Apple TV+ may not be the most prolific of streaming services, but it is considered among the best when it comes to quality. Its shows almost always sport high production values, great scripting and attract some of the biggest stars.
It's also well-renowned for sci-fi, with a considerable selection of future or space-themed shows. That includes Silo, which is rushing headlong towards the conclusion of its second season. And if you've been watching, you'll be as hooked as we are, it's just a shame that you'll have to wait a while for season 3.
In the meantime, why not try these other superb sci-fi shows on Apple TV+.
For All Mankind
Alternate history space race / cold war thriller meets soap opera / family drama meets CGI-laden action movie – there are a lot of things you could call For All Mankind, but "boring" isn't one of them.
Charting an America in an alternative timeline as it strives to be the first and then the strongest space faring nation, this Apple TV+ flagship show has everything. There's a fantastic cast, stunning visuals, a sharp well written script, and enough twists over the seasons to ensure it never gets tired.
It's absolutely essential viewing if you love your sci-fi, history or just well produced and engaging television.
Honestly, only Apple TV would ever be brave and ambitious enough to try and bring Isaac Asimov's Foundation novels to the screen. It's an incredibly dense and lore-heavy story of time, exploration, physics and empire, and I can't help but feel that. left in the hands of other streaming networks, it could simply never work.
However, this is something that Apple does best. It's an amazing show that's visually stunning thanks to extremely high production values. It's also complicated, engrossing, shocking, and stacked with a top flight cast. The storyline requires considerable attention, but is hugely rewarding if you make the effort.
This is absolutely top tier sci-ti TV in every way. Stunning.
Dark Matter
A lot has been said in the last few years regarding the concept of ‘hard sci-fi’, where the fiction is particularly loyal to the realities of physics and chemistry. There are no laser beams, no aliens, no jetpacks, just hyperrealism.
This has led to shows like The Expanse making space terrifying again, and has resulted in shows like Dark Matter.
Alternate dimensions, wormholes, and multiple versions of the same character are in abundance here, as is a strong narrative structure. Joel Egerton leads a great cast into some really cool and interesting action sequences, too.