Gift giving could be considered an art form; while some people don’t care for it, others could spend countless hours trying to find the best present for each of their loved ones, and their work often leaves the latter in awe. Whether because of how funny, thoughtful, or surprising the gifts are, it’s clear that their personal Santa really put time and effort into it.
Today, we want to celebrate such people, so we combed through the internet to find some of the best examples of gift giving done well. Scroll down to find pictures of everything from Nicolas Cage-themed presents to touching gestures and creative wrapping, and get yourself into the holiday spirit.
Below you will also find insight on Santa and winter celebrations, shared with Bored Panda by the author of several books on the gift-bearing character, expert in children’s rights, and Professor of Healthcare Studies at Salem State University, Yvonne M. Vissing.
#1 As A Joke, I Said I Wanted A Painting Of My Dog. Received This As An Early Christmas Present

Image credits: Deseptikons
#2 “Shirtception” - My Favorite Gift Every Year From My Brother. We’re Now At Level 9

Image credits: GeorgieWashington
#3 My Mother-In-Law's Christmas Gift To Me

Image credits: BitterFuture
While looking for gifts for our loved ones, we usually hope to find something they would really enjoy or would find useful (or would at least have a good laugh about, as quite a few recipients of the gifts on this list likely did). But as fun as gifts are, no matter how big or small, they are just a part of what makes the holidays special.
According to the author of several books on Santa, expert in children’s rights, and Professor of Healthcare Studies at Salem State University, Yvonne M. Vissing, the joyful season should be all about community building and interpersonal bonding. “That is the spirit of joy and loving kindness that we should cultivate all year around,” she told Bored Panda in a recent interview. “It has little to do with presents, but gifts can be symbolic representation of the fact we care.”
#4 This Clock I Won In My Family’s Evil Santa Gift Exchange

Image credits: ComradeJohnS
#5 Best Christmas Gift Ever, Thanks Ma

Image credits: frogman972
In many people’s heads, giving gifts is associated with Santa Claus, the beloved character in a red suit that might bring you something special for Christmas, if you were good throughout the year. But according to the expert, the character emerged during the winter solstice celebrations in order to bond the community together—to share food, play games, sing, basically to keep up the spirits and help people through the difficult dark times.
“Santas by different names have always emerged around the globe,” Vissing told Bored Panda. “Despite our differences, all around the world we have much more in common than we may think.”
#6 As An Early Christmas Gift, My Sister’s Boyfriend Got Her A Renaissance Portrait Of Their Dog. I Think He Chose The Perfect Picture

Image credits:
#7 I Used Wrapping Paper To Make A Bike For My Girlfriend
She has some really nice gifts in there, she also has no interest in bikes so I thought it would be funny to make one just to see her reaction. There is a whole lotta stuff in there: candles, tarot cards, a photo book, a necklace, and LED lights.

Image credits: SeanM2020
#8 This Grandpa Gave All 11 Of His Grandkids The Best Gifts

Image credits: terryyates69
In her book, “Re-Imagine Santa”, the author emphasized that gatherings and communal celebrations—even if in different shapes or forms—would take place in numerous locations around the world; and while no two are exactly the same, they all boast the same message of unity.
Vissing pointed out that some of the main winter festivals revolved around the Winter Solstice. Marking the shortest day of the year (falling on the 21st of December in the Northern hemisphere), it put emphasis on the fact that the darkest time was over and provided hope that easier times were coming.
#9 Hubby Just Received This Through The Mail. A Christmas Present From A Colleague

Image credits: Im_a_knitiot
#10 Best Christmas Gift I’ve Ever Received

Image credits: rachelmc923
#11 I Wrapped My Nephew’s Gifts Like Super Mario Blocks

Image credits: 0SaturatedFats
According to Dr. Vissing, there was a wide range of winter solstice type of festivals around the world in the ancient days. For instance, people in Japan would celebrate Amaterasu in order to commemorate the sun goddess who emerged from seclusion in a cave and restored sunlight in the world.
The Saami people of Scandinavia would take part in the Beiwe Festival to worship Beiwe, the sun goddess of fertility and sanity who would reportedly travel through the sky in a structure made of reindeer bones, herding back the greenery.
The Kalash people in Pakistan would commemorate winter solstice by celebrating Chawmos—a festivity dedicated to appreciating nature, the deities, and the community, among other things, which would mark the start of new year.
#12 The Big Present On The Right Is My Gift To My Brother’s Family And The Big Present On The Left Is My Mom’s Gift To My Brother’s Family And I’m 100% Sure We Got Them The Same Thing
A third identical present has entered the chat. Sure enough! Wagons for everyone!

Image credits: hello__caitlin
#13 Showed My Daughter-In-Law A Post Here A While Back Of This Mug And This Is The Christmas Gift She Gave Me Today

Image credits: biaorosco
#14 I Wrapped Our White Elephant Gifts In The Shape Of Toilet And A Giant Plunger
Inside the toilet was a cute cat coffee cup and a box of hot chocolate mix, and inside the plunger was a fun wine bottle opener that looked like a bat with some lottery scratch-offs.

