Scousers don't do anything by half measures - Christmas in particular.
Liverpool's got its fair share of local quirks and Christmas traditions that set the city apart. We've all probably got a few stories of drunk auntie's speaking an entirely new form of slurred English, Christmas ruined by Boxing Day football gone sour or realising just how unfit you are as you walk the Santa Dash you forgot you'd signed up for.
Whether it's planning the entire season around the football or counting the number of Say it with Diamonds initial necklaces on Instagram - there are certain signs that herald a Scouse Christmas.
READ MORE: Light a Christmas candle to remember a loved one on our map of tributes
We rounded up X sure fire signs you're having a Scouse Christmas, from one house on your street looking like Blackpool Illuminations to sitting at the top of the stairs asking if 'he's been'.
Are there any we've left out? Let us know in the comments.
20. Planning a completely innocuous shopping trip with your partner, so you can hint heavily at the presents you want
Sometimes you've just got to take extra measures to ensure you're going to get that certain present you've want. We've all done it - turned a weekly shop into a hint-fest, a day of dropping the most obvious and direct pointers at what you're really hoping to see beneath the wrapping paper.
It doesn't always work, sadly, but if you've not got the gall to demand it, a well-planned shopping trip walking past the window of the shop in question might be the best way to ensure a successful Christmas morning.
19. The entire season is planned around the football

You may well have family to visit on Boxing Day - but that needs to be wrapped up ready for Everton's 3pm kick-off or the Liverpool game at 5.30pm, or if you're getting down to Prenton Park to watch Tranmere Rovers at home after lunch. As soon as the fixtures come out for the year, the first thing most of us do is check which game falls closest our birthday and then look at the Christmas games.
It doesn't matter how old you get or whether you're a Red or a Blue, or even a super white - Christmas is as much about the football as it is about presents or time spent with family.
Everyone loves a match under the lights at and it's a great excuse to get out of the house when you're starting to get cabin fever, and to burn off some of those Christmas calories early.
18. Getting the family to shut up so you can watch the Christmas specials
It might not be the same this Christmas after the creators of Doctor Who said there wouldn't be any Christmas special. But with Bake Off, Strictly, Death in Paradise, Corrie and The Chase all running festive episodes there'll be something to struggle to watch as your kids bounce from wall to wall, fuelled by that Christmas chocolate.
It might be worth popping it on record, and sticking it on when they inevitably crash.
17. Forgetting you signed up to do the Santa Dash back in October and regretting your life choices

Just whose idea was it to do a 5k in a full Santa Suit? Oh yes, that's right - it was your idea. You signed up for it when Christmas felt like a far away concept and now it's here, you haven't prepared and you're not coping well.
It's all for charity, so you really can't complain, but you're starting to wish you hadn't started in on the mince pies quite so early this year. Ultimately, it's a very worthy way to spend a Sunday morning... but that doesn't make it any less painful on a raging hangover.
16. Trying to hide the shakes while opening your presents on Christmas morning

Speaking of hangovers - plenty of us will know the familiar, sinking feeling of waking up feeling seriously rough after a Christmas Eve night out.
You definitely got back in after Santa had been, you've had barely any sleep and now it's time to pretend to be a fully functioning human in front of more members of family than you've probably seen all together in a year.
It felt worth it at the time, but now you're trying to hide the hangover shakes while cracking into your stocking and you feel awful.
15. Sitting at the top of the stairs asking if he's been
Hangover or no hangover, you're still excitedly asking whether Santa's been. It doesn't matter how old you get, or whether you're the one putting presents out for your own children, we all still ask this every single year.
14. Seeing the foam go off in La'Go and feeling like you're in Lapland

It's a festive treat primarily reserved for your work Christmas party or Christmas Eve and it's a real sight to behold. Beautiful and captivating in its own way, it usually gets unleashed during All I Want For Christmas by Mariah Carey and it gets quite the reaction.
Maybe it's something to do with all the drinks you sunk earlier in the night, or maybe the magic of Christmas has got you feeling all emotional, but it's a real highlight of the season.
Up there with Love Actually coming on the tele and carol concerts.
13. One house on the street looks like Blackpool Illuminations

You've got no idea what their electricity bill must look like when January comes round, but fair play to them. There's always one house on the street where the neighbours go above and beyond when it comes to decorating the house.
From a full nativity scene to a glow-up depiction of Santa's sleigh with all eight reindeer, it's leaving you Googling blackout curtains for the duration of the festive season.
Light pollution or no light pollution, it never fails to put a smile on your face seeing the amazing display - and seeing how much joy it brings to everyone who goes past. Some neighbours may even see it as a bit of a challenge, trying to match the levels of commitment and festive cheer.
While many of us are only willing to go as far as a front door wreath, we respect those who go above and beyond.
12. You booked your curly blow and nails in back in April

