“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is the saying, which means that we all find different things beautiful. Since it applies to basically everything in the world, it refers to our appearance too. Beauty standards are constantly evolving, and while some may align with your preferences, others might seem unappealing.
Yet, what you consider rather ugly might be someone else’s ideal, leading them to pursue a variety of things to achieve it, even surgery. In the modern world, the list of such procedures that are possible is almost endless—some of which you might not even know exist. That’s what today’s list is all about. So, let’s dive in and educate ourselves on some rare cosmetic surgeries, shall we?
More info: Reddit
I feel like a lot of people don't realize their eyelids sagging down and impeding their vision, can be covered by their insurance to reduce.

Image credits: Bell_Grave
I lost 2/3 of an ear to melanoma but wasn't ever interested in a prosthetic. I had the idea floated by me that they could surgically reconstruct an ear from rib cartilage, modelled on my remaining ear and grown under the skin of my scalp. I now have an ear that, while a little different from the other, is fully a part of me with sensation and everything.
Because I work in a customer-facing position (teacher), the whole thing took a few years, 3 surgeries, and a handful of broken ribs for crafting components, but it cost me a grand total of return bus fare when I wasn't allowed to drive after anaesthetic. I tell the kids I teach that I lost it in a fight with a bear.
Edit: because this gained some traction, its worth mentioning that only a handful of people around the world can do this kind of reconstructive surgery. Part of the delay in getting mine done was because the first guy, Greg O'Toole, spent summers (the only time I was free from my teaching job) in third world countries, doing cosmetic surgeries to improve the lives of impoverished children. His work can be seen at https://drgregotoole.com/.

Image credits: Deadbeat85
Facial reanimation surgery after facial paralysis. Techniques involve a mix of nerve transfers and muscle transfer to return some motion. Often for a mix of cosmetic and practical reasons (I.e. eyelid closure).

Image credits: credit_swiss_cheese
It’s no secret that social media influences the way we view our bodies, but it depends on whether this influence is positive or negative.
For instance, people struggling with their body image might be able to find others who feel the same, connect with them, get encouragement, feel represented by them, and enjoy many other benefits.
At the same time, social media can be very detrimental to one’s body image. A big reason behind it is that people online like to present their “perfect” versions—from using the angles that work best for them to heavy editing. This creates unrealistic beauty standards that cannot be achieved in real life, which makes people feel inadequate about their appearance and look for ways to “fix” it.
You can get Botox to help with migraines! I’ve had migraines for the past 28 years, since I was in 7th grade, and have seen neurologists and other specialists. It wasn’t until last November that a new neurologist I’m seeing suggested this procedure, rather than just prescribing another triptan med. The Botox is injected into your head and neck and basically paralyzes the nerves in those areas so you don’t feel migraine pain. It’s not a permanent solution but it lasts for a while and is definitely something that most people with migraines don’t realize is an option for them.

Image credits: jns042
That it's now very easy to get lens replacement surgery instead of laser eye surgery.
Replacing the natural lens of the eye with an artificial one to correct vision.
It's the same procedure as cataract surgery, but people don't seem to realise it's an option.

Image credits: aytayjay
Abdominoplasty “tummy tuck” as functional reconstruction of the abdomen after multiple child births. Most women, whose abdominal muscles do not rejoin after childbirth, believe they have to put up with reduced functionality, strength, flexibility and enduring pain, especially in the back.
It is a brutal surgery, however, when done by a highly qualified physician, can completely change the lives of those that receive it. Not suitable for all women with abdominal separation, expensive and most likely not covered under insurance as it is stilled deemed a cosmetic procedure (shakes head), but an absolute game changer for many.

Image credits: Minimum-Pollution-82
One of the methods they opt for is cosmetic surgery. This is not to be confused with plastic surgeries, which are various procedures that usually are done to restore the body’s appearance as well as function after an injury or illness.
Cosmetic procedures are only meant to enhance the appearance of certain areas of the body, which do not require improvement in function, only aesthetics. Granted, it’s not always about aesthetics, as sometimes these surgeries are the way people choose to deal with their body dysmorphic disorder or their identity by getting gender confirmation surgery.
While some people might use the "plastic" and "cosmetic" terms interchangeably, there’s a crucial technical difference we felt the need to mention.
S*****m lift. To fix "old man balls".
And you can use the removed skin for a nice set of curtains!

