Manfrotto has been at the top of the tripod game for many years, and its MT055 lineup is famed for its stability and rigidity in a lightweight frame. The Manfrotto MT055CXPRO3 tripod got rave reviews, and its successor impresses further.
The Manfrotto MT055CXPRO4 Carbon Fibre Tripod is the latest in the pro lineup and is part of an insanely good £299 offer at Wex. As well as being £80 off, they are throwing in a free Manfrotto X-Pro 3-Way Head worth £129!!
A great tripod is a staple in any photographer's kit, be it portrait, landscape or still life, the ability to have complete faith in camera stability is key. The Manfrotto 055 does just that!
The carbon fibre legs make it very lightweight and compact, allowing for easy travel. A horizontal column mechanism allows versatility, enabling you to capture your shot, no matter the orientation.
One of the best pan-tilt tripod heads, the Manfrotto MHXPRO-3W X-Pro 3-way head is a very compact head that оffеrѕ 'frісtіоn соntrоlѕ оn thе роrtrаіt аnd tіlt ахеѕ, tо hеlр bаlаnсе thе wеіght оf саmеrа еquірmеnt, ѕо fіnе frаmіng аdјuѕtmеntѕ саn bе mаdе wіth thе lосkіng knоbѕ'.
This is going straight in my basket!