No matter how we perceive Valentine's Day - as an incredibly romantic holiday created for all lovers around the world, or as a day inflated by advertising literally out of thin air - we can't help but agree with just one thing.
For many decades now, it has been one of the main holidays around the world. And even if you are skeptical about the story of the priest who secretly married Roman legionnaires, for which he paid with his life - this is not a reason not to give your beloved something beautiful. Or funny. Or maybe both...
More info: Reddit
#1 Valentines Day Card From A Student

Image credits: hate_mail
#2 Valentine Gift From My Dad

Image credits: PYITEllie
#3 The Best Gift I Could Have Gotten Him For Valentine's Day

Image credits: xTigerLily
There are many threads on the internet where people share photos of the strangest, most unexpected, touching or cynical Valentine's gifts and cards that they have ever received. Or have ever given to someone. And looking at the photos from these threads, a selection of the best of which Bored Panda brings to your attention today, we're once again convinced of some people's amazing sense of humor.
#4 Anti Valentine's Gift I Made For A Friend

Image credits: spoonified
#5 My Valentines Card To My Mom When I Was 7

Image credits: anon
#6 My Boyfriend Doesn't Want Anything For Valentine's Day, I Think I've Found The Perfect Gift

Image credits: mathecatical
In fact, most likely, the legend of Saint Valentine is nothing more than a beautiful myth created in the late Middle Ages, under the influence of the then-romanticized attitude to platonic love. At least, today there are two main versions of the origin of this story.
The first is the so-called 'Golden Legend' - a collection of biographies of Christian saints, created around 1260 by the Italian monk Jacopo da Varazze. The 'Golden Legend' was written in much simpler language than the classic church books - and therefore became a real 'bestseller' in the Middle Ages.
#7 Valentine’s Day With Teen/Adult Kids

Image credits: No_Hope_75
#8 Expectation: Cute Red Handprint Valentine From The Baby. Reality: Accidental Horror Valentine I Probably Won't Be Sending To The Grandparents

Image credits: peronne17
#9 My Girlfriend And I Fought And Didn’t Talk For 3 Days So I Sent Her An Amazon Gift With This As The Message

Image credits: KOTORbayani
The legend that Saint Valentine was a priest of the era of Julius Caesar, who, contrary to Roman law, married legionnaires to their lovers - this is precisely from the 'Golden Legend.' According to another version, Valentine was a noble Roman who, during the period when Christianity was banned, married his servants with their girlfriends.
When they were caught, Valentine, as a nobleman, was promised forgiveness, but the servants were to be executed in public. He then sent the prisoners letters in the form of a heart, symbolizing his love, and volunteered to replace them in the arena. Of course, this is also nothing more than a legend - while beautiful, of course, not confirmed by historians.
#10 My Girlfriend Got Me A Giant Teddy Bear For Valentine's Day. I Had To Leave It At My Parent's House And This Happened Today

Image credits:
#11 My Hilarious Husband Got Me What Every Girl Wants For Valentine's Day: "Flours", Chocolates And "A Card"

Image credits: wivsta
#12 Men Staring Into The Dark Abyss Of Valentines Day Cards

Image credits: Erratic_Professional
However, modern researchers believe that mid-February is still associated with the holiday of love. The so-called Lupercalia - a holiday of fertility, both natural and female, arose in Ancient Rome after the city's population almost died out due to epidemics and numerous female infertility issues.
Accordingly, every year in mid-February, Roman youths ran through the streets of the city with leather whips, and lightly beat all the women they met. It was believed that a woman who had received at least one blow from such a whip was guaranteed from above an easy pregnancy and an equally easy childbirth.
As you can see, there is much less romance here, but more realism. A peculiar version of, well, 50 shades of Rome, if you can call it that.
#13 Passive Aggressive Roommate Preparing For Valentines Day

Image credits: Jiminycricketmuncher
#14 Valentine's Day Gift For My Single Roommate So He Can Have A Good Day Today

Image credits: Thomas_Lannister
#15 The Most Beautiful Gift I’ve Ever Sent To My Husband

Image credits:
In any case, whichever version you like - refined romantic or practical and realistic, everyone is probably very pleased to receive their Valentine heart on this day. And if you want to combine the beautiful with the amusing - please use any of the ideas presented here, in this list. Or maybe share your own in the comments below. Who knows, maybe you are no less witty than the authors of these tales?
#16 Soon We’ll Be Shopping For Valentines Day

Image credits: lilmizzvalz
#17 My Dad Accidentally Bought A Same Sex Valentine’s Day Card And Instead Of Getting Another Card, He Drew A Little Beard On One Of The Women

Image credits: PJSamus
#18 My Kind Of Valentines Day Gift

Image credits: pikerbiker
#19 So, I Got My Wife A Balloon For Valentine's Day

Image credits: DriftingInTheDarknes
#20 Valentine's Day Gift. Am I Doing It Right?

Image credits: ragaboo
#21 You Know It's Valentines Day When All The Ladies Razors Are Sold Out

Image credits: InternetsSpokesman
#22 Spare No Expense For Your Woman On Valentine's Day

Image credits: givemeyourgp
#23 Made My GF A Valentine’s Day Card

Image credits: council_estate_kid
#24 The Valentine's Day Card I Bought For My Husband

Image credits: shallywally
#25 Girlfriend Called Dominos To Send Me A Surprise Heart-Shape Valentine's Day Pizza While I'm On A Business Trip

Image credits: chopped_broccoli
#26 My 6 Year Olds Valentine’s Day Card To His Best Friend

Image credits: barrierofbadnews
#27 My Smart**s Coworker Had To Contribute To The Valentine's Day Decorations

Image credits: sinesquaredtheta
#28 My Christmas Pillow Doubles As Valentine's Day Decor

Image credits: hmac14
#29 My Wife Made Me A Cake For Valentine's Day

Image credits: iamdudecore
#30 Found A Pretty Sweet Valentine's Day Card For The Husband

Image credits: Lndubs
#31 Looks Like All My Valentine's Day Party Guest Are Here

Image credits: oficer_drty_npls
#32 The Perfect Valentine's Day Gift For The Feminist Girlfriend

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