It’s always fun to see the extreme and unrealistic ways you can earn money, isn’t it? For example, an unknown rich relative dying and leaving their whole wealth to you is an interesting concept, yet a highly unlikely one. Or, as one Redditor asked others, what if you must survive a chosen horror movie villain for 24 hours and get a whopping $3 billion in return? Since, as far as we know, horror villains aren’t real, it’s just a fun imagination game. And people online did not disappoint with their answers to this game, so let’s take a scary but survivable trip through them.
More info: Reddit

Image credits: Pavlock

Image credits: etherealcaitiff

Image credits: AlbionChap
As can be seen in this list, there are many horror villains people think aren't so dangerous. While, yes, they are usually pretty deadly, they also have certain weaknesses that make them survivable, at least for 24 hours.
Another thing you can notice in the list is that we, as a species, are quite obsessed with things that scare us. It takes dedication to create such a variety of villains, and just think about the fact that these are only those people think are survivable!
To talk about this fascination with horror and other similar things, Bored Panda reached out to horror filmmaker Sarah of Horror. Check out the projects and organizations she is involved in!
Essentially, Sarah said that people love the feeling of being scared without actually being in danger. “If we take the very popular horror subgenre, the slasher film, a lot of us love seeing the creative kills and gore. We get to see these fantastic SFX while knowing that what we see is fake.”
As a horror filmmaker herself, she’s interested in knowing how these SFX are made and seeing how it all comes together on the screen.

Image credits: freshstart6900

Image credits: BB-biboo

Image credits: nizzoball
Sarah thinks that one of the things that make horror characters memorable and fascinating is good backstories: “Like Jason Voorhes drowning as a kid and coming back, Michael Myers killing his older sister [when he is] six years old, or Victor Crowley getting accidentally killed by his father in a prank gone wrong and then haunting the swamps forever.”
Another thing that makes a horror story captivating, in Sarah’s opinion, is “when it truly feels like you would have almost zero chance of surviving an encounter with the villain in question.” As an example, she gave Art The Clown from “Terrifier.” He is very unpredictable and brutal, which makes making it out alive or killing him seem almost impossible.
As an additional example, she mentioned Jason Voorhes again, especially in later installments of the Friday The 13th franchise, where, due to a supernatural element, he comes back to life and is basically invincible.

Image credits: Beliriel

Image credits: Guzz15

Image credits: TJsName
With all of this in mind, Sarah said that if she had to choose which villain she could survive with for 24 hours for $3 billion, she said it would be Ghostface from Scream. Since Ghostface is human, it means they can be killed: “It would still be a super tough battle, but one that I might win with determination and some luck, unless it turns out that I'm being chased by not just one Ghostface but two!”
Which horror villain would you choose? Share with us in the comments!

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