There are some junctions across Nottinghamshire that drivers dread even going near, let alone having to negotiate safely. These can include turning across dual carriageways, traffic lights not having a right-turn filter light or some just being exceptionally busy.
And there are some across the county that seem to be much worse than others. After speaking to local residents, a driving instructor, a taxi driver and looking at crash data, Nottinghamshire Live has compiled a list of 10 of the trickiest and most hated junctions from across the county.
This list is unofficial, and if you can think of any that may be missing, get in touch with us to let us know. The following list is in order from junctions starting in the south of the county, working up through to the north.
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A52 Gamston Lings Bar Road / Tollerton Lane, A52 Gamston Lings Bar Road / Ambleside - Gamston
These two junctions can be grouped together because of how close they are to each other. The A52 / Tollerton Lane junction is on the list because, according to data from website, there has been two fatal accidents and two serious incidents in the past five years there.
A52 / Ambleside is also on the list as driving instructor Janet Cheetham, a driving instructor who runs Amazing Driving School, described it as a "nightmare". To turn onto Ambleside from the A52, a 50mph direction of dual carriageway must be crossed, and it's the same for traffic turning right onto the A52 from Ambleside.

A6011 Radcliffe Road / Davies Road - West Bridgford
Some residents that live in the vicinity of this junction have voiced concerns about it, especially for motorists looking to turn right across the dual carriageway from Davies Road. One said it could be "improved" to be made more safe.
Paul Clinton, 38, who lives in the area, said: "It can be difficult getting out at times, and the new speed limit is not as well signposted as it could be. The junction could be improved to make it safer to get in and out of."
Others have said they avoid the junction completely, and there is more of an issue with the volume of traffic more than anything else.
Helen Caldwell, 44, who lives on Brockley Road, said: "I've not seen any near misses or anything like that, it feels OK. Having said that, I don't turn right out of the junction because of how tricky it is, I cut down or use the roundabout."
John Booth, 76, who lives on Davies Road, said: "I've not seen any problems at all to be honest with you at the junction itself. I have seen cyclists fly down here since the laws changed though, and one hit a bump, came off and had to go to hospital.
"There is traffic from 5pm onwards in the evenings."
Nottinghamshire County Council was contacted for comment.

A60 Mansfield Road / Forest Road East / Mapperley Road - Nottingham City
There have been a couple of serious incidents at this junction in the past five years, and turning in certain directions is not allowed, meaning longer routes are needed to travel in the desired direction. But Nottingham taxi driver Azeem Hanif says this can become a dangerous junction at night.
He said: "If you're driving into the city at night, you see quite a few cars driving fast. It's not usually as bad during the day though."
B686 Burton Road / Cavendish Drive - Carlton
This junction was picked out by Ms Cheetham, who says turning out of Cavendish Drive in Carlton onto B686 Burton Road can be a problem. If turning onto the main road, a stone wall can block the view of a bend.
She said: "Coming out of there, it's almost like a blind corner because of a stone wall, and it's tight. There's no mirror opposite either, so it can be hard to see if there's anything coming."
A6514 Valley Road / Vernon Road / Radford Road, A6514 Valley Road / Nottingham Road - Basford
These again can be grouped together because of their proximity to one another. The A6514 Valley Road / Vernon Road / Radford Road junction has had four serious accidents there in the past five years.
Mr Hanif also picked out these two junctions among the first he mentioned because of how busy they are too, with around 30,000 vehicles crossing the junction every day. This stretch is set to get more congested, with planned roadworks closing part of the road from Monday (August 1).

A610 Nuthall Road / B6004 Broxtowe Lane / B6004 Stockhill Lane - Basford
There have been four serious accidents at this junction in the past five years, according to data from Motorists have to wait to be able to turn right from any direction.
A610 Nuthall Road is the main route from Nottingham that joins up to the M1. Congestion can get quite bad at this junction during peak times.
B684 Woodborough Road / Breck Hill Road - Mapperley
Turning right from Breck Hill Road and across on to B684 Woodborough Road can be tricky because of how busy the road is, and when turning right from the junction, two lanes have to be navigated across. It's busy at all hours of the day too, and with a Sainsbury's Local on the corner as well, problems don't just stop with vehicles.
Ms Cheetham said: "This one is really tight. As a pedestrian, I've nearly been knocked over by a bus that mounted the kerb."
B684 Plains Road / Central Avenue / Somersby Road - Mapperley
This junction is just up the B684 from the previous one, and while it not may be as well known as the Breck Hill one, there are two junctions either side of the main road, where motorists have the same issue while trying to turn right. There is a set of traffic lights just beyond the two junctions when travelling up the B684, but it is a pedestrian crossing.
Ms Cheetham picked this junction out as a particular tricky one. Especially for traffic trying to get from Central Avenue to Somersby Road, or vice versa, having to cross the B684 with only the pedestrian crossing lights to halt traffic.
A6514 Valley Road / Edwards Lane roundabout - Sherwood
This is the only roundabout to be featured on the list, but does so because of how tight it is. Although there are two lanes of traffic at all times around it, especially if travel continues in either direction on A6514 Valley Road, the lanes are narrow, and there usually seems to be a vehicle cutting across the inside lane.
Mr Hanif agrees. He said that although he appreciates it is a roundabout and not a junction, it is one he described in his opinion as "dangerous".
A38 Kings Mill Road East / B6022 Station Road - Sutton-in-Ashfield
The most northern junction on the list has seen one fatal accident and four serious happen in the past five years, the highest total number of incidents of any on this list, according to There are filter lanes to turn left in each direction onto the B6022 from the A38, but there are four lanes approaching the junction in each direction - one to turn left, two that go straight on and one that turns right.
For right turners, they must wait until the traffic has stopped, with no filter arrow. This is another junction that can also be especially busy at peak times.
Where are the worst junctions in Nottinghamshire? Have your say in the comments section below or email us at
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