Image credits: Alternative-Form9790
Forehead reduction surgery. Pretty self explanatory. They hide the scar in your hairline. A pretty popular tiktok gal got it and while it looked a bit crazy at first I don’t think anyone would notice the scar now that it’s healed.

Image credits: ItsMylesNotMiles
Gum reduction surgery.
Many people that have a gummy smile with small teeth actually have regular sized teeth hiding under the gums.
I had it done a few years ago and wish I would have done it sooner. I used to be embarrassed of my smile, now I love everything about it.

Image credits: hic_sunt_leones_
The most popular procedures of this kind include things like breast augmentation, buttock lift, chin, cheek, or jaw reshaping, facelift, and many others. Yet, the full list of possible cosmetic procedures isn’t limited to only the popular ones—there are also plenty of those that many people don’t have a clue about.
That’s what today’s list is about. It includes relatively odd-sounding things like forehead reduction or nail prosthetics. And we didn’t make them up—everything that is mentioned here was suggested by netizens who were simply answering the question “What are some cosmetic procedures and surgeries that most people don't realize are possible?”
To those with a sunken chest (pectus excavatum) you actually can have multiple different types of procedures to raise your chest to look like normal.

Image credits: Comprehensive_Call35
I had gastric sleeve. I thought you needed to be like 400+ lbs for it so I never thought about it. I was 219lbs and got approved. Insurance covered it (after I paid the deductible) and my only bill was $250 for the overnight in the hospital. If insurance hasn’t covered it, I couldn’t have afforded it. Twenty months post-op today! Now there is no need for heart meds, cholesterol meds, diabetes meds, sleep apnea equipment, etc.
I had part of a toenail removed due to constant infections from ingrown pieces. Never got infected again.

Image credits: degrassibabetjk
Nail prosthetics. Crushed one of my fingers putting a nail into the wall a few years ago. Was a pretty easy fix
Edit- the nail was an easy fix. The finger I had fixed first was not so easy.

Image credits: AlanaNotALlama_27
Well, as this list shows, there are plenty of rather unknown procedures that are possible. But cosmetic surgery itself isn’t such an unknown thing. In fact, in 2023 alone, there were almost 35 million such procedures done. So, it might be even more common than you thought.
As with all surgeries, cosmetic procedures are not without risk, so not everyone jumps at the opportunity to get them done. We’re talking about complications that might arise—these are surgeries after all. For example, there's a risk of infection, fluid buildup, bleeding, scarring, and loss of feeling.
Are you a woman who doesn't want kids anymore?
Are you getting any sort of upcoming surgeries?
Ask your doctor if they can also do a tubal ligation. Many doctors are tossing it in now if they are doing any other work in the abdominal area.

Image credits: liamemsa
They can do transoral thyroid surgery now so if you need to get thyroid surgery you won't have a scar on your neck!

Image credits: beigesalad
You can get the size of your earlobes reduced. Some people think they have big ears but sometimes it’s just the earlobes creating that appearance. It’s a pretty simple procedure and can change your life.

Image credits: autotoad
It isn’t guaranteed that you’ll face any of these consequences by going under the cosmetic knife, so you shouldn’t panic. However, being aware of the risks and considering whether you're willing to take that chance is an important part of this kind of surgery, just like with any other.
Either way, at the end of the day, any cosmetic procedure is a personal choice. And if it isn’t something you would do yourself, that doesn’t mean it deserves to be harshly judged. As the saying goes, “To each their own.”
Have you ever had any cosmetic procedures done? Share with us in the comments!
Not technically cosmetic but absolutely has a noticeable impact on how you look: Rotationplasty!
Attaches your foot to your knee, backwards. primarily used in leg amputation cases in which the lower leg is cancerous but the foot and upper leg are okay. it means you'll have a backwards foot instead of a lower leg and can put that into prosthetics to walk.

Image credits: Allison-Ghost
Trachea shaving, shaves down Adam’s apple to look more feminine and most commonly used for trans patients.

