Liverpool can be a misunderstood city and by extension so can its people.
If you come from Liverpool then chances are you'll have had to put up with your fair share of stereotypes down the years. The tired and played-out "calm down" or someone making a joke about hubcaps will always prompt an eye roll or indignant reaction.
It goes without saying that these misconceptions about Liverpool usually come from people who have never stepped foot into the city or spoken to a Scouser. However, there are some stereotypes that we would have to admit are spot on.
From the way we dress to the football teams we support. Here are 13 stereotypes about Liverpool that are actually true.
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13. We will always be the best dressed (this one applies to men and women)

Whether you're on a night out, at the races or on holiday, you can spot a Scouser a mile off. Usually, they're the ones that are well turned out and immaculately dressed, regardless of the occasion.
You can easily pick out Scouse girls from visiting racegoers at the Grand National - and while everyone looks their absolute best, our girls always go the extra mile. The same applies to Scouse lads who always look smart whether it's in their Sunday best or a pristine Adidas trackie.
12. Everyone in the city is either Red or Blue - there's no third option
When you meet people from outside Liverpool, one of the first questions they'll ask you is often "Red or Blue?". While we'd like to pretend that it's not quite that black and white. we would be lying.
Whether you're a die-hard Kopite or Evertonian or have a passing interest - you still have a team in this city. Even if you don't really follow football, you can guarantee your family will be Red or Blue (or your mum, dad, grandma or grandad have a team and that makes them your team).
11. Scousers have the best sense of humour
Whether it's taking the mickey out of ourselves or finding the funny side of any given situation, this one's definitely true. And it's not just us being biased - plenty of people think Scousers have the best sense of humour going as stereotypes go, this is definitely one we're happy to accept as being true.
10. We'll talk your ear off
Another stereotype that we have to accept is true... if we're being totally honest with ourselves. Befriending a Scouser might mean you'll struggle to get a word in edgeways, but it also means there'll never be a quiet moment.
9. We're fiercely defensive of our city (and with good reason)
Maybe this is one that other might choose to poke fun of, but it's one we're incredibly proud of. Ask anyone from Liverpool and they're tell you they're proud of their city - and if anyone tries to tell us otherwise we'll defend it.
This is partially rooted in a history of Liverpool being neglected and left to rot by successive Tory governments and a determination to thrive in the face of adversity. But more than that, it's simply down to us loving the place we call home and the people we get to share it with.

8. We take looking good for a night out very, very seriously
Another one that's dead on and we're not even sorry. Hair, tan, nails, lashes - it's all part of the essential prep for a proper night out and we aren't willing to compromise on it.
7. Wearing rollers outside the house
This one's only okay when we say it. It might be a stereotype that annoys us when other people say it, but you can't deny you've seen someone doing their shopping on Saturday with a full head of pin curls and if you haven't seen someone else do it, then chances are it was you.
6. Christmas Eve pyjamas are a very real thing
This might be one we're sick of hearing (including in Liverpool ECHO listicles) but it's just true okay. A fresh set of Christmas Eve pyjamas are a God-given right in this city.
5. We always go over the top for every occasion
We don't do anything by half measures in this city, whether it's a night out in town or celebrating Mother's Day like no one else. It's not that we're flashy or extravagant, it's just that we want to make to most of every special occasion and have the best time.
4. Scouse nans really are the best
From making the best Sunday roast you've ever tasted to passing out Yoda-like pearls of wisdom. There's no beating them for class.
3. Everyone has some Irish family

This one is actually true for most of us, thanks to the city's historic links with Ireland. Between 1850 and 1913 it is estimated that more than 4.5 million Irish men and women had emigrated to start a new life in Liverpool.
2. We will make friends with absolutely everyone on holiday
Chilling by the pool in Benidorm? Hiking up Machu Picchu? Either way, you're leaving that holiday with a new Scouse best mate and you're absolutely made up about it.
1. We've essentially got our own language
We could fill a whole dictionary of words which are either completely unique to Liverpool or have a totally different meaning here in the city.