Have you ever thought about one simple question - to what extent are our hobbies really ours, coming from deep within our nature, and not imposed on us by almighty society? While earlier, many decades ago, being, for example, a man automatically meant a certain "gentleman's set" of hobbies and activities, today, everything has actually changed.
There are many things that are traditionally considered "100% masculine," although today many men absolutely aren't into them. And this online thread, a selection of the most popular opinions of which we present to your attention today, is devoted to discussing such things.
More info: Reddit
Hiding emotion. F**k that. If I'm happy I'm gonna laugh. If I'm heartbroken I'm gonna cry. If you think that's unmanly, I don't care. Because I think it is more manly to be real than it is to present a façade to the world.
Image credits: Imightbeafanofthis
The definition of what is or isn't masculine. I'm a man, born this way, heterosexual and I will wear that pink shirt that I really like, because I just don't care if that somehow makes me less masculine.
Image credits: ephdravir
I generally don't wear high heels or powdered wigs... wait, how "traditional" are we talking?
Image credits: HandFancy
The original thread appeared in the AskReddit community about a month ago, when the topicstarter asked male netizens: "What is a traditionally masculine thing which you are not interested in?" As of today, the thread has around 1.8K upvotes and almost 5.5K various comments. As we can see, the discussion was quite lively, and not all the ideas presented by the thread participants were unanimously approved by others.
Fishing: it's gross, boring, and I feel bad for the fish. Plus I don't like fish.
Image credits: Old_Discussion_2363
Multiple boomers have bragged about never changing a diaper. I would be too embarrassed to show my face again if I never changed my kids diaper.
Image credits: rolowa
Proving my masculinity. If somebody says I'm "not a real man" because I refuse to do X arbitrary thing, I'm happy to shrug and say "okay.".
Image credits: butt_honcho
A significant place among the answers in this thread is occupied by different variations on the sports theme. At least out of the 30 top answers that we’ve selected for this collection, 5 are pure sports, and another two or three are somehow related to it (for example, it depends on whether you consider gaming a sport or not).
In fact, with sports, everything is far from clear - and the results of the research only confirm that the world is far from being as crazy about professional sports as it was just a couple of decades ago. At least, the sports audience is getting older, and young people often choose completely different hobbies for themselves.
Talking about women like objects.
Image credits: Macclesq
Image credits: Witty_Mastodon_25
Being super competitive when I’m hanging out with guys who are supposed to be my friends. Can’t we just relax and have a good time without needing to outdo each other in everything? .
Image credits: The_Observatory_
For example, while in 2000, the average age of a hockey fan, according to a study conducted by Sport Business Journal, was 33 years old, basketball - 40, football - 44, and baseball - 52, the latest research, conducted in 2016, showed even more depressing figures for major leagues’ commissioners: from 42 years in the NBA to 50 in the NFL and even 57 for MLB. Young people, and young men in particular, are choosing other hobbies en masse.
I really don’t feel the specific need to be the breadwinner… don’t get me wrong of course I want to work for my money. But if I would ever find myself in the situation where my gf (or wife) would earn enough for a family and would prefer to work, while I manage the household and or children, I’d be more than happy to do so.
Image credits: Kadras_
Image credits: okcanuck
Cigars. I get why people like them, but they are expensive, smell awful, produce a ton of smoke I end up inhaling anyway, and feel like more of a status symbol than something that should be smoked regularly anyway. A whole lot of hype for an oversized cigarette that'll make you vomit and/or feel sick if you accidentally inhale, or just get too much at once.
Image credits: csgrizzly
"Public opinion and people's beliefs change over time - and the digitalization of society only accelerates these processes," says Valery Bolgan, a historian and editor-in-chief of Intent news agency from Ukraine, whom Bored Panda asked for a comment here. "And if before, a trend needed months and even years to spread around the world - and some faded away even earlier, now it happens almost instantly."
"Accordingly, in developed countries, where the service sector allows you to order almost any activity on the side, there is no real need for many of the things that made a man ‘a man’ centuries ago. In the historical sense of the word, of course."
Strip clubs.
Image credits: FunctionBuilt
Image credits: rayrayrayray
Image credits: the_purple_goat
"Today there is no classical diversification in the family and society, and we are not so dependent on what used to be called ‘public opinion.’ Now a person can quite easily give up hobbies that were previously literally imposed on them by society - and feel quite good. The world is changing - and we’re also changing with it," Valery Bolgan sums up.
The NFL. 18-22 minutes of actual playing motion in 2.5 - 3 hours. Endless beer ads (for s****y brew). So f*****g boring.
Image credits: mrchuckles5
Being agressieve and intimidating.
Image credits: Dragon2906
Having control over my gf/spouse.
Image credits: rayrayrayray
Well, no matter how controversial many of the points given in this selection actually are, we sincerely believe that you might be interested in reading the opinions of netizens on this issue. So now please feel free to scroll the list and read these points and stories - and maybe share your thoughts on the topic in the comments below as well.
Voluntary self-restriction. Just in general.
I won’t avoid mai tais and cosmos and have just Coors Light at every party, just because. I won’t refuse to watch Rachael Ray just because. I won’t limit my film choices to action films just because.
Voluntary self-restriction is very much traditionally masculine. Which is in no way a synonym of healthy.
Image credits: A_Mirabeau_702
Ignoring my kids when I have them.
Image credits: seewhaticando
Camping, can't see the joy in purposely inconveniencing myself for fun.
Image credits: TheFantomItch
That s**t is f*****g boring (to play and watch).
I used to work for Titlelist/Footjoy and that just made me hate it that much more ?.
Image credits: monotoonz
Being overly hairy, I shave my pits because I have the smell if I don’t, and I shave my chest because I just prefer the look over a hairy chest.
Image credits: GoofyGreyson
Beer (alcohol in general) .
Image credits: LazyImmigrant
Riding Harley Davidson motorcycles. There is a whole generation of d***hebags that has made me lose all interest in them and the culture that comes with it.
Image credits: snoopy-person
Bourbon. $50 bottle. $5,000 bottle. They all make me wanna puke .
Image credits: HoodRatTomato
Image credits: grapplingwithtruth
Home improvements, renovations, dyi, landscaping, yard work, or building/repairing anything. For the record, I know how to do this stuff. I just don’t have the time or energy and I don’t want to.
Image credits: Rocketcheckman
Image credits: eagle_venom
Image credits: Capt_lurch4774