Image credits: algatorr
Here's one that's specifically *not* done for cosmetic reasons: the Krukenberg procedure.
If someone has a hand amputated, but not the rest of the arm, they can separate the two bones in the lower arm and reattach some muscles to make a crab pincer looking thing that's a lot more useful than a stump is. Would probably be in much wider use if it was more aesthetically pleasing.
A magnetic implant. I had mine done about 8 years ago when I was getting more body mods done and it's so fun!
The magnet is implanted in my ring finger and it allows me to feel electromagnetic frequencies. I can feel the pulse of a microwave when it's on and the sensation of buzzing when I'm around electronic things that aren't insulated well.
Aside from that it's a fun party trick. I got it because I was curious about the new sense people said they developed. I didn't entirely think that was real. It was a surprise to me after I got the implant when I felt it.
The only way I can describe the sensation is like a static pulsing and buzzing that feels like it's happening naturally in my body that radiates from my finger up my arm. Nowadays I don't notice it as much anymore unless it's something that creates a lot of sensation like an air fryer. It's not distracting or anything and I haven't had any issues with the implant. The bizarre thing to me about the sensation is how natural it feels?
Also I am able to get an MRI with it and apparently enough people have them that when I needed an MRI they weren't phased. They just treat it like shrapnel and brace the area. When I needed an MRI they told me to expect some vibrations or a very slight warming sensation (nothing painful) but they assured me I would be fine and they have done MRIs on people who had them before without any issues.

Image credits: Upstairs-Cattle-1019
Limb lengthening surgery.
It can be done to both your thigh bone (femur) and lower leg bones (tibia and fibula). It's pretty gruesome, it involves surgically cutting the bone and inserting an nail in the middle of the bone called an intramedullary nail. Depending on the equipment used and which bones are being lengthened individuals can expect to have an external fixator which allows the individual to lengthen distance between the upper and lower bone portions.
Over time the bone will heal and form a callous around the intramedullary nail which will initially be soft but harden as the tissue ossifies (becomes more like mature bone tissue instead of initial tissue).

Image credits: DonkeyKong45
I've heard that some men now get temple implants to make their head shape more masculine.

Image credits: TheOttee
Doesn't necessarily fit the threat as Laser Eye Surgery is well known as being possible but I don't think people realise just how straightforward it is. In and out of "surgery" in about 10mins, no pain just mild pressure. A few hours spent like you've been cutting onions all morning (only when eyes are open, take a nap) then the next day you never have to mess around with contacts or glasses ever again (well, a decade or two depending).
Best money I ever spent and the cost was spread over 18 months at 0% finance. Probably cost as much as I would spend on contacts/prescription lenses in a 5+ year period anyway. Can't recommend enough, look into a free consultation asap.

Image credits: Shmyea
Fat grafting, where they take your fat from for example abdomen and inject into breasts/butt.

Image credits: TheTanadu
I don't hear a lot of hair transplants, but it is something I've become aware of in the last few years.
Not only can it help men who are unhappy with their temples or to restore bald patches, but also fx trans women to give a more feminine hairline.
Vocal feminisation surgery. By all accounts recovery is pretty daunting, since it involves at least a month where you're not allowed to vocalise at all (including coughing) or else you'll f**k things up, but it can apparently work very well. Though it is still only recommended for people who can't achieve a feminine voice in a more conventional way by practicing with a speech pathologist due to that recovery process.

Image credits: Pseudonymico
Non-surgical blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) for dark circles under the eyes to even out the color.
Basically an injectable that adds filler under the skin where dark circles form. A lot of people's dark circles are caused by thinning of the skin under the eye as they age. Lack volume in the skin / fat under the eye causes blood vessels under the skin to show through and make the area appear dark.
Quick injectable will sort that right out. Or more invasive, fat can be repositioned under the eyelids skin to fix the dark circles.
Conversely, there are surgeries to remove saggy / eye bags as well.

Image credits: Ghost_In_The_Ape
Blue eye laser surgery. Turns brown eyes permanently blue.

Image credits: Sideshow_Bob_Ross
Elf ear bodymod.

Image credits: Mothrah666
Not necessarily a surgery or anything but it is a body mod so i'll post it here.
Some African and Asian cultures use smooth metal rings placed around the neck to give the appearance of a longer neck. The Padaung women from Myanmar achieved the look of a longer neck by applying more and more rings year after year, which compresses the collarbones and ribcage and pulls a few thoracic vertebrae into the neck. Pretty metal (literally).

Image credits: ninetyninewyverns
You can get your tongue split like a snake.

Image credits: SecretKaleEater
You can get your feet narrowed/ adjusted to be more pretty. I think it's called the Cinderella procedure.

Image credits: Pearlescent_WhyNot
Belly button removal. Just makes for a nice clean,smooth looking stomach. Clean lines.

Image credits: Pure_Wrongdoer_4714