They used to say that there were only two things in life you could count on: death and taxes. Well, in 2024, I think it's fair to update it to death, taxes and that Netflix will host really great shows with huge amounts of potential but in the darkest corners of the streaming service so nobody can ever find them,
It's not as catchy, but tell me if I'm wrong.
Here are three perfect examples of series on Netflix that you might not have discovered yet.
You have to give Tom Hardy credit. He has become quite possibly one of the biggest actors in Hollywood, a household name, who can pick and choose any project he wants at any price, and yet is still so dedicated to the art that he'll happily work on micro budget, BBC-produced gothic dramas where he spends most of his time naked, covered in paint and looking sad.
Taboo came and went on the BBC (FX Network in the States) with very little fanfare. It's a dark period piece of revenge, violence, lust and obsession, set within a crumbling world on the verge of change. A single season show (a second is still being rumoured), it sees Hardy showcasing once more his acting talents and range.
Picked up now by Netflix with almost zero promotion, it is deep inside the streaming giant pretty much forgotten... but shouldn't be.
Shows about London-based superheroes that are diverse and streetwise are not exactly in excess these days, so it was strange when Supacell came and went so quickly – it really should have made more of a lasting impact.
When a bunch of British teens find they have super powers they hide them, using them for less than legit reasons and to gain standing over others. Add to this the constant threat of a secret government organisation that knows a lot more about it all and you get a gritty and realistic drama that really does work.
It looks great, has a strong cast and feels real at all times, despite the premise.
Season 2 is in production now so it's a great time to catch up with one of the largely unsung hits of the year.
Russian Doll
Time travel, alternate reality, multiverse? Or just too much drugs and drink?
Natasha Lyonne brings her special brand of gritty New York drama to this two season stunner. Russian Doll is based on a protagonist being forced by some cosmic force to relive the same day over and over for reasons that are unclear.
Think Groundhog Day meets Trainspotting.
It truly is a fantastic show, with a sharp script, beautiful cinematography, and a belting soundtrack. Natasha Lyonne also plays a stunning central character who carries the entire piece.
The second season is perhaps not as great, which might be why it's slipped off the radar, but that first one is simply glorious!