While Twitter has changed a lot over the years, including a questionable rebrand as “X,” whatever that means, there is no denying that there is something magical about that little character limit that just brings out people’s creativity. If you ever want to catch something truly hilarious, all you have to do is open it up and scroll.
We’ve gathered some of the most hilarious Tweets (or posts on X if you insist) from June. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Image credits: caitlincanahey

Image credits: thebrianasman

Image credits: NatlParkService
For those who are somehow unaware, Twitter (now X) limits the size of its posts to 280 characters. It used to be 140, pushing folks to their creative limits, but now users will just chain tweets together in a thread if they really feel like putting a lot of text on Twitter. However, in general, the concise nature of Twitter/X still remains its main draw.
It is also a place many people go to hear from their favorite writers and comedians because, surprise surprise, the character limits actually help foster creativity. Creatives are known for overthinking, but not a lot of space for endless edits in 280 characters.

Image credits: LukeKennard

Image credits: NicholasMullan_

Image credits: localloservamp
That’s not an exaggeration, some researchers even suggest purposefully setting yourself limits. Look at it this way, many people suffer from a specific form of perfectionism, where they sit on a project that is essentially done because they can’t set a “finish line” for themselves. If you are a fan of an author who takes forever to publish a sequel, you might have encountered this.

Image credits: bbyube

Image credits: HRDutson

Image credits: vogelbrah
This is often why creative projects need a manager, because, if it’s not just a passion project or a hobby, there have to be deadlines, otherwise nothing ends up getting done. Twitter is a microcosm of this, the character limits, the quick, free form setting actually helps people be creative and funny.

Image credits: audipenny

Image credits: IAmNikkiSavoy

Image credits: KatieDeal99
As sad as it may sound, freedom is important, but it’s also entirely possible to end up being paralyzed by decisions and options. There has to be a balance. After all, some creative endeavors are clearly so tied down in focus-group suggestions and budget limitations that the end product ends up being terrible.

Image credits: mariana057

Image credits: SketchesbyBoze

Image credits: EliMcCann
Humor itself requires limitations, it needs boundaries. Comedy works when it subverts your expectations or misdirects us. For that to work, there have to be expectations that the comedian is working within in the first place.

Image credits: comradeflirty

Image credits: quakerparents
Of course, Twitter is also known for being the place with the most inane debate and discussions one can imagine. If you think your Facebook comments section is bad, you have yet to see a truly toxic argument in a tweet’s replies. It makes the things folks text to each other in anger look tame and mild.

Image credits: sarahradz_

Image credits: Kyla_Lacey

Image credits: townsendyesmate

Image credits: tweetsbybilly

Image credits: zambonijonez

Image credits: talleyberrybaby

Image credits: Swilua

Image credits: khoidaooo

Image credits: BrendanDaGawd

Image credits: j_ldn__

Image credits: Theonewhocums_

Image credits: rccalytrix

Image credits: rachellapides

Image credits: PopCrave

Image credits: stef_oh_nee

Image credits: missmulrooney

Image credits: theliamnissan

Image credits: richard_normal

Image credits: jtrebach

Image credits: easterngoblin

Image credits: rchlltrmn

Image credits: eliyudin

Image credits: tamarin

Image credits: rilaws

Image credits: kwhitaker_

Image credits: seanjetravers

Image credits: amishestrogen

Image credits: moonbeeaam

Image credits: escap1ngirls

Image credits: theerkj

Image credits: Pai_Kage

Image credits: hustlanani

Image credits: dangbozo

Image credits: arisofmars

Image credits: NoContextBrits

Image credits: gymgirllex

Image credits: sweetnormie

Image credits: ellesep

Image credits: sosauzay

Image credits: G_wuapbaby

Image credits: benegotherit

Image credits: 50FirstTates

Image credits: kourtneyinhell

Image credits: GatorsDaily

Image credits: Adore_Shay

Image credits: Royal_McPoyle

Image credits: alienantware

Image credits: YuckyTom

Image credits: countryguy4by4

Image credits: BizzleUrgh

Image credits: gahhnie

Image credits: abby4thepeople

Image credits: IsaacFitzgerald

Image credits: Swilua

Image credits: mannyfidel

Image credits: JamesTophamWord

Image credits: amitheonlyone_n

Image credits: shehawaiin

Image credits: hnr004sei

Image credits: thesarahyork

Image credits: CantEverDie

Image credits: SomaKazima

Image credits: benedictsred

Image credits: JacobBenowitz

Image credits: _shay_kitoff

Image credits: shelbybnovak

Image credits: bencjenkins

Image credits: NoContextBrits

Image credits: JoeyBigBelly

Image credits: talleyberrybaby

Image credits: littmath

Image credits: ItsDanSheehan

Image credits: damnitmadeline

Image credits: alexqarbuckle

Image credits: Pops__o

Image credits: JohnJohnPhenom

Image credits: X

Image credits: caitraft

Image credits: mariokartdwi

Image credits: TNOQuoProQuid

Image credits: AndieIsOnline

Image credits: xXnarcissistXx

Image credits: CaitCamelia

Image credits: Iilithsternin

Image credits: LAlNLAlN

Image credits: joannesbitch

Image credits: mlstrat

Image credits: adamgreattweet

Image credits: ChristGrec

Image credits: BalloonFlavour

Image credits: musicstruggles1

Image credits: anammostarac

Image credits: _brincess1

Image credits: bohrmagnezone

Image credits: ashhhhhhole

Image credits: Chilis

Image credits: kemimarie

Image credits: _chase_____

Image credits: anxiousdeluxe

Image credits: estebeanie

Image credits: mekosoff

Image credits: elaifresh