This isn't your first time at the rodeo.
If you want your hair, make-up or nails done in time for Christmas then you need to get those appointments locked down months in advance. Most hairdressers start taking deposits for these all important slots back in October and they fill up fast.
If you want to look your best for a Christmas Eve night out, or even to go to your nan's for your roast, it's all about the preparation. Much like getting booked in for Aintree - you need to get these things sorted well in advance.
Either that or you'd better make your peace with spending all of Christmas Eve in your rollers.
11. Everyone's got their new coats and trainers on for the match on Boxing Day

It's probably the best the match day crowd will look all year, with everyone taking the opportunity to sport their new coats and trainers. Looking around the ground ahead of a Boxing Day game, you're guaranteed to see some box fresh Nike 110s and some brand new Under Armour jackets.
Everyone knows Scousers pride themselves on upping the style stakes whatever the occasion, and even going to the match is the perfect opportunity to showcase your new look.
10. Christmas Eve and Boxing Day are two of the biggest nights out of the year

Maybe it says a lot about how long we are all able to spend with our loved ones before we desperately need a drink - but these are big nights out for plenty of us. Everyone's in a lovely mood, most of us are off work and it's a great time to see out the year with some of your nearest and dearest.
Whether you're going all out for a big one in town or just meeting down the local with your mates, it's guaranteed to be a good night.
9. You practically need a cattle prod to get down Church Street unscathed

Whether it's grappling over the last three for two gift set in Boots or trying to trek down Church Street laden with bags, Christmas shopping can really take it out of you. It's absolute graft - especially when it comes to facing off against other shoppers who are all trying to finish their lists as quickly as possible.
8. You foolishly convince yourself that Cheshire Oaks might be easier

It's an out of town retail centre - how busy can it be?
The answer, of course, is very.
If you want to get round Cheshire Oaks with ease and tick off everything on your Christmas list then you need to time your visit perfectly.
The designer outlet has so many Christmas offers and bargains that it's no surprise it gets packed out - but if you want to avoid sitting in the car park all night then you need to plan ahead.
7. Counting the number of girls on your Instagram who got a Say It With Diamonds initial necklace
It's a gorgeous gift so we can understand why it's so popular - but it definitely feels like Scouse Christmases are sponsored by these necklaces. Whether it's a gift for your other half, your mum or your daughter, it feels like absolutely everyone has one of these must-have gifts.
6. The Evertonian in your office gets a Liverpool FC themed Secret Santa present (and vice versa)
That Liverpool FC branded hot water bottle is getting lashed the second they get home, but everyone appreciates the needle.
5. Judging everyone else's Christmas dinner on Facebook because you know your mum's is the best

Why anyone is uploading photos of boiled spuds or thin gravy is absolutely beyond us. Everyone obviously thinks their mum's Christmas dinner is the best on earth, but judging by the photos going up on social media, some people need to have a quiet word with themselves.
4. The Queen's/ King's speech is banned in your house
Scousers have some complex feelings about the Royal Family, as you might have noticed from Liverpool FC fans booing the national anthem. When it comes to the King's speech, plenty of houses across Merseyside will be putting on literally anything else to avoid it.
Sorry, not sorry.
3. Wearing all your brand new clothes for Christmas dinner
It doesn't matter if you're going to the fanciest restaurant in Liverpool or going to your nan's - you're putting on your best new clothes for the occasion. Scousers love to make an effort and to dress up, and this is certainly true for Christmas Day when we're getting dressed up in all our new presents.
2. Watching your favourite Christmas film in the most beautiful setting around

Whether it's Love Actually with a live orchestra at the Philharmonic, Die Hard at Woolton Picture House or Home Alone at Sefton Park Palm House, we certainly know how to binge on Christmas films in style.
Of course, we could just watch Elf on the tele at home for the millionth time - but it's way more fun to get to see it in such a gorgeous setting. Nothing gets you in the Christmas spirit more than watching your favourite film in one of the city's most stunning venues.
1. A fresh set of Christmas Eve pyjamas all ready for Santa
Did you really think you'd get to the end of a Liverpool ECHO Christmas listicle without us mentioning Christmas Eve pyjamas?
In the Scousest tradition around, getting a pair of pyjamas is practically a God given right in this city.
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