America – the land of liberty, democracy, and ranch dressing experts. A country that has perhaps the biggest influence on popular culture trends, world politics, and history. And, as someone on the Internet has probably said, with great power comes great meme-ability.
And that’s where the Facebook group Amazing American Memes comes in. It’s an online community dedicated to sharing funny content about the US of A. Sometimes, the memes aim to tease, and sometimes, they point out absurd stereotypes. So, Pandas, park your pickup trucks, sizzle your BBQ, and enjoy these funny posts that sum up what it’s like living in America pretty well.

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes
For a long time, people viewed the USA as the land of opportunity. The American Dream was what many people who chose to immigrate to the US were after. The notion was that if you worked hard enough, you could make a good life for yourself. And what did that 'good life' entail exactly? A stable job, a family, and a nice house, most often.
If you didn't grow up in America, like me, you would think that the grass was always greener there. Better education, more jobs, and no corruption in the government. You somehow imagine that once you're there, you'll be instantly happier and more successful. And when you finally get there – yes, the roads are wider and stores bigger, yet it's not exactly the paradise TV and other media made it out to be.

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes
However, Americans still think that the US is one of the greatest countries in the world. 2023 Pew research shows that Americans' opinion of their country declined only modestly since 2019. Only 27% of Americans believe that "there are other countries that are better than the U.S."
And it's not only Americans who like the USA – people from around the world have positive opinions, too. The top things that other nations like and admire about the US are their technological advancements, entertainment, and military. And what do people abroad not like about the US? I think you can guess: the last place goes to the healthcare system, and the standard of living takes the second to last place.

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes
More and more Americans share on social media how life outside of the US is better, in their opinion. Some creators have videos with titles like "Why I'm Never Moving Back To The U.S." where they list their reasons why living in other countries and continents seems better to them. Common reasons these creators cite are expensive healthcare, high crime rates, and the overall disillusionment with the American Dream.

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes
A recent survey on Preply revealed that almost half of young Americans want to leave the US. 25.6% of the respondents cited social programs such as universal healthcare as the main reason they wish to move out of the US. 18% said that the high cost of living in America is an important factor as well. Where would they rather live? The most popular destinations were the UK, Canada, Japan, and European countries.

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes
Evan Lorezca, the creator behind The Savvy Expat YouTube channel, names high crime rates in Illinois (the state where he lived with his family) as the number one reason he left America for the Philippines. And while this may not make a lot of sense given that there is quite an abundance of crime in the Philippines, safety is generally a common reason why people choose to expatriate from the US.

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes
5.8% of the respondents in the Preply survey claimed that safety is a factor when considering leaving the US. 59% admitted that gun violence plays a major role in their desire to emigrate. And it makes sense: in 2019, the number of firearm-related deaths in the US was five times greater than in other countries with high death rates, such as France and Switzerland.

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes
And what about the cost of living? Generally speaking, compared to Europe, the cost of living in the US is higher. That's because Europeans don't have to spend as much on healthcare, the euro currency is weakening, and inflation is not as high. However, there are downsides, too. Average wages are higher in America, and Europeans spend more of their income on taxes.

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes
Compared to non-European countries, like the UK, living in the US can be pretty expensive, too. Although it depends on the state you are in, if we compare two cities with similar populations, the UK is cheaper. For example, rent prices in London are 29.5% lower than in New York. However, the average salary after taxes is bigger in NYC by 42%.

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes
As Gen Zers list Japan as the third most popular destination for immigration, let's see if the cost of living differs much from the US. Rent in metropolitan areas is pretty much the same. Groceries tend to be 18% more expensive in Japan, but meals at restaurants are 45% pricier in the US than in Japan.
The biggest difference is in health insurance costs. Yearly insurance for a Japanese person costs around $1,000, and a premium plan for one American worker costs about $7,911.

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes
Lastly, America's neighbor, Canada, is the second most popular destination to live for Gen Zers, and it is a bit cheaper than the US. Food and real estate prices can be higher in Canada. However, healthcare and education are much more expensive in the US. Americans also have higher wages, while taxation rates are higher in Canada. So, depending on which city people plan to settle in, costs might balance themselves out.

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes

Image credits: Amazing American Memes