As the name implies, Thanksgiving is a day to be thankful. And when it comes to things that people are grateful for, it’d be very challenging to find something greater than having your life saved, especially if that happens right before this celebration.
A story like this happened just 2 weeks ago. A postal worker noticed a stranger collapse on the sidewalk just as he was driving by. Without a second thought, the guy stopped the car and jumped out to help him, which resulted not only in a saved life but also in a joint Thanksgiving celebration between the 2 families and a bond that will likely last forever. Scroll down for more!
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Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful, and there are hardly any more worthy people than someone who just saved your life

Image credits: City of Aurora, IL, Government / Facebook
A postal worker, Jaylen Lockhart, was driving along his route when he noticed a stranger, Guy Miller, collapse on the sidewalk
In Aurora, Illinois, November 16th started out like any other regular Saturday. The postal worker, Jaylen Lockhart, was driving around his route, delivering mail, when his path crossed with Guy Miller, an elderly man, going about his routine and walking his dog.
The men had no idea who the other was, so they paid no attention, continuing with what they were doing. But as Jaylen passed Guy, he took a glance at the rearview mirror and noticed that the man had suddenly collapsed on the ground.

Image credits: City of Aurora, IL, Government / Facebook
Jaylen immediately stopped the car and rushed to help, saving Guy, who, feeling incredibly grateful, later invited the other man over for Thanksgiving
The driver didn’t think twice. He stopped the car and jumped out, selflessly rushing to help the stranger out. “I wasn’t sure exactly what I was getting myself into. But I did know that whatever he was going through on that ground, we were going to go through it together,” Jaylen shared with WLS-TV.
With the help of other passersby, the postal worker figured out the address, called 911, and remained by his side until help arrived. Once the man was safe, Jaylen got his home address and made sure to swing by, informing his wife about the situation.

Image credits: City of Aurora, IL, Government / Facebook

Image credits: City of Aurora, IL, Government / Facebook
Jaylen’s and Guy’s families ended up not only sharing a wholesome dinner but also attending a ceremony in which the hero’s birthday was declared Jaylen Lockhart Day
Feeling incredibly grateful, the Millers invited Jaylen and his family to celebrate Thanksgiving together, which they were happy to accept. This led to a wholesome celebration between 2 families, creating an unexpected yet very welcome bond that will most likely last a lifetime. “We are family now, and for that, I will forever be grateful,” the guy shared with the City of Aurora Government.
However, it wasn’t just the people around these men who were left highly impressed by the post worker’s heroics. Once the news about this incident spread, the city’s special council meeting was arranged, where the mayor himself congratulated the hero and proclaimed his birthday, August 29th, Jaylen Lockhart Day.

Emergency situations are as serious as they come, and it’s very easy to lose your cool and spiral into uncontrollable panic. However, doing something like that not only doesn’t help anyone but can also significantly worsen the situation. That’s why it’s important to learn to stay calm, no matter what life throws at you.
According to Brody Danielson of Readywise, doing so is relatively simple as long as you know what you’re doing. That’s why it all starts with getting yourself educated, like learning basic first aid, acquiring some survival skills, and even downloading a few helpful apps. If you feel a little more familiar with something, it naturally becomes less scary.

Image credits: City of Aurora, IL, Government / Facebook

Image credits: City of Aurora, IL, Government / Facebook
When attempting to reach a certain goal in an emergency, focus on it and nothing else. Whether it’s getting people out of a burning building, performing CPR, or calling 911, it’s 1 task at a time.
Practice and learn to adapt to unexpected situations so you don’t get thrown off when something goes wrong. This may also include learning to be a bit bold where it’s needed and not being afraid to break a few rules when a situation truly calls for it.
And last but not least, take care of yourself. A healthy body and mind is something to strive for regardless of where you find yourself, but in emergency situations, being able to perform at the highest capacity while not giving in to stress and anxiety is extremely important. This also includes adding a few breathing exercises to your repertoire, which can help in times of need.

Image credits: City of Aurora, IL, Government / Facebook
In the end, we can never be completely prepared for anything, but something is always more than nothing. After all, if Jaylen had fallen into panic and couldn’t have helped Guy, the Thanksgiving dinner would’ve probably been much sadder for both families.
What did you think about this story? Have you ever saved a life? Share it all in the comments below!
The commenters were very proud of Jaylen and happy with the story’s outcome