1. First things first, your day generally started with the word 'Yma'

2. Then in assembly you'd sing absolute tunes like I Bob Un Sy'n Ffyddlon

3. And on very special occasions you would be allowed to sing Aderyn Melyn
4. When you were in year six you were allowed to sit on the benches in assembly and thought you were the bees knees
5. But you were probably banned from playing bulldogs after some kid got seriously injured in the yard
6. On St David's Day you'd dress up like this

7. Then you'd look for the picture of you in your costume in the local paper the next week
8. On March 1, you'd have the Eisteddfod
9. You probably remember practising the Dawnsio Gwerin for it

10. You'd compete in 'houses', like on Harry Potter, but there wasn't one called Gryffindor. In fact, yours was probably named after a mine
11. When you were in year six you could be a house captain
12. Which meant if someone was naughty you had the power to put them on the wall
13. When you were little your school trip was to Big Pit or St Fagans
14. But you knew you were grown up when you were able to go to Llangrannog for the weekend

15. While you were there, you fancied a swog

16. And got scared out of your mind by the Black Nun
17. There was a good chance your teacher was called Mrs Jones, Mrs Evans or Mrs Williams

18. And you had to say 'Good morning' and 'Bore da' to them
19. As well as doing maths in Welsh
20. If you were an infant in the golden age, you'd be given milk at break time

21. And if you forgot your PE kit you'd sometimes end up doing it in your knickers and vests
22. Turkey twizzlers were always on the lunch menu before Jamie Oliver kicked off

23. You said the Lord's Prayer every morning in English and Welsh
24. And watched SuperTed and Fireman Sam when you got home
25. Wil Cwac Cwac was class too
26. Your school desk probably looked like this at one point

27. When you were old enough to go to comp, you'd jump on a Gwyn Williams bus
28. Oakwood was practically Alton Towers when you were 12

29. If someone went on holiday, they'd come back with a hair braid
30. Which was much better than the boys' ~horrific~ haircuts
31. You also brought back a stick of rock for everyone in the class
32. Your IT lessons looked like this
33. You could find out a lot about a person by a shag band