A nine-year-old girl measures just 2ft tall after inheriting a rare condition which stops her from growing.
Komal, who lives in Patiala, Punjab, India, had stopped growing when she was just three years old.
Concerned family members took the young girl to a doctor who told them that she has Thalassemia - a blood disorder caused by the body not producing enough haemoglobin protein.
Now, she is measured at just 2ft (60cm) tall and weighs just 8kg (1st 3lb).
As a result, she is often mistaken for being three years old.
The average height for a three-month-old tot is 2ft.
Most tots aged four months old weigh the same as her.
Komal is so small, she couldn't go to school until she was eight years old.

Her family said she was only admitted to school when she was eight years old due to confusion over her age.
Thalassemia is a treatable condition that can be managed with chelation therapy and blood transfusions.
She now has to undergo blood transfusions every 28 days.
However, Komal’s mother said the treatments are too expensive for the family and they can only cover her monthly transfusions.

Despite being an inherited condition, the mother said no other family members have the blood disorder.
She added that little Komal has the love and full support of her family to help her with her challenging condition.