In their day-to-day life, people tend to go with the flow and take things for granted. However, what your eyes see and what’s real doesn’t always match up. And just because your stomach starts a-rumbling when you see something delicious doesn’t mean that it’s actually edible. Welcome to the weird world of ‘forbidden food.’
Our team here at Bored Panda has cherry-picked some of the most impactful images from all over the internet where completely inedible things look like food. That sandwich over there? Look closer—that’s a rock. That slice of bacon? A mouth-watering crystal. And, no, those aren’t olives next to that pizza… Scroll down to see some impressive examples of forbidden food.
Warning: you might start getting strangely hungry all of a sudden! Just… don’t end up nibbling on any rocks! Promise?
Bored Panda reached out to Glenn Geher, Ph.D., who shed some light on the food human beings are naturally attracted to from an evolutionary history perspective. Dr. Geher is a professor of Psychology at the State University of New York at New Paltz and a published author. You'll find our full interview with him as you read on.
#1 Today At The Beach I Found A Rock That Looked Like A Sandwich

Image credits: ellieck
"For the lion’s share of human evolutionary history, the only foods that existed were natural foods. So on one hand, it makes sense that we would be attracted to foods that have a resemblance to natural foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables are examples," Dr. Geher explained to Bored Panda in an email.
"On the other hand, humans are omnivores. And from an evolutionary perspective, omnivores have an interesting approach to food. Omnivores evolved a curiosity regarding a variety of foods. This is why sometimes an omnivore will taste something that they may have never had before just to see if it tastes good and might be edible," he said.
"I would say for this reason, humans evolved to be open to eating foods with all kinds of visible features. We definitely tend to avoid things that are obviously overcooked or that are obviously rotten. But, again, we are omnivores. So humans are open to eating a variety of foods by nature."
#2 Forbidden Mentos

Image credits: Frostychica
#3 Forbidden Vampire Dippin' Dots (Frozen Blood From A Patient With An Incredibly Rare Blood Attribute)

Image credits: Zukazuk
Bored Panda was curious how people have been affected by the fact that, in modern times, they have plentiful and easily accessible food in developed nations. However, in the past, our ancestors lived under very different conditions.
"Humans evolved largely under conditions in which famine was common. Under such conditions, humans evolved to like food that would put fat cells on their bodies so as to help prepare for adverse conditions. We like foods that are very high in carbohydrates and salts because, in combination, these foods do that,” Dr. Geher said.
#4 My Used Soap Bar Looks Like Chicken Breast

Image credits: 4manarun
#5 Forbidden Chocolate (I Believe They Go Under Table's Legs To Prevent Scuffs)

Image credits: RIDE_THE_LIGHTNING32
#6 If This Wasn't A Bar Of Soap, It'd Make A Great Piece Of Steak

Image credits: kiwehhhhh
"Under ancestral conditions, such food preferences were healthy and adaptive. Under modern conditions, however, the world is not always matched to those ancestral conditions. Today, we have many processed foods that are extremely high in carbohydrates and salt (think doughnuts!)," he explained.
"People still tend to like foods like this because our ancestral tendencies have not had time to evolve in a way to match modern conditions— conditions under which food is plentiful. This is partly why we often prefer foods such as cookies, even if these foods tend to be very unhealthy today. This is a classic example of what we call evolutionary mismatch."
#7 Forbidden Steak (Tree Trunk)

Image credits: PETA_Gaming
#8 House Cleaner… Whose Idea Was This?

Image credits: raviolicondom
#9 Forbidden Ice Cream Sandwich

Image credits: Carnalvore86
One of the main lessons to learn from this post is that you should never ever exclusively rely on just one of your senses to make sense of the world. When your senses work in concert, you get a far more nuanced picture of reality than when you’re left using just one of them as a crutch.
Now, pair that up with an instinct NOT to taste anything before fully examining it and you’re golden. (And to be fair, we’re not judging anyone. Many of us have accidentally popped some home decor knick-knacks or potpourri into our mouths, thinking it was candy.)
In other words, before you take a big juicy bite out of whatever tasty treat you’ve found in a decorative bowl at your friends, examine it. Sure, it might look like candy, but does it smell like it? What does the thing feel like? What’s its texture and weight? If you take just a bit of time to examine the thing, you’ll probably quickly realize that it’s not edible at all. In other words, you’ve found an example of forbidden food. Snap a pic and share it online. There are lots of online communities that love things like this.
#10 Forbidden Ice Cream Cone

