A £1m project to redevelop Cambusdoon Sports Club’s base in Alloway has been given the green light by council planners.
Ayrshire Live can exclusively reveal that the project will transform the club and provide a variety of improvements to the base in Burns Wicket.
Part of the redevelopment will see alterations and an extension - with viewing platform - built at the clubhouse, along with upgrade works to the existing grounds and car park.
A new entrance route to the south of the club is part of the masterplan, with an additional driveway being introduced via Broun Drive, which will ultimately provide a one-way system to reduce ‘traffic blocking.’
Also included in the plans are:
*Two female-friendly changing rooms
*Referees/Umpires space
*Rooms that can accommodate 16 people and private showers
*Improvements to bar and function capacity and catering options
*Relocation of grounds equipment facilities
*Sheltered viewing area at the astro turf pitches
*Change of use to a self contained flat, previously used to house the overseas cricket coach
The club, which encompasses Ayr Cricket Club, Alloway Bowling Club and Cambusdoon Football Club, has enlisted the help of LMA Architects in order to get the ambitious project off the ground.

In a design statement LMA Architects said: “Cambusdoon Sports Club engaged LMA’s services in December 2021 to carry out medium to long term masterplanning improvements to maximise the efficiency of the existing facilities and to adapt the present clubhouse building to meet the changing membership requirements and safe guarding of varying age groups/genders and disabled access needs.
“Recent club member consultations also identified an immediate requirement to provide additional changing facilities, upgrade the car park design and traffic flow and provide sheltered viewing facilities to the astro turf pitches.
“There was also a general aspiration that any proposed alteration works should enhance the appearance of the sterile main entrance elevation fronting onto the car park, to change the focus, add prominence and make the building more welcoming.”
Now that the redevelopment has been given the thumbs-up, the club will embark on a massive fundraising project to help finance the scheme, which will take shape in three building phases.

President of Cambusdoon Sports Club, Stuart Jefferson, said: “We are obviously delighted with the result of the planning meeting.
"To also get so many positive comments from the councillors on the panel was very gratifying.
“We intend to put the work for stage one out to tender in January and would hope that we can complete this over the summer months.

“Internal works would hopefully then follow shortly after, but the extension work will depend on a big fundraising effort, so we don’t have a timeframe currently. This will become clear over the next few months, I think.

“The total budget for all three stages could exceed £1m, so we are keen to make a start and get all members and interested parties involved in the project.”
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