270 homes could be built in a newly labelled property hotspot in Merseyside.
Taylor Wimpey North West has submitted a reserved matters planning application for a new residential development that would see 270 homes appear at Brackenway, Formby. 30% of the homes will be affordable housing, with the development comprising of a mixture of mews, semi and detached two-storey homes.
The mixture of two, three and four-bedroom houses will be built to "meet the local need" after Outline Planning Permission for up to 286 new homes was granted in January 2022. The development is said to focus on good design, sustainability and place making with approximately 36 acres of green space.
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Open grassland and drainage ponds will be created as well as an on-site play area, ecology enhancements, and improved footpath connections throughout the site and to the local nature reserve. The proposed scheme will be accessed via a new junction due to be constructed off Formby Bypass as well as emergency access onto Paradise Lane, to be controlled by a collapsible bollard.
The company has also promised to contribute £178,200 towards the Sefton Coast Mitigation Scheme. Ian Harrison, Land and Planning Director at Taylor Wimpey North West, said: “We are pleased to have submitted our planning application for a new development in Formby. The development will provide high-quality new homes and investment for the local area.
“We are confident that our proposals will have a lasting, positive impact on the community and we are looking forward to receiving a decision on our planning application from Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council in the near future.”
The Formby area was recently labelled a "hotspot" as people look to move closer to the coast and nature following the pandemic. The hotspot label has come after Barratt Homes conducted a survey on 2,000 would-be homebuyers and renters that found 69% of those value outdoor areas as their priority.