Image credits: LeftClique
The list of winter solstice celebrations continues with Goru celebrated by the Dogon people of Mali, Inti Raymi by the Incas in South America, Junkanoo in the Bahamas and Jamaica, Maruaroa o Takurua by the Maori people in New Zealand, Sewy Yelda celebrated by some Kurdish peoples, and many more.
There are clearly many winter holidays that would encourage people to get together during the dark months of winter back in the day, as there still are now, which makes it a special time for people with or without gifts. But for many of them around the world, gift-bearing Santa Claus is an integral part of the winter holidays.
#15 Christmas Present From My Hilarious, Insightful, Very Wise Colleague

Image credits: HITeaWithGrace
#16 I Got Tired Of Giving Envelopes With Gift Cards In Them. This Year, Everyone Gets A Paper Mache Animal Filled With Candy (And A Gift Card)

Image credits: mistertinker
#17 My Sister Used Her Old-School Notes To Wrap Her Gifts This Year

Image credits: lyssyl
“Santa means different things to us at different ages,” Prof. Vissing suggested. “For young children, he is a transitional character to learn that people care and watch out for you, which you may not realize, and that giving to one another can be joyful. Inspiring children to make things, sing, cook, and find joy together is the big focus—more on giving than getting; the emphasis in regards of getting is the delight we feel when we think about others and put effort for them.”
#18 My Wife Is A Teacher And Just Received This Gift From A Young Student Who Is Still Learning English

Image credits: eSentrik
#19 I Found This Year's White Elephant Gift

Image credits: Duckwarden
#20 I Got This In The Mail Today In A Suspicious Package, Roommates Were Lowkey Freaking Out
I already got a mug that I assume was from my Secret Santa but I'm gonna guess this is also from my Secret Santa. If it is, thanks!

Image credits: schrodingerspoison
The expert continued to point out that teenagers often use Santa and the holidays to bond and frolic, while new parents, for instance, turn to Santa to rediscover sweet moments of their childhood and to help their little ones to realize that there is goodness and magic in the world.
“Older people view Santa as a legacy to be carried out and receive pleasure by thinking how to teach children that they are loved and are always cared about, and that they should see the world for the glorious and amazing place it is,” Vissing said.
#21 My 12-Year-Old Picked This Shirt Out For Her Papaw For Christmas. He's So Proud To Wear It

Image credits: ringodesu
#22 My Group Got Me This Hilarious Home Alone-Themed Christmas Present. I'm Still Impressed By How They Tricked Me Into Taking A Picture In That Kevin McCallister Pose Without Knowing

Image credits: DrMikeBooth
#23 This Is My First Time Participating In The Secret Santa Exchange And I Had No Idea What To Expect
My Secret Santa completely blew my face off and these treats will surely be gone in 60 seconds.

Image credits: PncheGordo
Whether it’s Santa bringing the presents, your grandmother wrapping up your annual subscription of mittens, or your friend Steven giggling as he’s putting down the gift he spent weeks planning into your outstretched arms, it’s important to remember that any gift is a token of appreciation and symbol of togetherness. So, during the festive season, as you celebrate whatever winter festivity it is that you are celebrating, don’t forget to share the joy with those around you and put them into the holiday spirit the way this list hopefully put you.
#24 I Had An Idea For The Office White Elephant And I Turned It Into An Office Suite Of Art

Image credits: CachalotTheUnlikely
#25 I Just Got The Best Christmas Gift. Not The One I Wanted, But The One I Needed

Image credits: soneill91
#26 My Mom's Christmas Present This Year, Painted By Me

Image credits: chewcok
#27 As A Dad, I Have Ascended. Best Christmas Gift Ever

Image credits: Ocmrm
#28 I Had To Wrap A Golf Club So I Turned It Into A Giant Lollipop

Image credits: coocooforcoconut
#29 My Wife Loves Movies, But Dislikes Unnecessary Sexual Scenes. This Is A Gift She Got From Some Work Friends

Image credits: andymannoh
#30 Thank You Santa For This. Hopefully, Now I Won't Be Running Late All The Time

Image credits: Monsieur-Lemon
#31 My 16-Year-Old Nephew's Christmas Present

Image credits: anon20192019
#32 This Is How I Wrapped The Christmas Present For My Boyfriend (He Really Likes Cats And The Gift Was Also Cat-Themed)

Image credits: Veroneekaa
#33 I Put My Coworker Fred On A Redbull For Christmas Gifts And Passed Them Out To The Entire Company

Image credits:
#34 I Got A Hodor Door Stopper. I Had A Good Laugh Opening This Gift. Thanks, Santa

Image credits: mae_day_
#35 Magnet Santa Has A Great Sense Of Humor

Image credits: CreepyEntrepreneur
#36 I Made A McDonald's Meal Out Of Banknotes To Give My Father-In-Law For Christmas

Image credits: mellamoderek
#37 Being The Older Brother On Christmas (Again)

Image credits: robbiecadetmusic
#38 How Do You All Like My Gift This Year?

Image credits: iiAmTheAnimal
#39 My Little Sister Is Obsessed With The Office So I Made This Box Full Of Inside Jokes For Her For Christmas

Image credits: haughtycandy
#40 One Of The Mom's Christmas Gifts This Year

Image credits: Estropelic
#41 My Stepdad Said He Wanted Nothing For Christmas. I Made Him This

Image credits: Nintenfoxy1983
#42 An Old Lady At One Of The Facilities I Work At Got This For Christmas

Image credits: kreepysol
#43 Ceramic Bowl. Upping My White Elephant Game

Image credits: nomanknowsme
#44 Received The Last Part Of My Secret Santa Gift. He Thought It Would Be Helpful For When I Start Teaching

Image credits: jmusarah
#45 I Got A Life-Size (6’5") Jeremy Clarkson Cardboard Cutout For Christmas, What Should I Do With It?

Image credits: The-Holy-Sheep-14
#46 This Christmas Ornament And Card I Got From Mint Mobile

Image credits: TheWolrd
#47 The Most Hilarious Christmas Gift Ever

Image credits: YeshaCallahan
#48 You Can’t Tell What I Got My Dad For Christmas

Image credits: Goatonaboat_
#49 My Mom Did Tell Me Christmas Was Going To Be Different For Me This Year

Image credits: avenga24
#50 Fish Sandals I Got For Christmas

Image credits: Deletethespageet