Image credits: Otherwise-Throat613
#11 Forbidden Froot Loops

Image credits: PYROxSYCO
#12 This Stacked Rock Formation

Image credits: SalazarRED
Many of us have been taught in school that there are five main senses: seeing, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Then there’s the mystical ‘sixth sense’ that fans of the paranormal mention when talking about intuition. Real life is far more complex than just that.
Our perceptions are very literally in our heads. “You don’t experience sensations with your sense organs. You experience them with your brain,” BBC Science Focus explains.
Truth be told, we have way more senses than we’ve been taught. Those five main senses we’ve mentioned? They’re known as exteroperceptive senses. In short, your exteroperceptive senses provide information about the world that’s external to us.
According to the BBC, your body also has lots of receptors inside that register things you’re generally not aware of. Like the beating of your heart, the expanding of your lungs, what’s going on in your stomach, etc. These get grouped up into what’s called interoception, as it’s related to your interior world (aka what’s inside of you).
#13 Forbidden Ham Slices (It’s Soap)

Image credits: Money_Membership3580
#14 Forbidden Peeled Oranges

Image credits: revenge_for_greedo
#15 Nothing Like Practically Starting From Scratch With Forbidden Noodles

Image credits: tisbutastitch
The science of sensing is fairly nuanced. Most people don’t tend to think of things like feeling temperature to be a sense, even though we have receptors for this. Meanwhile, some receptors are used for different things.
One example of this would be your retinas. Yes, they’re directly related to your sight. However, retinal cells also let you know whether it’s day or night, which is essential for your circadian rhythm, metabolism, and sleep/waking cycle.
In the meantime, your body’s functions can affect how your senses interact with the world. The BBC explains that when your heart contracts, pushing blood out to your arteries, your brain actually takes in less visual information from your environment. In other words, the beating of your heart affects your sight. Your interior literally affects how you perceive what’s external to you. But that’s not all. Your brain also predicts what you might see before you actually see it based on your previous experiences.
Your brain typically doesn’t rely on just one group of receptors to construct what you know as senses. In practical terms, look at something like the flavor of food. Sure, there’s the gustatory (aka taste) data to consider. But that’s not enough. Your brain also considers olfactory (aka smell) data. Furthermore, it looks at the information gained from touch and temperature to distinguish whether food is wet.
#16 Visiting China And Found These Stones That Look Like Pork Belly

Image credits: minutemaiding
#17 Forbidden Bacon

Image credits: ExoticCrystals
#18 Forbidden Honey (Untouched Violin Rosin)

Image credits: Musicferret
According to the ‘Sensory Trust’ charity, depending on how you classify things, you can have as many as 21 senses. That’s jaw-dropping! On top of that, if you consider things like hunger and thirst, you could technically have even more.
Among all the different senses, you have things like thermoception (sensing heat), nociception, (perceiving pain), equilibrioception (related to feeling balance), and proprioception (the perception of body awareness, e.g., touching your nose with your eyes closed). Some researchers go even further beyond.
#19 This Shampoo In Italy Looks So Much Like Orange Juice They Tell You Not To Drink It

Image credits: kappadevin
#20 Someone Ate The Forbidden Cheese At My Gym

Image credits: sheumchneveli
#21 Forbidden Grapes

Image credits: diveonfire
Michael J. Cohen, an eco-psychologist, even argues that human beings have 53 senses. He classifies the senses into four categories.
The first group includes the radiation senses, such as sensing color and temperature.
The second category includes the feeling senses, from sensing gravity and air to wind pressure and motion.
#22 Forbidden Fruit Snacks (They Are Scent Chips - Scents Compacted Into A Small Wax Shape That Are Melted On Wax Melters To Release A Specific Scent)

Image credits: Toonlesia2
#23 If You Like Watermelon Jolly Rancher's, Then This Is The Soap For You

Image credits: therainyremedy
#24 No-No Minties

Image credits: grzesiolpl
The third category, according to Cohen, includes chemical senses like hunger (for food, water, or air), as well as your relationship with pheromones.
The fourth and final category includes mental senses such as external and internal pain, mental or spiritual distress, a sense of self, as well as your relationships with other people, and even your psychic capacity.
Cohen argues that your senses are meant to help you survive in the natural world. However, in the modern world, your senses end up either over-sensitive or atrophied, leading to stress and anxiety.
#25 Get The Strawberry Flavor

Image credits: satansfloorbuffer
#26 Pink Lake, Melbourne. Recently Saw This And Can Honestly Say The Water Really Looks Like Strawberry Milk

