Subhash Ghai's one of the most iconic films, Khalnayak, turns 30 today. The film that was the biggest hit in Bollywood after Aankhen in 1993 is celebrated even today for its engaging storyline, peppy songs, and catchy dialogues. In a candid chat with ETimes, Jackie Shroff, who played inspector Ram in this Sanjay Dutt and Madhuri Dixit starrer, shares how special this film is for him, his admiration for his character Ram, and much more.
Jackie calls Khalnayak one of the most beautiful films of his career. "I think one of the most beautiful films of my career is Khalnayak. I like the emotion, the story, and the song, like all the films of Subhash Ghai ji."
Talking about his character, Shroff said, "It was a very memorable role. I never got over the role of an inspector who was honest, noble, and respectful to everybody and to his job in particular. I think it's one of the best police officer roles I have played."
Jackie Shroff and Sanjay Dutt share a special bond in particular, and he has also worked with Madhuri in several other films. Jackie praised his co-stars and said, "Sanjay Dutt as Khalnayak is definitely incredible. Sanjay Dutt is my buddy. I think Sanjay Dutt, Madhuri Dixit, and I rocked the film. It's iconic."