For all their feline grace, cats have a habit of going full derp mode too, sometimes with a blep thrown in. Perhaps it’s these contrasting behaviors that make many of us find them so relatable. Either way, netizens can’t get enough of them, no matter what they’re doing.
Case in point: the subreddit r/StuffOnCats. This community boasting 184K members posts truly ameowsing pics and videos of cats with, well, stuff on them, and the results are hilarious. Here’s our pick of the best.
More info: Reddit

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats
It sort of makes sense that the internet is one big kitty playground. While doggo owners have long been able to socialize in the great outdoors, it wasn’t until the web came along that feline fans could share their obsession en masse. It also doesn’t hurt that the kind of people who spend most of their time indoors and online are more drawn toward a pet that can walk itself.
Cats can be as funny as they are fascinating. In an interview for Bored Panda, pop culture expert Mike Sington explains that cats’ independent personalities often lead to unintentionally amusing situations that we can't help but laugh at. "They can be grumpy, sassy, and independent, or cuddly and affectionate. We see ourselves or our moods reflected in these furry internet stars," Sington says.

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats
Can you remember how many cat memes you’ve seen? Back in 2015, CNN reported that cats and cat-related content made up about 15% of all web traffic, and if you were a cat lover online back then, you just might have had something to do with that rather significant statistic. In 2010, it was estimated that there were about 1.3 billion cat pictures on the internet. Just a year ago, that number was expected to be more than 6.5 billion.
More than 2 million pieces of feline footage were posted on YouTube in 2014, which accounted for more than 26 billion views. By 2022, the number of cat videos on the site had reached tens of millions, and today TikTok is also exploding with cat content, including a clip of a cat named Paquito that racked up more than 15 million views.

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats
It’s not just cat owners making kitty content anymore, either - cats are creating their own videos now, too. In fact, the New York Times reports that the rise of wearable camera tech, typically associated more with extreme athletes than pets, has led to a brand-new niche of cat content. Look no further than Mr. Kitters and his friends, who boast over 3 million followers on Instagram, to see what we’re talking about.
In her post for Treehugger, Laura Moss writes that there’s a lot to be said for cuteness when it comes to cats’ online domination. According to Moss, our brains are actually hardwired to think certain features (big eyes, tiny noses, round faces) are adorable. It’s in our very nature to find them cute because babies need adults to act as their caregivers if they’re ever going to survive.

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats
It seems there’s not much cats won’t tolerate having stacked, scattered, or balanced on them. From playing cards and cat treats to a frog and a hat that appears to have been crafted from the fluffy kitty’s own fur, we hope the 32 pics in this list will leave you in stitches.
The r/StuffOnCats community is now over 11 years old and shows no signs of slowing down. I, for one, sincerely hope they remain dedicated to celebrating the playful and purrfect interactions between felines and everyday objects while showcasing the creativity of cat owners and the patience (or indifference) of their pets.

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats
Have you ever put stuff on your cat or been witness to the act that’s become meme-worthy? What do you think of the balancing acts in this list?
Keep scrolling for more stuff on cats, upvote your favorites and don’t forget to leave a comment on the cattos that made you cackle the most!

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats

Image credits: StuffOnCats