Image credits: OliverRuan
#27 These Were Cheaper Than Your Standard Plastic Trays, But Now My Seed Starters Just Kind Of Look Like Chocolate Cake

Image credits: ErosLovelorn
So, dear Pandas, we’ve got to know: have you ever tried to eat something that was clearly inedible even though it looked like it was food?
Have you ever accidentally tasted forbidden food? How quickly did you realize your mistake? Which of the things we’ve featured in this list would genuinely have tricked you into having a bite?
Let us know in the comments! And remember: don’t eat rocks!
#28 Spaghetti On A Conveyor Belt

Image credits: bigdave562lb
#29 Forbidden Flying Dorito

Image credits: heterocera05
#30 Forbidden Honey

Image credits: hanakage
#31 Forbidden Chia Seeds (Frog Eggs)

Image credits: SatanicJewggalo
#32 Forbidden Food. I Saw This At An Art Museum I Went To Today

Image credits: rockys.trash
#33 Forbidden Twizzlers

Image credits: penguinbiscotti
#34 I Guess I Don't Have To Mop The Floor With The Cursed Spaghetti Anymore

Image credits:
#35 Mentos Shampoo And Conditioner, Brazil

Image credits: AnitaKK
#36 Forbidden Candies From The Dispenser

Image credits: devinup
#37 Forbidden Toast (It's Insulation Foam I Think)

Image credits: Huesan
#38 Forbidden Olive

Image credits: Substantial-Peak4524
#39 Croissants Have Just Been Baked

Image credits: amaccho5160
#40 I Made A Blanket That Rolls Up To Look Like Sushi

Image credits: HealTHCareEmbroidery
#41 Saw These Non-Edible "Bath Dusts" At Walmart. Seems Like A Bad Idea

Image credits: lancert
#42 Forbidden Juice Aisle (Fabuloso Multi-Purpose Cleaners)

Image credits: Raptavis
#43 Forbidden Hotdogs

Image credits: hoover0623
#44 Forbidden Olives

Image credits: EarthLaunch
#45 Forbidden Snack

Image credits: undead_science_
#46 Forbidden Boba

Image credits: Watchman_1029
#47 This Plant Looks Like A Giant Asparagus

Image credits:
#48 Forbidden Milk

Image credits: Capta1nzomb1e
#49 Forbidden Sushi

Image credits: htraptor
#50 Mmm, I Can't Wait To Try This Delicious-Looking, Ammonia-Free Tub Of Ice Cream

Image credits: Zentaurion
#51 This Rock Looks Like A Filet

Image credits: Music_man_man
#52 Forbidden Chicken Breast

Image credits: RangoonShow
#53 Forbidden Soda (Lava Lamp Bottle)

Image credits: Badcat888
#54 Forbidden Tequila Sunrise

Image credits: VariableFlame
#55 Forbidden Latte

Image credits:
#56 Forbidden A5 Japanese Wagyu Steak (This Is A "Grow Your Own Dinosaur" Toy After 4 Years Of Being In A Jar)

Image credits: No_Fault
#57 Forbidden Cake

Image credits: va-lentina
#58 Never Eat A Mushroom You Can’t 100% Identify. That Said, Mm, Donut

Image credits: youreanemone
#59 Me And My Sister Were Talking About How These Little Glittery Decorative Balls Look So Satisfying To Bite Into And My 15-Year-Old Niece Walks Up And Bites One In Half
She now has glitter in her braces but says it was in fact satisfying. A real “teenagers scare the living hell out of me” moment.

Image credits: toucansammi
#60 Forbidden Bacon

Image credits: possumgal0808
#61 Forbidden Blueberry Fell Off My Office Chair

Image credits: pickle133hp
#62 Forbidden Oreos

Image credits: Journeyman12
#63 Forbidden Ice Cream Sandwich

Image credits: DazedPoochini
#64 Forbidden Gummies

Image credits: FlyingFilip
#65 Forbidden Nachos

Image credits: Ivan_Trenikhin
#66 Forbidden Grilled Fish

Image credits: ShadoWritr
#67 Forbidden Carrot

Image credits: CodyKyle
#68 Forbidden Flan

Image credits: gibagger
#69 Forbidden Hot Sauce

Image credits: MemeGuy69420
#70 I Want To Eat These Packing Peanuts. They Look Like Crispy Marshmallows

Image credits: ivansgospl
#71 Forbidden Pizza

Image credits: cloudsmiles
#72 This Block Of Crystal I Saw In Vienna Looks Like A Big Block Of Tuna

Image credits: statsradiofonien_
#73 Forbidden Guacamole

Image credits: PrettyThrowAway21
#74 Anyone Remember Sour Altoids?

