What are disabled people supposed to make of everyday ableist talk?
Should they brush it off as just annoying, but predictable comments from people who should probably know but usually don’t? Or, is there more to casual ableism than irritation? And how hard should non-disabled people work to avoid it? Does it really matter?
Ableism isn’t words alone, but it isn’t just actions either. Ableist talk matters — the language, conversational habits, and ideas that intentionally or not, sadden, frustrate, and anger disabled people.
The somewhat contested term “microaggressions” happens to serve very well in this case to label and describe the effects of ableist talk. Many are small offenses by themselves. But their effects can be huge and harmful when accumulated gradually over a lifetime living with disabilities. Though sometimes meant well, they can still feel like attacks, and leave as lasting an imprint as any physical act of aggression.
Here is a look at three of the most common types of microaggressions disabled people have to deal with in everyday communication.
1. Terminology
First, there are the words nobody should use, like: “retarded” or “retard,” “moron” or “idiot.” Then there’s outdated terminology like “handicapped,” and well-meaning but off-putting euphemisms like “differently-abled,” “special needs,” and “mentally / physically challenged.” There’s unnecessarily negative phrasing like “wheelchair bound,” “confined to a wheelchair,” and “suffers from.” And there’s the ongoing debate within the disability community itself over whether to say “person with a disability” or “disabled person.” While these examples aren’t all equally despised or controversial, they all have the potential to put off or offend any particular disabled person.
Why people use these words …
Even the most insulting and now virtually taboo disability-related words and phrases were mostly at one time considered more or less accurate, if not entirely neutral. In fact, quite a lot of the terminology that grates on disabled people today was originally crafted to be empowering or less “negative.” But, disability language never stops evolving. At the moment, it’s moving mostly away from overwrought and fussy euphemisms once considered “politically correct,” like “person with a disability” and “special needs,” towards simpler and more widely-defined use of “disability” and “disabled.” So while some words are clearly insulting and off-limits, others may be more fairly thought of as merely off-base and unfortunate.
What it feels like …
Hearing offensive terminology hurts. Hearing outdated terminology can be a clue about the speaker’s level of understanding about disability. Hearing cheery euphemisms feels nauseating and condescending. And it’s all tiring for disabled people who hear troubling terminology like this constantly. Even the least picky disabled person can’t escape at least some annoyance from ableist speech.
Why it matters …
Language both reflects thinking about disability, and shapes it. The words and phrases people use to talk about disability signal what they may be thinking — whether or not that reading is always accurate — and over time channels their thinking about disability in certain directions. Language practices also help answer an important question. Are disabled people to be viewed as gross and contemptible, or vulnerable and sad — or simply another segment of the population with more or less equal standing, and with no inherent emotional baggage to be overly concerned about? Language and speech habits offer clues and nudges in certain directions, good or bad.
2. Condescension and sentimentality
The most common example of condescension is the habit some people can’t seem to break, of speaking to disabled people of any age like they are immature children. It’s using an uncharacteristically soft, slow, high-pitched, cooing voice when speaking to disabled youth and adults. But it’s not just about tone of voice. It’s also the assumption that disabled people are less self-aware, less able to know and manage their own needs, less able to understand things.
Condescension is also closely related to sentimentality, which seems to dominate many people’s understanding of disabled people. It’s the tendency to view virtually all aspects of disability in terms of deeply emotional narratives of sadness and suffering vs. perseverance and triumph. It’s thinking of disabled people as elevated innocents, people who carry a special moral goodness somehow connected with their disability. It’s confusing gushing, doting praise with empowerment, or wonder and amusement with respect and love.
Why people respond to disabled people this way …
One important source of both condescension and sentimentality is the misused and misleading idea that certain kinds of disabled adults are child-like. People talk to and think about disabled people this way because on some level they actually do view disabled people as less fully human. Or, they see disabled people as inherently disadvantaged, occupying a permanent “underdog” role in society — despised in some ways, idolized in others. Condescension and sentimentality towards disabled people may persist because in troubled, cynical times, people crave moral purity and simplicity, and happy stories of personal achievement free of politics or ideology. As long as disabled people remain uncomplicated, cheerful, and plucky as individuals, they are easy to root for, and perfect vessels for non-disabled people’s vague and impersonal goodwill.
