Choosing between thousands of boy dog names for new baby is a challenge – but a fun one! Naming your dog may be one of the most important parts of getting a new dog or bringing home a new puppy. But you've got to get it right: you'll probably find yourself calling the name you choose a million times over the lifetime of your dog.
Some people opt to pick up a book of baby names, while others name their pooch after their favorite TV or movie character, but if you're a bit stumped, we've collected some of our favorite names below. If you want a strong male name, a unique male name or just want to trawl through the alphabet, we've got you covered.
Tips for choosing a male dog name
1. Choose something you don’t mind shouting in a busy park
When choosing a name for your new male dog, it should be something you don't mind other people hearing you shout. Your dog won't know what his name means, but if you can't tolerate stares, frowns or tutting from strangers, it's best to avoid anything offensive or controversial. It may seem funny to begin with, but it'll get old very quickly.
2. Choose the sounds and syllables carefully
Dogs respond well to names ending in vowel sounds, which tend to be extended when we call for our furry friend. "Archie" becomes "Archiee" for instance. A two-syllable name with hard consonants is the easiest for your dog to hear and learn, but if you really must name him after your favorite movie star, you can still train your dog to respond to something slightly longer.
3. Avoid anything confusing
If your dog's name sounds too close to a command, they may get confused: avoid something like "Pete" if you want your dog to understand and respond to the word "treat".
Most popular boy dog names of 2024
Here are the most popular boy dog names of 2024 according to the American Kennel Club.
- Milo
- Max
- Teddy
- Charlie
- Cooper
- Bear
- Toby
- Finn
- Tucker
- Ollie

Strong male dog names
If you want a dog name that feels inspiring, these strong dog names are traditionally masculine.
- Bruce
- Churchill
- Brutus
- Thor
- Spike
- Major
- Duke
- Zeus
- Gunner
- Rocket
- Hero
Unique male dog names
If you're looking for a unique name for your dog (there's nothing worse than yelling “Fido!” and every Fido in the park appearing at your feet), we've collected some for your consideration.
- Goblin
- Hamlet
- Gatsby
- Norman
- Carlton
- Guinness
- Balloo
- Sherlock
- Taco
- Arlo

Male dog names A-Z
If none of the above names tickle your fancy, here's an A-Z of suggestions to help you choose.
- Alfie, Archie, Albie
- Bingo, Bobby, Bowser
- Chico, Chance, Comet
- Darcy, Dusty, Dougie
- Eddie, Echo, Elmo
- Fozzie, Frankie, Frodo
- Gizmo, Goose, Ghost
- Harper, Herby, Harry
- Iggy, Indy, Inky
- Jasper, Jackson, Jagger
- Kodak, Kobi, Kenny
- Louis, Lando, Larry
- Morty, Momo, Midnight
- Nacho, Nemo, Nelson
- Ozzy, Ocho, Otter
- Parker, Percy, Pluto
- Quirky, Quince, Quattro
- Reggie, Ronald, Rascal
- Sammy, Stanley, Sawyer
- Tonto, Travis, Tommy
- Uno, Usher, Uzi
- Viggo, Valentine, Vegas
- Winston, Winslow, Wilbur
- Xander, Xavier, Xerxes
- Yoyo, Yogi, Yuki
- Zero, Ziggy, Zippy
Getting a new dog soon? Here are some first-time dog owner tips to help you on your way and here’s how you can be the best dog owner you possibly can