Image credits:
#75 Forbidden Chocolate Frosty

Image credits: spyder994
#76 Forbidden Blackberries

Image credits: Watchtvordie
#77 Forbidden Cheese Puffs

Image credits: Peaanut
#78 This Brick Wall That Looks Like Medium-Rare Steaks

Image credits: 1826551
#79 Forbidden Hawaiian Sweet Rolls

Image credits: Redfairylee
#80 I Melted Down All My Old Candles - Got A Forbidden Brownie Instead

Image credits: SgianDubh
#81 These Gem-Shaped Stacking Crayons Look So Delicious

Image credits: crowpierrot
#82 Forbidden Peanut Butter (Cool Rocks All Over My Yard In Northwest Arkansas)

Image credits:
#83 Girlfriend Had A Geode And Let Me Smash It. It Looks Like Forbidden Sushi

Image credits: Dragneta_Wish
#84 This Year's Wax Cappings Are Rendered. They Look Like Forbidden Cheese Wheels

Image credits: Phonochrome
#85 Weird Rock That Looks Like A Forbidden Cauliflower. Found In The Backyard

Image credits: harrypottersimp
#86 I Found Some Red Jasper (A Type Of Rock) And It Looks Like A Rare Steak

Image credits: Paper_McGibblets
#87 A Perfectly Roasted Marshmallow

Image credits: BioLo109
#88 Forbidden Burrito

Image credits: Necro_Critic
#89 Mmm, IKEA-Brand Cookie Crisp

Image credits: bednarzhusarz
#90 Forbidden Banana (Elderberry Rust (Fungus) Found In Our Yard)

Image credits: Fine_Understanding81
#91 Forbidden Rice Krispies Treat I Found In The Ocean

Image credits: JackOfAllMemes
#92 Take A Break With A Giant KitKat

Image credits: RidiIcarus
#93 Forbidden Butter

Image credits: ducks_in_space_
#94 Forbidden Bubble/Boba Tea

Image credits:
#95 Homemade Transformer. Came With A Box Of Junk Parts I Bought. A Forbidden Donut

Image credits: m_user_name
#96 Found This In The Arkansas River In Buena Vista, Colorado, USA. Rough On The Sides, Weirdly Smooth On The Top And Bottom. It Looks Like Forbidden Chocolate

Image credits: Dookalignmike
#97 Forbidden Sprinkles (Braille Balls)

Image credits: Enby_Rin
#98 Dishwasher Tablets At My Mother's House Look Like Candies

Image credits: ArmedChalko
#99 Is This Where Cinnamon Comes From?

Image credits: fosphoto1999
#100 This Rock Looks Like An English Muffin

Image credits: Grape_Pedialyte
#101 Forbidden Tampico

Image credits: mistorWhiskers
#102 In Today's Art vs. Garbage: Forbidden Ramen

Image credits: sneffyrobo
#103 Guys, Hear Me Out, Forbidden Tempura

Image credits: ringodingoflamingo
#104 Yellow Plastic Balls (Forbidden Eggs) In A White Plaster-Like Material Found In A Middle Of Nowhere At Norwegian Fjord. It Looks Like Someone Tried To Burn Them

Image credits: adorrrable-compote
#105 My Bath Salt Looks Really Tasty. It Looks Like It Would Taste Like Dippin' Dots. It's A Type Of Japanese Carbonated Bath Additive, Not Technically A Salt

Image credits: MarshyMiao
#106 Pepper Jack Cheese

Image credits:
#107 Forbidden Grape

Image credits:
#108 Forbidden Raisin (What 5 Lbs Of Fat (Made Of Rubber) Looks Like In Your Hand)

Image credits: Th3FakeFatSunny
#109 Forbidden Sunflower Seeds

Image credits: ian_hode
#110 Forbidden Sushi Rolls

Image credits: Giotakete
#111 Delicious Sushi

Image credits: SpecularBlinky
#112 These Look Tasty As Hell To Me

Image credits: Condimentarian
#113 This Pal Is Known As A Key-Lime Pie Plant, But I Think It Looks More Like Ravioli

Image credits: rockandplant
#114 Forbidden Avocado

Image credits: artur.janaczek