25 more law enforcement officers have completed training through the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training. DOCJT conducts classes on the Eastern Kentucky University campus. This is separate from EKU’s law enforcement program. Angela Brown acts as coordinator of class 534, basic recruit training. Brown said the classes cover issues like patrol procedures, physical training, and vehicle operations.
“We have defensive tactics, criminal law, traffic-anywhere from DUI to traffic stops, firearms, criminal investigations, cultural awareness, bias-related crimes, tactical, crisis situations,” said Brown.
Brown noted officers are hired by law enforcement agencies across the state and then come to Richmond for training. She added it involves 20 weeks and around 800 hours of training.
“We have anybody from the state of Kentucky from all over from ages to 21. We’ve had a recruit here who was 62 years old. They’ve come from all different ways of life and they come here and everybody gets the same training,” said Brown.
Brown said agencies that use body cameras conduct that training on their own. Police departments in Louisville, Lexington, Bowling Green and Kentucky State Police have their own training academies.
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