing suspect. Just like the one in the movie, "Incredibles.".

Image credits: bionic_cmdo
Food replicator in star trek.

Image credits: anon
A machine that folds your clothes and can put them on hangers automatically.

Image credits: keldiana1
My dad would encourage us as children to come up with inventions. One of mine was burrito tape, some kind of edible adhesive strip for when your burrito busted a leak. Twenty years later we still talk about it.

Image credits: yourbaconess
Automatic cat litter cleaners that actually work.

Image credits: wldchldx

Image credits: mattvfitzy
A car that is EASY to fix.

Image credits: SeeMarkFly
An outdoor Roomba that clears yard debris like dog poop, pinecones, and sticks.
Nerf darts that dissolve in the rain. Bonus points if they include your choice of grass seed.
A premade capsule wardrobe that lets you simply input your measurements and then you can choose how many outfits you'd like to be able to create based on your budget/needs.
Beer cans or whiskey bottles that require you to solve a puzzle in order to open it. That way, when you're too drunk, you can't drink anymore.

Image credits: SteadfastEnd
Automatic teeth cleaner. I don't know own how it would work, but along the lines of a mouthwash that complete cleans your teeth and gums or a machine you put in your mouth for a few seconds.

Image credits: sendnewt_s
An app where you can scan your item barcodes that you buy from the store so it can keep track of spoilage and give you ideas on what to cook based on what you have and how long they have before they start turning. You should be able to punch in stuff like fruits and veggies.

Image credits: Massive_Pressure_516
A pacemaker/defib with wireless charging capabilities. My grandpa has one and basically needs his chest opened up every time they need to change the battery.

Image credits: Grizzly_Berry
A true solution to combat baldness.

Image credits: Ok-Ad-2605
A bathroom sink that lets me pre-program water temps so I can wash my face without constantly adjusting each tap!

Image credits: cliodhnasrave
An emergency app. That has contact details for police, fire, medical contacts, but when you travel it updates the local numbers automatically. So if I go to Canada, France, Greece or wherever, the app knows where you are and uses the correct local number.

Image credits: vrogers123
A garbage disposal within a dishwasher. Why am I still prewashing dishes in 2024?!?!
Using old plastics to make books. Saves trees and uses up plastic. the plastic books would be so much more durable than regular books. no browning.
A snot sucker for adults. I have one for my congested infant, why not one for grownups? Preferably an automatic one so I don’t need another adult to suck my boogers.

Image credits: somewhenimpossible
A vaccine for cat allergies (or any other kind of animal).
Public bathroom doors with a foot hold or other handless contact to open the door so you don't have to touch filth after washing hands.