Rare sculptures with unique iconographical features dating back to the 8th century AD were found at Bhattugudem village of Peddavura mandal in Nalgonda district.
According to E. Sivanagireddy, archaeologist and CEO of Pleach India Foundation, sculptures of Brahma and Bhairava in front of the Kameswara temple of the village were found.

Sriramoju Haragopal, convenor of Kotta Telangana Charitra Brindam, confirmed that the two sculptures were depicted as dwarapalakas to the presiding deity, which one has not come across in the two Telugu states so far in terms of the iconographical features and attributes held by the Gods in which the club (gada) is in the hands of Bhairava and Brahma.
Heritage activist Suparna Mahi informed that the sculptures bear Pallava influence as seen at the Bhairavakonda rock cut caves.
Unusual features
Mr Sivangireddy said that the Bhairava sculpture is seen standing in tribe’s garage posture, holding Dhanaji and Sula on the upper hands and gada and bowl in the original hands and is decorated with Saivite ornaments. The Brahma sculpture is depicted with the usual attributes of Akshamala, gindi, Katihastha and holding a gada. It is quite interesting that both the sculptures are shown holding gada and with the hand on the thigh , also an unusual feature.
Yet another unique feature at the temples is the depiction of Sankhanidhi and Padmanidhi , the subordinates of God of wealth Kubera in female form carved at the bottom portion of the door frames in either side, reported for the first time in Telangana.
Buddhavanam officers Sudhanreddy, Shyamsundar Rao, K. Venkatareddy and G. Saidareddy also visited the temple.