What it feels like …
It’s insulting as an adult to be talked to like a child. And even seemingly positive regard can quickly come to feel fake, overdone, and misplaced. It stops feeling like personal praise or kindness rightfully earned. Instead, it feels like empty emoting that has more to do with a non-disabled person’s own personality and emotional investments than the disabled person’s actual character or achievements.
Why it matters …
All of this makes it harder for some disabled people to gauge how they are actually perceived. It makes them doubt their true value and place in society. Sentimentality also tends to distract attention away from less pleasant thoughts, like disability-related problems that need attention such as inaccessibility and discrimination. And so much emphasis on personal heroism and “overcoming disability” also puts enormous pressure on disabled people to fulfill an often impossible ideal.
3. “Harmless” disability jokes
Put simply, it’s those little quips, remarks, and witticisms that just don’t sit right with most disabled people. And if they push, the response is almost always some version of, “Can’t you take a joke?” If it’s not actually said outright, it’s communicated with a look. There are too many examples to list, but here are two of the most common types of “harmless” disability jokes that make disabled people want to bang their heads in frustration.
“Hey, you got a license for that thing?” This is especially popular when non-disabled people see someone in an electric wheelchair or scooters. Or people say, “At least you’ve always got a place to sit!” It’s as if people using mobility aids need to be told what the advantages of them are. Then there are the non-verbal versions, like physically jumping out of a wheelchair user’s way, pantomiming unnecessary layers of exaggerated fear or courtesy. Whether a spoken joke or little moment of wordless acting, wheelchair humor is all meant to be hilarious, and of course good natured — never mean.
Another phenomenon disabled people come to hate over time is certain kinds of pop culture references. For example, shouting “Run Forrest run!” at a person walking with a visible impairment, in reference to the film “Forrest Gump,” or singing “High ho, high ho …” and laughing at Little People walking by. Or, there’s the almost universally recognized use of stabbing motions and screeching string sounds from “Psycho,” to illustrate fear of mental illness and mentally ill people. And of course there’s the childish practice — too commonly carried well into adulthood — of putting on the stereotypical voice of an intellectually disabled person, drawing on any number of TV or movie characters, whether serious or comical. Think of Lennie in “Of Mice and Men, Raymond in “Rain Man,” or Hodor in “Game of Thrones.”
Why people say these things and act this way …
For some it’s really just something to say when they feel awkward around a disabled person, and think they have to say something. It’s usually a comment that seems clever, insightful, and fresh to a non-disabled person, because it doesn’t occur to them that the disabled person has probably heard it a thousand times before. And it even the worst of it continues because so many people never outgrow playground, grade school level mockery of disabled people.
What it feels like …
Disabled people react with a wide range of feelings, from a sort of amused annoyance at hearing moldy old cliches yet again — to a gut punch or slap in the face from remarks of stunning insensitivity. The worst of these “jokes” are entirely familiar and predictable. But they still come as a shock when they happen.
Why it matters …
The impact of these seemingly small, supposedly “harmless” jokes isn’t always small. They can literally ruin a disabled person’s day. And those that aren’t so serious on their own add up over time, with corrosive effects on disabled people.
Despite it all, the problem with disability microaggressions isn’t really about disabled people being “offended.” That’s not quite right. The effect is more like disappointment, self-doubt, and grinding weariness. And the more serious problem is the ideas that disability microaggressions both signal, and help to shape.
It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of efforts to be “politically correct” or “woke.” Anyone who cares at all about how disabled people are regarded and treated, should make themselves aware of disability microaggressions, and make good faith efforts to add fewer of them to disabled people’ s everyday lives.