The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards (CPWA), “most probably the world’s funniest photography competition,” according to the organizers, has released a series of funny images to kick off its 2022 competition.
Co-founded in 2015 by professional photographers Paul Joynson Hicks and Tom Sullam based on their passion for wildlife and decades of experience living and working in East Africa, the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards focus on the lighter side of wildlife photography to help promote conservation through humor.
The competition is free to enter and open to wildlife photography novices, amateurs and professionals who want to celebrate the hilarity of the natural world while highlighting the need to protect it.
Each year, the competition supports a sustainable conservation organization and in 2022 is collaborating with the Whitley Fund for Nature (WFN), a British charity that helps conservation leaders working in their home countries across the global South. Over 29 years, it has channeled £19 million to more than 200 conservationists in 80 countries.
Photographers can enter up to 10 images across six categories: Creatures of the Air, Creatures of the Land, Underwater Category, Video Category, Junior Category and Portfolio Category.
Closing date for entries is September 1, 2022. The main prize is a safari in the Maasai Mara in Kenya with Alex Walker's Serian.
Some call it puppy love. Others may barely have issue with calling it cubs in love...Either that, or one cub is scolding the other for pooping in the salad.
This blenny was sneakily hiding in, and peering out from the cleave of the corals, playing hide and seek with the divers. To capture this moment, it required stealth and patience, and finally...Gotcha!
“This monkey came to the yard of my house and I gave him bread, wrapped it in paper. After eating the bread, the monkey started ‘reading’ the newspaper,” the photographer explained.
“I had to wait quite a while for this Least Bittern bird to emerge,” Lyndhurst said, “but when it struck this pose, it was all worth it.”
“After trekking for several hours to reach this gorilla family, we were fortunate that there were several infants in the group,” said Beldegreen. “All their antics are interesting and entertaining, like this youngster involved in a ‘deep dive’ nose pick when Mom wasn't looking.”
"The Ministry of Silly Walks" is a sketch from the comedy television show Monty Python's Flying Circus,” said Reusens. “A satire on bureaucratic inefficiency, the sketch involves John Cleese as a bowler-hatted civil servant in a fictitious British government ministry responsible for developing silly walks through grants. This picture really reminded me of this awesome sketch.”
Ground squirrels live together in colonies. However, each one has its own burrow. Not infrequently, they’re jealous when a "neighbor” has something tasty to eat and it often ends in small quarrels. In this picture, one squirrel has found a barley corn and the gopher in the background wants to steal it from him.
Two brothers in the Masaai Mara and some lucky timing were the ingredients for a great comic shot. “It was the very first day of our trip to Kenya when we spotted two cheetah brothers just resting during sunset,” said Flores. “When one of them started rolling on the ground, I took my camera out and started shooting. The result is a cheetah cracking a lovely laugh.”
A fox jumped for a vole and aced the landing — but got stuck straight up for a few seconds — happily for McGuire.